What you guys think about this?
About a remake/remaster/any-kind-of-rerelease?
Heads are gonna blow up over there at Capcom if they do it.

What you guys think about this?
About a remake/remaster/any-kind-of-rerelease?
Heads are gonna blow up over there at Capcom if they do it.
Exactly. And it really goes to show how important the DMC franchise is to Capcom.None of those were named because none of them are considered key franchises by Capcom.
3SE actually did 1 million and surprisingly enough so did the HD Collection.As far as i have already heard, 3SE sold like 0,7m (i think that if it had sold as much as DMC3, it would appear at Capcom Platinum ranking; 0,7 is still pretty solid for a Special Edition of a game that sold 1.1m. It ~almost~ doubled the number.
3SE actually did 1 million and surprisingly enough so did the HD Collection.
Overall, Devil May Cry series has sold 14 million units which makes it the fifth best selling franchise of Capcom.
I liked the first line of your post... and then you lost me. You lost me so much I see we ain't never gonna find each other again.I really hope it's a Japanese developed DMC5.
Also I know it won't happen but please put Gloria in it as her own character! Or at least a character like her!
Plus no going serious or any Sparda story, I don't give a rats ass about him, just bring back Dante, Trish, Lady and make Gloria her own character with a DMC4 on steroids setting and I'll buy it.
They need to get the kick in the head that Kojima got and make the 5th entry in the franchise a Gameplay > Story game that can be played for 100+ hours instead of an 8 hour experience.
Yeah DMC series generally sales quite better than what most people might think. It's one of the main reasons that it has been around for such a long time.
Regarding DmC DE, it actually had a retail release so it is possible to see it appear on Capcom's platinum titles list at some point. But if DMC4SE makes it? Man that would be nuts. That game has already sold 3 million so 4SE making it to the list would mean a total of 4 million sales for that title alone!
Exactly. And it really goes to show how important the DMC franchise is to Capcom.
Keep your expectations low, everyone. That way, you won't be disappointed in the end.
Speaking of which, this 'new' DMC could just end up being DMC3 Ultra Edition. You never know.
WOW that's a really good news...
there is a change it could be DMC1 and 2 pc edition...
but still its a good news
All Devil May Cry games until DmC focused on being very very good Hack n Slash video games(except DMC2), they weren't focused on relateable characters, deep interesting plots, movie quality story telling or anything like that, they just focused on being kick ass action HnS video games that were meant to be played and mastered, not experienced for their stories.I liked the first line of your post... and then you lost me. You lost me so much I see we ain't never gonna find each other again.
MGS5 still had a good focus on the story, it was just made with more love and experience, so it was more like gameplay = story.
DMC always favored gameplay over story, it was maybe a little hard to see sometimes cause of level design and lack of enemies on lower difficulties.
I'm not into DmC, so I'm just gonna ignore what you said about it, cause frankly I got nothing to say.All Devil May Cry games until DmC focused on being very very good Hack n Slash video games(except DMC2), they weren't focused on relateable characters, deep interesting plots, movie quality story telling or anything like that, they just focused on being kick ass action HnS video games that were meant to be played and mastered, not experienced for their stories.
The problem with DmC was that all the focus was on trying to make Dante a more relateable, serious character and stronger focus on serious movie quality story telling, also the visuals as well, therefor the gameplay had to be built around the story and therefor was dumbed down and wasn't that good of a Devil May Cry game, it was utter garbage if you're someone who wants a hardcore action game with a stylish as hell character like I do.
It's the same reason as to why I utterly despise that Tomb Raider Reboot and want all fans of it to die of Ebola for ruining the franchise by buying it, as it did the same thing DmC did only WAY worse, but that's a rant for another thread.
With MGS5, it abandoned the very story/cinematic heavy direction that all past games have taken and focused 100% on it's gameplay, the story, even though it was perfectly fine, was clearly built around that gameplay instead of the other way round, there were FAR less cutscenes and long codec segments and thanks to that we have an amazing game that can stay fresh and fun after 150+ hours of gameplay, yes I've put more hours into MGS5 than I have the rest of the franchise.
I want that for DMC5, I want to keep coming back to playing it because it's so much fun to play, not give me an 8 hour interactive movie experience that I'll never care about and never come back to.
I still don't remember a damn thing about Metal Gear Risings plot, yet I keep coming back to it because those boss fights were f**king awesome!!!
I keep playing DMC3 & 4 because the gameplay is top notch, the music rocks hard enough to register on the f**king richter scale, the boss fights are awesome, the female cast is memorable and the main character is just badass, story is never and should never be a main reason to play Devil May Cry or just video games in general.
It's the same reason as to why I utterly despise that Tomb Raider Reboot and want all fans of it to die of Ebola for ruining the franchise by buying it, as it did the same thing DmC did only WAY worse, but that's a rant for another thread.