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Reuben Langdon teases DMC5

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Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Fixed that for you.

DMC5? Oh boy, that's gonna be great.
DMC4 was a subpar half-game with so little plot for the new character they were trying so hard to push, that we need another installment to actually get into his story. Capcom got money thrown at em for it.
DMC4 SE was a subpar "edition" 8 years too late to be relevant, with the exact same graphics from back then, 3 characters with their moves being a rehash of Dante's or Nero's, but otherwise the same old half-game and cutscenes with so little relevance we still need a new installment to tell us WTF was going on with Vergil and Nero because it refused to outright confirm anything (anyone that bought the art book or novel paid extra). Capcom got money thrown at em for it (again, extra with the art books and novel).

Now suddenly people are hoping Capcom pulls out the competence it didn't have and gives people a complete and worthwhile game for DMC5? Lmao. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". They're going to push the same half-done crap and bank on the fandom's thirst because that's worked twice now without a hitch. What reason do they have to think different if they're going to get paid no matter what "as long as it's not DmC2"?

I doubt this will be the result though.

If Capcom learned enough to bring both versions of Devil May Cry back to the forefront, then I think they could actually do something relatively different this time with this rumored DMC5.

I mean if they were smart, they'd mix elements that have worked for each Devil May Cry game (including DmC), and make a damn good Devil May Cry. I dunno, only time will tell.


Legendary Devil Hunter
I'll tell you this much, cause the last 3 games (not counting the PC version of DMC4) didn't have it. But.........

.....can the next DMC game have turbo mode right from the get go?
I know it was first introduced for Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition.
But then only the PC version of vanilla Devil May Cry 4 had it, vanilla DmC didn't have it at all.
Then the remastered versions came out and had Turbo mode added.

So can the next game, please have turbo mode from the start, on all platforms?


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
*roll eyes*
anyway, anyone know whether or not this "rumor" involves Koboyashi ni any way?
He's probably going to have his hands full on the next Resident Evil. He seems to have a permanent spot as Producer on that series.

And honestly, I wouldn't mind him working on the next DMC, as long as he isn't producer or director. He brought a number of good things to the series in terms of gameplay, but he can't manage a game budget to save his life.
DMC4 was a subpar half-game with so little plot for the new character they were trying so hard to push, that we need another installment to actually get into his story.
As someone who loves DMC4 with a passion, I can wholeheartedly confirm all of this. Even if we get a game that properly explains everything about Nero, it'll just come off as a straight-up admission from Capcom that they didn't think his story through initially.

Then again, we don't have much more knowledge on Dante or his origins and motives, so they have a lot more work cut out for them. He's had four games, and we've learned less and less about him with each subsequent entry.

But DmC already detailed everything we need to know about its version of Dante, along with the lore and mythos of the world he lives in, so any potential sequel could take its story farther than any entry in the original series.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
But DmC already detailed everything we need to know about its version of Dante, along with the lore and mythos of the world he lives in, so any potential sequel could take its story farther than any entry in the original series.

This was an issue I felt with the original DMC; it didn't really give much to what Dante's origins are. I mean you can keep the mystery of Dante's character there, but there's also the problem of leaving too much mystery that you create more questions then answers.

Also I hope their next DMC isn't an origin story. I feel that should be saved for the next DMC after 5.


Elite Hunter
That reasoning was proven wrong in the past. DMC2 sold well too, but that didn't prevent Capcom to come up with a DMC3 that's miles better than its predecessor.

Also, the 3142 art book states that DMC4 turned out to be the half game that it is cause they were so burnt out for the making of DMC3 and were put in the working for DMC4 so soon after it. That's absolutely not the case for an hypothetical DMC4SE/DMC5 transition.

DMC4SE (I can see the disappointment for it, but gotta tell you a few things you said about it are wrong and that statement you made in the past as profile post is just ridiculous) was a budget product with little money and time dedicated to it, which were obviously not nearly enough to go and basically remake the original game to fix its flaws.
I doubt a full fledged sequel will get the same treatment. It would get a proper budget and dev time, without the weight of just coming out of a big project and being burnt out by it, like it happened from DMC3 to 4.

Granted, the scenario you described MIGHT happen, but all things considered, ain't a certainty.

Dante breaking the fourth wall would be an awesome teaser indeed.

EDIT: freaking typos.
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Even if we get a game that properly explains everything about Nero, it'll just come off as a straight-up admission from Capcom that they didn't think his story through initially.

I don't think so. I'll always assume that they intentionally left Nero's origins a mystery to give fans something to talk about. They've given a few hints over the years, but hopefully we'll get some real explanations in DMC5(if it's ever made).

Then again, we don't have much more knowledge on Dante or his origins and motives, so they have a lot more work cut out for them. He's had four games, and we've learned less and less about him with each subsequent entry.

Seriously? What more do we need to know?

We know that he's the son of the Dark Knight Sparda and a human woman named Eva.

We know that his father died(or disappeared) when he was very young.

We know that at some point in his life he was given the amulet and the sword Rebellion.

We know that his mother was killed by demons and that he was separated from his brother Vergil when he was a child.

We know that he works as a mercenary, demon hunter and private investigator and owns a shop in Modern America.

As for the events that took place between his mother getting killed and him opening his shop, I don't think there's anything there we NEED to know. It isn't hard to imagine how a resourceful half-demon like Dante would manage to make it on his own. Though it would be nice if they were to reveal some of what happened.

I'm pretty sure his motives were explained in the games. I can't remember right now. Even if they weren't, they shouldn't be hard to figure out.


Elite Hunter
:meh::meh: The DMC vs DmC confontation again? Isn´t there a single thread we can enjoy without this ****?
Aren´t we talking about a possible DMC5 ? I got lost in the middle of Kat´s "cutenessy" and the elegant sonets written on her.




Well-known Member
@Foxtrot94 Really, I´m all guilty of going off topic myself, I understand.
In fact I have done this same thing with the girls a few times, but it would seem a nonsense to go over to the DmC thread and go on fangirling over Dante´s sexy cowboy chaps or Vergil´s elegant and deadly beauty. It´s not that they aren´t there, but it would feel wrong and make no sense.
Now I´m going to rewatch the video and see if the boys help me recatch the hype again.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
What I don't get is why some of you complain about the arguing going on about DmC, yet you're the ones bringing it up and mentioning it in threads. It's somewhat like you want to push your luck and see if someone comes along to go "Pfft, DmC was bad", so you can then become overly defensive about it. Oh sure, you can talk about DmC, no problem. There is a different board for that however, so most DmC related discussions are better placed there. All I'm saying is don't complain if someone steps in to criticise DmC, when that wasn't even the purpose of the topic to begin with.

If you'd like my honest opinion, I'd be fine with DMC 5 taking certain elements from DmC. There's no harm in that at all. They'd just have to be done right, and fit into DMC.

EDIT - Please stay on topic guys. It's not a big request.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I don't think so. I'll always assume that they intentionally left Nero's origins a mystery to give fans something to talk about. They've given a few hints over the years, but hopefully we'll get some real explanations in DMC5(if it's ever made).

Seriously? What more do we need to know?

We know that he's the son of the Dark Knight Sparda and a human woman named Eva.

We know that his father died(or disappeared) when he was very young.

We know that at some point in his life he was given the amulet and the sword Rebellion.

We know that his mother was killed by demons and that he was separated from his brother Vergil when he was a child.

We know that he works as a mercenary, demon hunter and private investigator and owns a shop in Modern America.

As for the events that took place between his mother getting killed and him opening his shop, I don't think there's anything there we NEED to know. It isn't hard to imagine how a resourceful half-demon like Dante would manage to make it on his own. Though it would be nice if they were to reveal some of what happened.

I'm pretty sure his motives were explained in the games. I can't remember right now. Even if they weren't, they shouldn't be hard to figure out.
For me, I'd like more then that.
Rather then just being told, I'd want to see Dante's transition from the traumatized boy whose mother was hacked to pieces right in front of him, to grow to be the Devil Hunter he is now. The people who inspired him to move on, and brought him from that pit of despair he was in after his mom's death. What lead to his cocky, bombastic personality in DMC3? These are things I'd like to see either in a small animated piece in one of the games, or an OVA.


Elite Hunter
So, to get back on topic, outoftheblue caught a particular I missed. Or, not missed, but didn't pay much attention to, as I took it as kind of a given:

What got me the most excited was the comment " the only thing I can say with my rumor ,that makes it more exciting, is that they will be bringing US back" If this rumor is indeed true, Vergil confirmed in DMC5 :laugh:

It might be, but the fact that they would bring back Dan doesn't necessarily mean Vergil. They could use him for another role. It already happened after all: he was hired for DMC4 to play Credo, he was the the mocap actor for him, despite the character being voiced by Mr. Rotolo.

As for Reuben and Johnny, well, we already know that if they bring THEM back, it would be to play Dante and Nero.
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Fake Geek Girl.
I don't support any game that has censorship, I don't care how minor it is, a skimpy outfit or removed customization feature today could mean entire games censored in the future.
It's already happened as an entire gameplay segment was removed from Splinter Cell Blacklist.

I'll still play Xenoblade Chronicles X, I'm just gonna buy it preowned.
Sorry, I have a hard time believing you stand on some firm form of principle against censorship when you just told everyone not long ago you like sexually objectified females in games and everyone has to just deal with it. You just want big tits on your tiny anime girl.

You know, I shamelessly admit I can be one kinky and perverted mofo, but the whole bust customization issue isn't a big deal. Are you playing Xenoblade for the epic adventure with mechs and what not, or are you playing to fap to some soft core eechi? Besides, it's not like there's not plenty of other games out there that will tickle this particular fancy of yours.

And I looked up that Splinter Cell thing, that wasn't censorship. That was the developers of the game thinking an interactive torture scene may be some content that's a little too dark. It was their decision to remove it, not an outcry from soccer moms or something. The game wasn't even out by then.


Well-known Member
@Foxtrot94 Of course, it could mean anything. Still I felt the "us" more as a character comment, than one about them as actors, but I could be wrong, obviously.

Now I will dive into fantasyland, where I get a DMC5 with all three of them, where I finally get to know more about Nero´s origins and I maybe even dare to dream about The Vergil returning and having a three way confrontation, in any way, shape or form. Once that happens, I will happily wait for another 8 years for the next instalment....well, probably not happily, but I will try.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
@LordOfDarkness which elements you meant though? gameplay or rather visuals? From gameplay I don't think it would be possible simply because they could add 1-2 moves from it or maybe some weapons, but whole pull/grab technique and triggers would be out of context. They specifically made Nero to add new techniques, because they didn't want give Dante to much unexplained moves.


When the going gets tough, the tough get going
We know that he works as a mercenary, demon hunter and private investigator and owns a shop in Modern America.
No, we don't. It's a booklet which gave us that information, but later it seems director changed their minds, but this is off topic.
Please, go on!
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