Alright, I feel like giving people a heads-up about something here, before people get in trouble for no good reason.
First off, bash a certain game or anime or whatever all you want, but if you don't want people to debate or discuss that opinion with you, or call you out for it, then stop posting in popular threads. Because if you're doing that, you're either venting or trying to get a rise out of people. If you're trying to get a rise out of people but you at the same time don't want to discuss or debate anything nor be criticized, then that makes you somewhat of a troll.
Voicing your opinion is fine, but we're also mature enough to realize that they can be inflammatory, and there's no point in just bashing something, especially when most people already know your opinion on the matter. Flame on if you want, but at some point it'll come to a head, and you'll get observed or suspended by the mods. Just warning you.
Lastly, if you want to vent about how much you hate a certain character, but really don't feel like giving anyone the time of day, well... go to this ranting thinking thread. Don't post your purely emotional views in a thread in which people are looking for a rational discussion, and certainly not in a thread that has nothing to do with the character/game/whatever that you were referring to or how much you hate it. Furthermore, nobody's really interested in your personal gripes if they don't criticize or critique anything and can't be discussed. Also, if you're bashing everything you personally don't like about something in a thread that's filled with people who love the very subject you're bashing... yeah, that's not a good idea.