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The emo dissrespect needs to stop.

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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Bringerofchaos;114735 said:
Vergil is not Emo. **** you all.

He isn't an emo... But he is more of an emo than Nero or Dante.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団

Vergil ran around talking about power and killing huge demons with out even moving his sword!

Nero ran around screaming KIRIE for 85% of the time you played as him, and then started crying and stole her necklace because he's fruity.


Well-known Member
^Tone it down Bringer, a discussion doesn't have to be a Flamewar....'kay?


Devil's Advocate
Angelo Credo;114708 said:
the emo hate is simple, people fear and hate what they don't, or at least refuse to understand.

Summed it up...

Thanks Angelo +rep


Shall we dance?
Trish67;115092 said:
Nero's emoness is not the only reason i hate him

Ok, being blunt here, because it highly irratating.

Vergil: Incensed,angst, moody with everyone? and before you come out with the "<3 Vergil had a bad childhood and i wuv him fluffy wuddlekins <3" drivel; contradicting yourself by saying you wouldn't be slightly upset from the only person who gave a damn about you was taken and possibly killed. Which is why Nero craved more power like Vergil to protect anything dear to them. Not to mention 3 seconds tops of tears and yelling and continued onwards after. You may aswel call Dante emo "I should have been the one to fill your soul with LIGGGGHHHTTT!11!!!1" from DMC1. I'm not defending Nero, get your facts right that something traumatizing, life changing is how everyone reacts; and Nero acted a hell of alot better than I would have. Because it can be applied to all characters. Unlike Dante who doesn't really give Two. Flying. Asteriks. About.Much. Other. Than. His. Pizza. And. Women.

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Nero never strook me as a typical emo.

Emo-ness is often associatied with depression and/ or a sense of impending doom as like with Irukandji Syndrome which is famously caused by the jellyfish type Carukia Barnesi. (This is not to say that many or any emos for that matter, have had encounters with such species I was simply making a comparison.)

As it stands I know several people who would class themselves as emos. However, almost none of them fit the stereotype meaning that, at least in my experience, the stereotype is a minority. Therefore the baselessness of the derogatory use of the word 'emo' is confounding to say the least. Therefore, just like 'gay' if this is to be continually used as a derogatory manner, as is implied by the first rule of this site, repercussions should come swiftly.
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