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The ranting thinking thread

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
While most of the people who bitch about being friendzoned aren't actually being friendzoned (it's just that their feelings are unrequited, so they feel the need to tantrum about it like angsty little sh*ts) apparently there are those who deliberately "friendzone" people to keep them in their back pocket (you know, just in case things don't go well with the person they actually like.)

That's just...sickening.


For Sanguinius!
I don't like text\talking nor doing the whole FB thing. But this one friend of mine likes to post 'woes is me I have no friends'. Right. Look luv, we don't have anything in common nor do I like you sending text of your kid. I don't like kids at all. If YOU want to talk to me that is fine. Don't go around postings pity post. That get's old real fast. Besides don't you have to bother my brother. ...he's the baby daddy.... f my brother! >.<
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For Sanguinius!
I'm really starting to get sick and tired of my hubby's passive aggressive attitude when I'm talking online with my friends. He seems to all ways get jealous. When I'm doing something else it's fine. But when I start talking and joking around with them , it's "Oh I'm left out, boo hoo." "Oh you are not a good leader or follower." "Do you even care?" or some bratty little thing he does. And I'm just tired of it. I'm trying to help out a fiend with some drama and he does this. You know I've been looking for a job! It's not going to hit me in the face since I'm not the only person looking.

Also I am also sick. So, I don't want to go half across town because you are feeling lonely hold your hand. I've been by myself the old time you are gone, but do you worry about me? No? So stuff it!


the horror was for love
The fact that she doesn't realize she's smothering her bf by wanting his constant attention is so frustrating. I keep trying to explain that she can't honestly except him to email her every single day but it's like she doesn't get it. She just keeps pushing him. And...I mean, I get that, recently, she's been sick and wants comfort, but she can't expect him to drop every single thing he's doing to spend every minute of the day with her nor should she expect him to not be a bit unsettled by all that's been going on lately. >_< Ugh, stuff like this is why I have no desire to be in a relationship with anyone!


Crimson Sentinel
Alright, I feel like giving people a heads-up about something here, before people get in trouble for no good reason.

First off, bash a certain game or anime or whatever all you want, but if you don't want people to debate or discuss that opinion with you, or call you out for it, then stop posting in popular threads. Because if you're doing that, you're either venting or trying to get a rise out of people. If you're trying to get a rise out of people but you at the same time don't want to discuss or debate anything nor be criticized, then that makes you somewhat of a troll.

Voicing your opinion is fine, but we're also mature enough to realize that they can be inflammatory, and there's no point in just bashing something, especially when most people already know your opinion on the matter. Flame on if you want, but at some point it'll come to a head, and you'll get observed or suspended by the mods. Just warning you.

Lastly, if you want to vent about how much you hate a certain character, but really don't feel like giving anyone the time of day, well... go to this ranting thinking thread. Don't post your purely emotional views in a thread in which people are looking for a rational discussion, and certainly not in a thread that has nothing to do with the character/game/whatever that you were referring to or how much you hate it. Furthermore, nobody's really interested in your personal gripes if they don't criticize or critique anything and can't be discussed. Also, if you're bashing everything you personally don't like about something in a thread that's filled with people who love the very subject you're bashing... yeah, that's not a good idea.
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Well-known Member
You know that i eat everything. and you know that my brothers don't. and yet you always come to me and ask me what should we have for dinner. and when i give you an answer you always say "But your brother doesn't eat this or doesn't love that.". WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO ASK MY F***ING BROTHER WHAT HE WANT TO EAT instead of wasting my F***ing time?:mad:
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