I got my copy today. Just beat mission 1 but I gotta get to work. I'm taking a few while I'm in between spots so let me give my quick impressions behind the controller.
Here's my impression so far.
The Bad:
They changed the key location for the first one. It's right in the way, and I didn't like that one, it was part of the exploration and now it's not as fun finding it. I hope they didn't rearrange the items to less hidden locations.
There is a weird load right after 'Hunter's a brutal fighter' and the audio goes out of sync. It's the next gen and that one is super weird because it wasn't in the original. It's super noticeable.
Skipping cutscenes is still not an immediate action, that bugs me. It's almost as prolonged as the other council versions.
The Good:
Oh, yeah, that is much better. The smooth, high frame rate is so much more pleasing. It's so pretty. I see details I never noticed before. It's much more crisp. Like that scene where he's all 'and if I pull the trigger?' 'I'll die.' I never noticed that look on his face, that 'oh, wow' look. I saw a video of the old version and it's there but I don't know why I never noticed it before. All I can figure is because of how granny and undetailed the other version was.
Now I feel like I'm earning my ranks. Hardcore is less lenient than DMC4, from what I can see and I'm liking how it's forcing, nay, demanding variety. And that Turbo mode.
This feels right. That lock on is definitely not missed anymore. I don't use it %100 of the time but I use it and I like it.
All in all, I'm much happier with this product and I hope the rest of the game is as such.