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Reuben Langdon teases DMC5

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I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Sorry, I have a hard time believing you stand on some firm form of principle against censorship when you just told everyone not long ago you like sexually objectified females in games and everyone has to just deal with it. You just want big tits on your tiny anime girl.

You know, I shamelessly admit I can be one kinky and perverted mofo, but the whole bust customization issue isn't a big deal. Are you playing Xenoblade for the epic adventure with mechs and what not, or are you playing to fap to some soft core eechi? Besides, it's not like there's not plenty of other games out there that will tickle this particular fancy of yours.

And I looked up that Splinter Cell thing, that wasn't censorship. That was the developers of the game thinking an interactive torture scene may be some content that's a little too dark. It was their decision to remove it, not an outcry from soccer moms or something. The game wasn't even out by then.
Yeah I like sexed up girls in my games and I stand by them, I even play games just for them because I like them, I want that upcoming DOA Beach Volleyball game and even want to play the Onechanbara games because of the scantly clad girls alone, I'm not afraid to admit that.

But I do stand aggressively against censorship, I'll still play Xenoblade Chronicles X and hopefully enjoy it, I'm just not gonna support it by buying it new, same thing with Street Fighter 5, that game has all the scantly clad and big boobed women I could want and I was gonna try the game even though I'm not a Street Fighter fan, but censoring the game for the "broader audience" crap has hurt the game for me, not to mention Capcom trying for the "broader audience" never ends well.

The bust slider is something I'd definitely play around with as I have done so with Saints Row 3 & 4s bust slider, but it's removal is proof that Nintendo is folding to all the SJW crap, there's no other reason for it to be removed, not to mention what about all the female players who want to make their characters resemble themselves, but I guess female players with big and/or small boobs are out of luck.
It's odd that Saints Row 3 & 4, western made games can have bust sliders, but Japan games released in the west can't.
Censoring something small now could mean censoring entire games in the future.
While extreme violence doesn't seem to be much of an issue in censorship anymore I'm still watching the upcoming Doom game just in case anything does get censored, most importantly those chainsaw executions since SJWs whined like crazy at the E3 reveal.

Even if that Blacklist segment removal wasn't censorship it still sucked and was rather pathetic as Grand Theft Auto had the same thing in their game the exact same year, yeah people whined about it but Rockstar didn't give a f**k, they made a great game and stuck to their vision, which is what I want from Japanese games, even if those games are entirely for perverted reasons.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
I don't think so. I'll always assume that they intentionally left Nero's origins a mystery to give fans something to talk about. They've given a few hints over the years, but hopefully we'll get some real explanations in DMC5(if it's ever made).
Maybe, but every allusion made in the game about Nero's lineage was met without any kind of resolution by the game's end. To poke that many hints without leaking any kind of concrete information at the end of the game made his role in the game seem a little half-baked.

If Dante had made some kind of comment about how he "recognizes something familiar" in the way Nero fights, or made some blatant reference to him being similar to Vergil, I'd be fine. A really good hint would've been when Nero tries to give Yamato back...there, Dante could've said: "I said it has to stay in the family, didn't I?"

That would've been a good cliff-hanger to end Nero's story on until the next game...at least, that's what I think.

Seriously? What more do we need to know?
We don't know his physical limitations or how his anatomy works, robbing literally any tension from any cutscene so that his life his never really on the line. We don't know what Dante's relationship to Sparda was, or what kind of relationship he and Vergil had as children---just that they fought each other constantly as adults, without any real, properly-explained incentive.

We also don't have a clear view on what disturbs or riles up Dante emotionally, or what traits he possesses outside of his cockiness. We got a taste of his emotional diversity in DMC1, but thanks to his varying portrayals since then, we don't know how many of those traits are still intact, let alone canon.

These may seem like little things, but aside from his one-note string of cocky traits, we don't know all that much about him as a character. Part of that is bad writing, but an even bigger part of that is the writers' refusal to illuminate any other details on his origins or character.

Aren´t we talking about a possible DMC5 ? I got lost in the middle of Kat´s "cutenessy" and the elegant sonets written on her.
Hey, I'll have you know that this wasn't a sonnet. MY sonnets for her are far more flattering and heartfelt, and are not for the public air of the forums, thank you very much...they're only for the beloved.

As are the love letters. And the diorama. And the body pillow.
Not accusing you of anything, I was just lolling for that last line you wrote about Kat that's all. Cause I found it funny.
I cracked me up too, honestly.
it's removal is proof that Nintendo is folding to all the SJW crap, there's no other reason for it to be removed, not to mention what about all the female players who want to make their characters resemble themselves, but I guess female players with big and/or small boobs are out of luck.
Nintendo has censored a number of its products for a long time, now. They patched out the same-sex relationships in Tomadachi Life to avoid what they called "social commentary." They changed Snake's programming in Smash Bros. so that he wouldn't use his knife or gun in a T-Rated game. They edited some of the Beach Party End Art in Fire Emblem: Awakening so that characters like Tharja wouldn't be too revealing.

A lot of Japanese companies are censoring their games to avoid the headache of SJW's complaining in the West, but Nintendo has always done it out of principle before this whole social justice ordeal started.

It's part of their reputation, for better or for worse, as Nintendo.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Nintendo has censored a number of its products for a long time, now. They patched out the same-sex relationships in Tomadachi Life to avoid what they called "social commentary." They changed Snake's programming in Smash Bros. so that he wouldn't use his knife or gun in a T-Rated game. They edited some of the Beach Party End Art in Fire Emblem: Awakening so that characters like Tharja wouldn't be too revealing.

A lot of Japanese companies are censoring their games to avoid the headache of SJW's complaining in the West, but Nintendo has always done it out of principle before this whole social justice ordeal started.

It's part of their reputation, for better or for worse, as Nintendo.
All the more reason to fight against it, I've already sent a protest email to Nintendo, but I'm still looking for Capcoms email to send one to them about SF5.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
All the more reason to fight against it, I've already sent a protest email to Nintendo, but I'm still looking for Capcoms email to send one to them about SF5.
Godspeed in your efforts, but good luck convincing Nintendo of anything. They literally don't buck for anyone, least of all their consumer base.

The whole Mother 3 fiasco was living, breathing proof of that.


Supporter 2014
With the way things are going, we'll probably only get about a few missions each per character.


Elite Hunter
5 characters per game.

Just because the SE has 5 characters doesn't mean they are obliged to make 5 characters playable in a sequel. I've seen people saying this before and I'm not sure where this logic comes from. Not to mention 3 of em were added in a separate edition and were not there in the original game.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
DMC4 only had Dante & Nero and Nero was made to introduce new players, if Capcom stays true to how they do sequels, we'll likely get Dante and the rest of the cast will be entirely new characters, maybe some of those characters will be playable, but how they handle Dante will be the real tough job for them because they REALLY want to appeal to the broader audience and have since made things worse for themselves with every attempt.
But rather than fill the game up with loads of playable characters, DMC5 should just focus on Dante and bring him back in the spotlight as the king of the HnS genre before they try to go for a huge buddy system.
But I'm not sure how well trying to introduce new players will go down, putting in another version of Nero may not end well since the demand for Classic Dante to have his own game again is massive and I don't know if they could get away with making a toned down "starter" version of Dante.


Elite Hunter
One thing is for sure, they need to sell. And to sell, they have to appeal to as many people as possible. But I don't think they would tone down Dante for it. They didn't in DMC4. Rather, it's most probable they'll keep Nero the "starter" guy. Hopefully they'll make him a bit more vary in his moves and equipment though.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
I think they should just try to recreate DMC3s beginning, we played as Dante in all the hardcore glory, but while the beginning of the game was challenging it was still a reasonable starter and the game just got more challenging and Dante got more moves as the game went on, first time players were still able to handle it.
I don't know if throwing Nero back in again will go well as everyone will likely see him as replacing Dante again and will cause another backlash, Nero wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms.

Or for the ultimate fan service, they could make DMC5 very true to Devil May Cry 3s intense difficulty and instead throw in the Very Easy mode for people after they die too many times, maybe even throw in something humorous like how MGS5 had the chicken hat, encourage new players to get good at the game or wear something shameful as they progress.


Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
I mean if they were smart, they'd mix elements that have worked for each Devil May Cry game (including DmC), and make a damn good Devil May Cry. I dunno, only time will tell.

Theoretically (ideally, I should say), every sequel should incorporate "the best elements" from the previous work, and either fix "the bad parts" or omit them entirely for newer, better parts. I'm saying I doubt Capcom will be smart enough to suddenly do that when they only "succeeded" at it with DMC3 (taking parts of DMC2 that worked and reusing them), and I say "succeeded" with quotes because I still think the game got by on just "Not being DMC2". And this assumes that Capcom even knows what worked the best for the games. Not even the fandom can figure that out without another back-and-forth happening over conflicting opinions on things like whether or not Nero is a well-designed or necessary character, or if Dante might be overplayed, or if we need to step away from the legend of Sparda and have Dante do his own thing instead of repeating his father's quest, or even what the plot of DMC5 should even be (about Dante again, or flesh Nero out, or flesh Vergil out, or flesh Sparda out?).

One thing is for sure, they need to sell. And to sell, they have to appeal to as many people as possible. But I don't think they would tone down Dante for it. They didn't in DMC4. Rather, it's most probable they'll keep Nero the "starter" guy. Hopefully they'll make him a bit more vary in his moves and equipment though.

Of course they didn't tone down Dante, they just toned down the game in general because "girls don't like it" and they were trying to appeal to as many female gamers as possible, hence "Nero the sensitive, smart-type guy" got the focus because girls don't like "big buff macho" Dante, throw in the explicit romance story, and also remove the blood and gore previous games would've warned about. Let's throw in some yaoi-ish scene just for kicks (Nero straddling Dante in midair and biting his gun! They're related? Who cares! Twincest is all the rage so give 'em the next best thing!).

I mean... it's already happened. They pulled out DMC's soul to appeal to yaoi fangirls who would never have touched the game otherwise, thinking that'd cover up for the fact that the women characters in the game are either plot devices or just jiggling boobs. But I guess that's the point. Female gamers, to Kobayashi, don't actually care about women characters, they just want to be with (or watch) hot men.


Fake Geek Girl.
Theoretically (ideally, I should say), every sequel should incorporate "the best elements" from the previous work, and either fix "the bad parts" or omit them entirely for newer, better parts. I'm saying I doubt Capcom will be smart enough to suddenly do that when they only "succeeded" at it with DMC3 (taking parts of DMC2 that worked and reusing them), and I say "succeeded" with quotes because I still think the game got by on just "Not being DMC2". And this assumes that Capcom even knows what worked the best for the games. Not even the fandom can figure that out without another back-and-forth happening over conflicting opinions on things like whether or not Nero is a well-designed or necessary character, or if Dante might be overplayed, or if we need to step away from the legend of Sparda and have Dante do his own thing instead of repeating his father's quest, or even what the plot of DMC5 should even be (about Dante again, or flesh Nero out, or flesh Vergil out, or flesh Sparda out?).

Of course they didn't tone down Dante, they just toned down the game in general because "girls don't like it" and they were trying to appeal to as many female gamers as possible, hence "Nero the sensitive, smart-type guy" got the focus because girls don't like "big buff macho" Dante, throw in the explicit romance story, and also remove the blood and gore previous games would've warned about. Let's throw in some yaoi-ish scene just for kicks (Nero straddling Dante in midair and biting his gun! They're related? Who cares! Twincest is all the rage so give 'em the next best thing!).

I mean... it's already happened. They pulled out DMC's soul to appeal to yaoi fangirls who would never have touched the game otherwise, thinking that'd cover up for the fact that the women characters in the game are either plot devices or just jiggling boobs. But I guess that's the point. Female gamers, to Kobayashi, don't actually care about women characters, they just want to be with (or watch) hot men.
That dude is so out of touch it's hilarious.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
What are you, like 13?
So since I have a big appreciation for sexed up female characters in my games I'm suddenly a immature 13 year old?
Get the hell outta here with your stereotypical bulls**t.

It doesn't mean I don't like strong and non sexualized female characters as well.

Athena, Maya, Lilith, Fiona - Borderlands
Jill, Claire, Ada - Resident Evil
The Boss - Metal Gear
Clementine - Walking Dead
Tali - Mass Effect


Fake Geek Girl.
So since I have a big appreciation for sexed up female characters in my games I'm suddenly a immature 13 year old?
Get the hell outta here with your stereotypical bulls**t.

It doesn't mean I don't like strong and non sexualized female characters as well.

Athena, Maya, Lilith, Fiona - Borderlands
Jill, Claire, Ada - Resident Evil
The Boss - Metal Gear
Clementine - Walking Dead
Tali - Mass Effect
Well no offense but, you really are kinda coming off as a prepubescent teen.


Elite Hunter
Of course they didn't tone down Dante, they just toned down the game in general because "girls don't like it" and they were trying to appeal to as many female gamers as possible, hence "Nero the sensitive, smart-type guy" got the focus because girls don't like "big buff macho" Dante, throw in the explicit romance story, and also remove the blood and gore previous games would've warned about. Let's throw in some yaoi-ish scene just for kicks (Nero straddling Dante in midair and biting his gun! They're related? Who cares! Twincest is all the rage so give 'em the next best thing!).

I mean... it's already happened. They pulled out DMC's soul to appeal to yaoi fangirls who would never have touched the game otherwise, thinking that'd cover up for the fact that the women characters in the game are either plot devices or just jiggling boobs. But I guess that's the point. Female gamers, to Kobayashi, don't actually care about women characters, they just want to be with (or watch) hot men.

What are you even talking about. Me and Mobilemux were talking about appealing to as many people as possible in terms of difficulty and challenge.
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