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The ranting thinking thread


Earthbound Immortal
You know that i eat everything. and you know that my brothers don't. and yet you always come to me and ask me what should we have for dinner. and when i give you an answer you always say "But your brother doesn't eat this or doesn't love that.". WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO ASK MY F***ING BROTHER WHAT HE WANT TO EAT instead of wasting my F***ing time?:mad:
I had something similar with my parents. I have Hypoguesia, so my 'rents would always ask "Don't you want something other than fish and chips tonight?" And my response was always the same, "I will eat whatever makes you happy, but to me it will all taste the same." At least they were proud I wasn't a fussy eater like the other kids.


Elite Hunter
To male bullshitters: stop with your "weaker sex" crap towards women. High time you understand that's bullshit. In my gym there are girls who can beat me and you to a pulp. Because they're faster, they're smarter, they're better fit. Try say that in front of them.

To female bullshitters: stop with your "equality between sexes" crap. Because what you want is not equality, it's female superiority, and that makes you no different than the "male masters". When you hear about a woman beaten up you flip out and scream at the TV, when you hear about a man beaten up you're indifferent. So the guy who beat up the man is just regular scum but oooooh the guy who beat up the woman is a monster. Is he? Yeah but not because he beat a woman. Because he beat a person.
If you really want equality, and women to be seen equal to men, then you gotta get the pros AND the cons of it. You think the two sexes are equal? Fine, then beating a woman up ain't inherently worse than beating a man up. They're equally wrong. Deal with it.

And that applies to media as well, and above all, with their... yeah, fanservice. What's with that "femminicidio" (roughly translated: femalicide) bullshit? It's "omicidio" (homicide), for **** sake. Why is murdering a woman a totally different case than murdering a man (unless said woman is pregnant of course)? Whatever the sex, a person is killed.


Well-known Member
Sometimes if the workers in the restaurant are blind or just complete A**H****. I mean i called a restaurant and made an order and i told them to bring change for 500. and when the driver came and gave me my order he said that he doesn't have change and that i was supposed to inform them earlier. I told him that i did, and showed him the receipt which he gave me. and guess what under the Note it says "Customer said to bring change for 500"


Elite Hunter
Walking on the street, in a slight hurry, and a screaming bunch of kids blocks my way. I ignore them and walk around them.

Same street, I try to speed up, a guy directing some building works blocks my way. I sigh and walk around him.

Around 100 meters forward, the traffic light is green for me, and a guy runs at me to cross the road fast, and blocks my way.


I swear to God, I'll punch the next one in the balls. And if it's a woman, the word "fisting" will gain a whole new meaning for her.

Wow that's really mean...


Earthbound Immortal
When an author passes away, unless they gave clear directions then their characters should die with them. The new books in the Millennium trilogy not written by Stieg Larsson are a clear example of a money grab by his relatives who supposedly were on bad terms with him when he died.

I have tried many stories not written by the original author. Sherlock Holmes, 007, etc. And not matter how good the plot or the characters are, it still feels like a fanfic to me. An author's work is their soul and you can't just replicate that as you please, not that you should if it were possible.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
@Blackquill: Yes but for some who see it more than just to cash in all the money, they're trying to keep that work alive. I don't think it's so much a case of them trying to breathe new life into the characters or stories. I guess just the idea that keeping their work going in some way continues their legacy they worked upon. It gives it new meaning and purpose. And for someone that truly respected that person and their work before they died, it's an honour and a privilege to be the one to move it forward. They'd probably know and understand it enough to make it good - probably won't have the same feel to it - but for me, if it's done out of respect, admiration and appreciation for that author, I don't see any harm.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
@Blackquill: Yes but for some who see it more than just to cash in all the money, they're trying to keep that work alive. I don't think it's so much a case of them trying to breathe new life into the characters or stories. I guess just the idea that keeping their work going in some way continues their legacy they worked upon. It gives it new meaning and purpose. And for someone that truly respected that person and their work before they died, it's an honour and a privilege to be the one to move it forward. They'd probably know and understand it enough to make it good - probably won't have the same feel to it - but for me, if it's done out of respect, admiration and appreciation for that author, I don't see any harm.

This I can agree with. If I were to pass away without being able to get my work published, I would want someone who knew it and respected it to continue it on in my stead. So while I agree with @Blackquill's sentiment of not wanting people to take advantage of the writer's death to make a quick buck off of it, I would rather my characters survive me than die with me.

That's just my two cents, though. ^^;

Edit: Oops. Dunno what happened with the quotes there, but fixed.
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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
@Rebel Dynasty: That's true. I mean, you wouldn't want it to seem like you worked for nothing. There's no harm in keeping the story and the fun going, despite whether the author is around anymore or not.

@Blackquill: I do agree with you that it probably won't have the same feel to it. But someone's work is better left in the capable hands of someone who knows how to appreciate it. Somebody that enjoys it for the excitement of continuing whatever adventure it might be.


Fake Geek Girl.
Our medical system is a freaking joke. I need to find a way to pay for my medication because I don't have medicaid anymore (but I'm trying to get it back). So I decided to go through this other program in the meantime and apparently they aren't accepting any new clients. We were told however the deadline wasn't until the end of October. WTF?!

I am freaking diagnosed with bipolar disorder and severe depression. I am prescribed these medications and I pretty much have to take them. Bad stuff happens if I'm off of them for too long. Why is it so hard for me to get the stuff I need? The medication is $600 retail! Unless you're loaded, there's no way I can freaking afford that!

Ugh. :grumpy:


the horror was for love
Our medical system is a freaking joke. I need to find a way to pay for my medication because I don't have medicaid anymore (but I'm trying to get it back). So I decided to go through this other program in the meantime and apparently they aren't accepting any new clients. We were told however the deadline wasn't until the end of October. WTF?!

I am freaking diagnosed with bipolar disorder and severe depression. I am prescribed these medications and I pretty much have to take them. Bad stuff happens if I'm off of them for too long. Why is it so hard for me to get the stuff I need? The medication is $600 retail! Unless you're loaded, there's no way I can freaking afford that!

Ugh. :grumpy:

I'm having a similar problem. I haven't had insurance for years and I desperately need it. Now I'm trying to get it and trying to explain why I need it so quickly, and everywhere's like "oh, yeah, we aren't taking anyone until November". Insurance companies suck. >_< I hope you can get your Medicaid back soon.

The Good Gentleman

S'all Part of a Miracle Masterpiece
Amazon can go right ahead and **** themselves.
  1. They actually charge $72 for the second season of Agents of SHIELD. Holy ****.
  2. They delete any reviews that point to the price. They deleted THREE of mine, and about seven in total if posts on Blu-ray.com are anything to go by.
  3. They delete any comments on their site that complain about this.
  4. Customer service outright avoids and/or ignores any questions and comments about this.
So in case I haven't made it clear yet:


Well-known Member
Our medical system is a freaking joke. I need to find a way to pay for my medication because I don't have medicaid anymore (but I'm trying to get it back). So I decided to go through this other program in the meantime and apparently they aren't accepting any new clients. We were told however the deadline wasn't until the end of October. WTF?!

I am freaking diagnosed with bipolar disorder and severe depression. I am prescribed these medications and I pretty much have to take them. Bad stuff happens if I'm off of them for too long. Why is it so hard for me to get the stuff I need? The medication is $600 retail! Unless you're loaded, there's no way I can freaking afford that!

Ugh. :grumpy:
What the ****? Dude that sucks. I thought not having my allergy medicine for a couple weeks was a pain (it's on backorder :banghead:) but that is messed up. Hang in there. :frown:

RANT: Why do I have so many ideas? :mad: This story isn't going to go anywhere unless I stop including every little thing that comes to mind. I'm already over a hundred pages in and barely anything has happened yet. I was aiming for around 300-350 pages but now I'm thinking it's going to be more than that. Ack! :facepalm:
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