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The emo dissrespect needs to stop.

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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Yeah, I see Vergil as more of an emo than Dante and Nero ;)


Your breasts are illegal!!
LordOfDarkness;114608 said:
Yeah, I see Vergil as more of an emo than Dante and Nero ;)


Lately, "emo" and "fanboy" has been used as a deragatory words, especially "fanboy".


Well-known Member
You have to remember where you are.
An Internet Forum.

As much as myself and the other staff do our best to keep things in order, other elements are unlikly to change. Until the overall view of 'Emo' changes its use won't.


Your breasts are illegal!!
Keaton;114617 said:
You have to remember where you are.
An Internet Forum.

As much as myself and the other staff do our best to keep things in order, other elements are unlikly to change. Until the overall view of 'Emo' changes its use won't.

You come outta nowhere with words of wisdom like Yoda or something. :lol:

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
^People, you know.

The main problem I am having isn't that he is getting called emo.
It is the negative that seems to go with the word. And it gets used wrong.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
You can't actually call anyone emo...Emo is and always was a genre of music, and I don't know about you, but I think it's pretty hard to actually be a musical genre.

So the word emo may have evolved from that, to incorporate the style, but as previously said, it's communities like 4chan that corrupted the term, oh and frankly, if you declare yourself as emo, then you're basically a scene kid, not directed at you Black Angel, but most people I've met declaring to be "emo" are infact, scene, anyone truly of the current emo subculture wouldn't declare themselves as such.

I have no ill feelings towards the emo subculture, infact, I used to be a part of it, I still wear some of the clothes, but I don't have the attitude or the mindframe, the emo hate is simple, people fear and hate what they don't, or at least refuse to understand.


Aya Brea
We have too many scene and kids who claim to be emo. There are some people who I know who are scene and all and make it look good and are very nice people. Everyone has problems, but some people take it way out of line here. I was sick for 4 years. I was in the hospital constantly. I came VERY close to being a high school drop-out but I pulled up my big girl panties and sucked it up. It was mostly because I was sick, but there were kids and teachers I wasn't really fond of. I aced that sorry a** school anyway. I barely got to see my friends, and half of them don't even bother to talk to me any more for reasons unknown. I was addicted to alot of prescription drugs, but you know what? I sucked it up again and accepted that's just life. Sometimes the sh*t really does hit the fan. Does that make me emo? Well... EVERYONE has their emo moments, everyone does sometimes in their life.

Not everything in life is sunshine and rainbows, but these kids who claim theirselves to be emo down here are full of it. Of course... these are teenagers. What do you expect?

Not everyone who dresses in the catagorized emo fashion, likes the music, ect... is a bad, sorry, WOE IS ME, WHY ME person. I've met pleanty who do stuff with their life. But if you have the nerve to run around saying, "no one under stands me! No one likes me!" HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO MEEEEEEEEEEE! I'VE MADE MY MISTAKES! GOT NO WHERE TO RUN!!! Pseudo bullcrap, you're basically a whiney brat just wanting attention. People can and will try to understand each other, people just choose not to let them and thus complain.

In the end, you cannot change a persons lifestyle. Like I said. Not all of whom I have met are your annoying stereo types, but it's also hard not to say I haven't come across many who are.
afkjalkfjajklf Sorry for going off the handle here. Didn't mean to get all worked up. Hope I didn't make anyone upset. I appologize.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Isnt thinking with your heart instead of your head just being a nice person? I always thought there was more to it than that. I guess you cant group emos into the same catagory as it doesnt seem to be just one general outlook on life.


Is not rat, is hamster
You can think with your heart but you need your head to bring in a healthy dose of perspective and common sense. Too many avoidable mistakes are made when people do things with a knee-jerk reaction rather than actually taking a step back and thinking about it for a moment.


Anti - Little D
VI-Rainbow;114719 said:
I was sick for 4 years. I was in the hospital constantly. I came VERY close to being a high school drop-out but I pulled up my big girl panties and sucked it up. It was mostly because I was sick, but there were kids and teachers I wasn't really fond of. I aced that sorry a** school anyway. I barely got to see my friends, and half of them don't even bother to talk to me any more for reasons unknown.

I congrats u as u have been through HELL and come back with Vengeance !!!!!!!!!!!!!! good on u


Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;114708 said:
You can't actually call anyone emo...Emo is and always was a genre of music, and I don't know about you, but I think it's pretty hard to actually be a musical genre.

So the word emo may have evolved from that, to incorporate the style, but as previously said, it's communities like 4chan that corrupted the term, oh and frankly, if you declare yourself as emo, then you're basically a scene kid, not directed at you Black Angel, but most people I've met declaring to be "emo" are infact, scene, anyone truly of the current emo subculture wouldn't declare themselves as such.

I have no ill feelings towards the emo subculture, infact, I used to be a part of it, I still wear some of the clothes, but I don't have the attitude or the mindframe, the emo hate is simple, people fear and hate what they don't, or at least refuse to understand.

thats true but ppl also dislike when ppl cut themselves (not saying all do but most do) because no one should just mark up their body like that its really dumb so most ppl its not that they fear them some ppl just hate it when ppl do stupid things however they often say that all emo ppl cut themselves which isnt true they also say that if you get depressed then you are emo which again is not true
which leads to more hate of assumed emo ppl and emo's in general
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