My English is not very good, but I will try to translate the highlights in this video because it definitely is one of the most detailed analysis of Nero's/DMC5's gameplay mechanics (and it seems it's also from a very good Chinese DMC player as well). So here we go!
2:41 He talks about how tight the control feel, the improvement from DMC4 to DMC5 is comparable to the old Monster Hunter to Monster Hunter: World.
3:39 The overall difficulty to perform some of the mechanical moves (He gives 3 example, Exceed, Jump Cancel, and Shuffle) is a bit easier, but timing is still very important in order to perform those.
6:53 He talks about Shuffle. The frame which you can cancel the move (after the initial back step) is a LOT easier and forgiving compere to DMC4. And you can cancel it with side roll as well.
7:42 Snatch has 3 levels you can upgrade just like DMC4. (So when you first start playing DMC5, the range might not be as long as the one we see in the demo)
8:17 Overtrue's normal move can interrupt (counter?) some enemies' and bosses' attack.
8:30 Breakaway has i-frame, but shorter than Nero's DT activation in DMC4. Breakaway can also be used to cancel combo/move (same as DMC4).
9:46 Overtrue's Breakage explosion damage is even higher than lv3 charge shot explosion damage in DMC4.
10:31 While Nero is riding the Punch Line, the 4 buttons A, B, X, Y (PS4 = triangle, square, cross, circle) will perform different moves. Every time Nero perform these moves, the Punch Line will get closer to the final explosion, and the damage of the explosion will get higher as well. The exhaust flame of the arm is actually an indicator of the arm's explosion damage as well as how close until the arm's final explosion. (So basically if the flame is intense = higher explosive damage / closer to the arm's final explosion)
11:34 Punch Line's Breakage move will not be able to interrupt/knockdown the boss if he is doing a scripted animation.
12:05 Gerbera's dash move has a bit of i-frame. (Probably at the start of the jump?)
12:27 Gerbera's ground laser move can be canceled by Breakaway at anytime. In the video, he uses Breakaway to cancel out the finishing animation of the ground laser move.
13:23 Comparison of the damage done between Buster Arm normal move and Buster Arm Breakage.
13:37 You can kinda do a "combo" with different arms. He plants the bomb first (Overtrue's breakage) to increase the Buster Arm's final damage output. (You can see the explosion of the bomb when the boss hits the ground)
14:26 He is explaining the reasons behind picking the arms in that particular order.
- He uses Punch Line first to knockdown the boss and prevent the boss enters 2nd phase too early. (Hence doing more damage in the 1st phase)
- Gerbera + indoor = awesome damage.
- Using Overtrue's bomb to knockdown the boss before letting him enter the 2nd phase animation. (Hence less running around, more time doing damage)
- Buster Arm to finish the job and end the fight without the need of going into 3rd phase.
16:34 Nero can now shoot during side roll.
18:21 The special dodge move can be triggered by input the side roll move when Nero is slashing enemies. And it's faster than the regular side roll (and probably better and cooler too).
18:43 The whole duration of Nero's air taunt has i-frame, and you can rev the sword as well.
21:11 Apparently, if you failed to rev the sword 4 times(?), Nero will still get a bit of energy. By accumulate this energy 4 times will grant you 1 Rev/Exceed. He thinks that a system like this can encourage new players to learn Nero's rev mechanic.
23:01 He is talking about the JC box of the normal enemies in the demo, and he feels that their JC box is very close to Frost in DMC4. (So that's quite forgiving)
23:18 Reverse attack is back! He has tested most of Nero's moves (Split, Calibur, Shuffle, etc.) and confirms that all of them can do reverse attack in DMC5! He also points out that the input change of Split makes a lot more sense now!
23:46 It seems that you can use right stick (camera control) to change target now. (I can't hear clearly, so not too sure about this one)