Acceptable or not, gave you more moves in exchange for more complex controls, making it justified. Its a very simple complex to understand. I don't see any system able to make the controls easier with the amount of moves DMC4 brought to the table. But hey, if you want less moves overall, fine with me.Justified does not make it wholly acceptable, nor does it make it any less clunky. DMC4 tried to take what made DMC3 great and opened it all up, without bothering to refine it in a way that makes it easier to
In the example I gave you, both setups from DmC and DMC4 can be buffered, as I've said before.As I said before, while it's one more input, equaling a fraction of a second more, the system also allows you to buffer the one directional input, greatly alleviating whatever problems that would otherwise be presented
No wonder we can get anywhere in this debate. Your inability to read is outstanding. Let me repeat myself one more time, this time in big bold letters so you're eyes can see;Holy balls dude, you completely ignored what I said about that f#cking video!
You're video didn't disprove anything, because it just showed that to be better at that sh!t you need to do something that no developer ever asks of the player - interacting with the controller differently than how they're made to be used. To have to use an index finger to accommodate for how the game otherwise preoccupies your thumb is goddamn absurd, and proves the point of clunky control! Asking the player to make use of controls by awkwardly pretzeling their hands on the controller is bad, it's clunky, it could be better!
The alternative you present with that video reinforces the point of how clunky the control scheme is! That one way to make it easier to Style switch is to use a finger that isn't even supposed to be used on the d-pad!
And hell, if you're on about alternatives, at least DmC lets you completely reconfigure the controls, so your one point of contention about cycling through three firearms on the D-Pad can be put anywhere else on the controller.
And seriously, I do not at all understand what's so hard about the fact that a skill barrier on the controller is a bad thing. There's learning a new control scheme, and then there's "Naw, it's easy, you just gotta use your index finger like an extra thumb." That's f#cking ridiculous.
YOU claimed that
when it's simply not true because switching styles DOESN'T NECESSARILY REQUIRE YOU TO USE YOUR THUMB. The video itself disproves your claim, showing that you can also use your index finger.Switching Styles required the used of the same thumb necessary for both movement (and avoidance) and input for special attacks, and cycling through weapons is not exactly ideal in fast-paced combat, because there's room for error in cycling too far or not enough.
>trying to roll for movement]Jesus H Tapdancing Christ - it's like you're not even reading. I wasn't trying to roll for the i-framcs, I was trying to roll for the movement around a target. But the janky-ass system prioritized a different enemy, so instead of rolling around the Vangaurd like I wanted to, I just jumped right in front of it, and got smacked.
Yep I'm done here.
Not only is this hilariously bad when playing DMC3 (because rolls have a long recovery window at the end of the animation), and that Hard Lock depends on the player to move the analog towards the enemy you're targeting (like in DMC4 and in DmC) but from someone who blames Hard Lock for slowing movement, you really like to roll around, which is slower than running around the target.
I was referring to rebellions transformations
Should I bold out "any" so you can see? It seems you've changed your mind once I've pointed out that not all weapons can be reached through a single button can select any of your weapons with a single button press
Its difficult to get used to the controls, why? Because DMC4 gives you more moves than in DmC, hence why DMC4's controls a more complicated. If it were to be the games reversed, I'm certain most of you will be praising it.And it isn't a problem of difficulty. It's just that it's pretty unanimous that DMC4's Dante's control scheme is awkward and kinda over bearing.
All the other control schemes for the previous DMCs and DmC, have been intuitive and easy to understand
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