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The ranting thinking thread

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
I ****ing DESPISE people, in all honesty. Especially these moronic bleeding heart liberal jackasses who've made Ahmed Mohamed aka the Clock Kid into a huge ****ing hero - to the point where actual question as to what truly happened can't even factor into their arguments. Like, for example:
  1. What his clock looked like. This is what it looked it. It looked like a ****ing bomb, dipshits.
  2. Made worse by the fact that when presenting the clock to the teachers, he didn't even tell them what it was. He would literally plunk the thing down on their desk and be all "What do you think?" He would only answer when they asked.
  3. That part? It was also corroborated by the students. Why would random kids who had no idea who he was say the same thing?
  4. He showed that thing to teachers that he didn't even have. In the case of the English teacher, it wasn't even his teacher. He just literally walked into her classroom, and showed her a clock that looked like a ****ing bomb saying nothing. And people are shocked - SHOCKED! - that she called the cops.
  5. Let's move onto that point now. Did the teacher and cops overreact? Not really. Not seeing as there was a Islamic extremist threat made 25 miles away from their area recently. They were twitchy because they had an actual brush up against the real deal.
  6. Ahmed's father is a Muslim rights activist. A rather well known one, in fact. Which means that his father knew how twitchy these people were, and sure as **** did Ahmed. But no. He thought it was a good idea to build a clock that looked like a ****ing bomb, and then present it to a bunch of random teachers with no context.
These are the facts. Seven hard facts that if you try to argue for or present, you're a racist Islamophobe. Because you don't agree with the bleeding heart liberal jackasses for crucifying the cops and the teachers for doing precisely what they were supposed to.

Sound familiar? Because that's exactly what ****ing Republicans do all the time. Just goes to show no matter where you go, or who you vote for, absolutely everyone is a bigoted, biased dickstain.

**** all of you. It's not even about Ahmed or the cops or the teachers or even the godamn clock anymore. It's just about you all trying to make yourselves feel better.


Supporter 2014
Sound familiar? Because that's exactly what ****ing Republicans do all the time. Just goes to show no matter where you go, or who you vote for, absolutely everyone is a bigoted, biased *********.
This is what I've been saying for a good long while now.

Um... not trying to get into politics with you or anything like that.

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
This is what I've been saying for a good long while now.

Um... not trying to get into politics with you or anything like that.
Lol, it's fine. It's just....my Facebook wall got hammered with posts about people falling in love with this kid, and completely unwilling to look at ANY facts whatsoever.

It's the sort of stuff that upsets me on a personal level. A family member of mine was a victim of baseless crap, and it ended up giving me something of a jaded view of "law and justice."

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
Another reason I hate people? eBay bots. It's impossible to get what you want, or win any auctions, when you have these assholes who automatically program bots to outbid you by a dollar nanoseconds after you bid.


Elite Hunter
Went to the tobacconist to get my bus ticket and told her "I booked one online, got the code, bus ticket.", and she looks at me like "WTF is this guy even talking about? Bus tickets?"


Yes bus tickets! Hello? You don't know the services you provide? What the hell?


Fake Geek Girl.

F*cking this!


Well-known Member
My brother just friended on facebook the egocentric wife of his friend he became obsessed with after his own wife went the crazy route and for whom we are sincerely hoping he is not sleeping with. And yes, his wife is among his facebook friends too, and yes these two women know each other offline (and hate each other), given that both couples work for same company.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
My brother just friended on facebook the egocentric wife of his friend he became obsessed with after his own wife went the crazy route and for whom we are sincerely hoping he is not sleeping with. And yes, his wife is among his facebook friends too, and yes these two women know each other offline (and hate each other), given that both couples work for same company.

The joys of the 'Social Media' society we live in.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
So I'm just curious--do you get off on arguing semantics with people, or are you just bitter and projecting your unhappiness on other people? Regardless of the commas (which, by the way, your "correct" versions are nothing more than opinion. No seriously, go ahead--read some published novels, and try telling me you don't see them use some of the same comma placement and capitalization I do) all you really spent time doing was nitpicking over details to which you know little or nothing about.

As I recall, I apologized to you for the comment I left on your uh...*coughs* work, but if you're going to play the pretentious card with everyone you offer concrit to--unless I'm mistaken, you're no more successful than the next person--then I think I'm well within my rights to retract my apology.

Either learn to offer constructive criticism without adopting a superior attitude, or don't trouble yourself at all. Criticism I can handle; I have many times, in fact. What I can't abide are snide attitudes like yours. You're no better a writer than I am; don't kid yourself for one moment that it's otherwise. Therefore, if my work is making you "wince", save us both the trouble, and don't comment on it again. Thank you, have a nice day. :)


the horror was for love
So I'm just curious--do you get off on arguing semantics with people, or are you just bitter and projecting your unhappiness on other people? Regardless of the commas (which, by the way, your "correct" versions are nothing more than opinion. No seriously, go ahead--read some published novels, and try telling me you don't see them use some of the same comma placement and capitalization I do) all you really spent time doing was nitpicking over details to which you know little or nothing about.

As I recall, I apologized to you for the comment I left on your uh...*coughs* work, but if you're going to play the pretentious card with everyone you offer concrit to--unless I'm mistaken, you're no more successful than the next person--then I think I'm well within my rights to retract my apology.

Either learn to offer constructive criticism without adopting a superior attitude, or don't trouble yourself at all. Criticism I can handle; I have many times, in fact. What I can't abide are snide attitudes like yours. You're no better a writer than I am; don't kid yourself for one moment that it's otherwise. Therefore, if my work is making you "wince", save us both the trouble, and don't comment on it again. Thank you, have a nice day. :)

She's still bothering you? :/ She must be like Umbridge; she enjoys being holier-than-thou and causing others emotional pain. >_< With the mood I've been in lately, I'm almost hoping she'll come after me. >:) -sinister music-


the horror was for love
Trying to read through this fic and, oh my gods, it's boring. Even worse, it's a mess. Such a mess that I have no idea what's going on more than half way through the chapter. ...and this is the same chick who's going around, being an a-hole to every single person she reviews? Good lord, look at the hypocrisy.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Trying to read through this fic and, oh my gods, it's boring. Even worse, it's a mess. Such a mess that I have no idea what's going on more than half way through the chapter. ...and this is the same chick who's going around, being an a-hole to every single person she reviews? Good lord, look at the hypocrisy.

Lol, which one are you reading? I attempted to read her other one (you know, the one where she isn't being a complete snot), and I had the same problem. I might have actually read it all the way through too, and given honest feedback--positive alongside the "this is what needs work"--if she hadn't been the equivalent of a mouth sore.


the horror was for love
Lol, which one are you reading? I attempted to read her other one (you know, the one where she isn't being a complete snot), and I had the same problem. I might have actually read it all the way through too, and given honest feedback--positive alongside the "this is what needs work"--if she hadn't been the equivalent of a mouth sore.

I'm reading Games Immortals Play. :dead: It's...okay, but it needs so much work that I really don't know where to begin. Or even how I'm gonna finish any time soon (especially since I like to reread a chapter while I'm working on any concrit). I know what you mean...maybe that's why she has no comments on any of her stories? People want to say things, but they see how she acts to everyone and they don't want to have to deal with her?

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I'm reading Games Immortals Play. :dead: It's...okay, but it needs so much work that I really don't know where to begin. Or even how I'm gonna finish any time soon (especially since I like to reread a chapter while I'm working on any concrit). I know what you mean...maybe that's why she has no comments on any of her stories? People want to say things, but they see how she acts to everyone and they don't want to have to deal with her?

I thought that might be the one. Yeah, that's what I thought, too. The premise isn't bad, but it really makes you wonder where she gets off being such an insufferable douche to everyone else. The only reason I won't comment is because I'm certain she'll assume I'm "getting back at her", which wouldn't be the case. I'm still considering it regardless of what she thinks, but I'm not sure, yet. There are other stories I need to catch up on first, anyway. :p


the horror was for love
@Shadow @Rebel Dynasty Wow, I don't even..... Now my curiosity has been peaked. Whom is this person of which you speak of. Sounds she need to take her own advice when it comes to writing. Makes me want to find her works too...
@Rebel Dynasty and @Shadow I want to know who this person is too, and which site this is happening on so I can avoid them.

This person: http://www.sparkatale.com/users/view/546 :/

I get that we're both healers on the same team but you don't get to suddenly pretend you can't heal anyone just because I thought to level up my healing before any other ability. We lost because of your inability to help the rest of the team. I mean, ffs, if you don't like me that's fine, but, at the very least, heal the others. If you wanted to be one of the main fighters, you should have picked a different class. :/
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