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Devil May Cry: Sparda's Blood (DMC5)

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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Oh this just gets better and better man :) keep up the awesome work man :) rep+ from me.


New Member
Well, here comes the official logo of my game concept......:D



New Member
Anyway, since none is bothering to comment...:dry:...



Eva goes downstairs the office, where Sparda is still mad about the cologne bottle.

'What's this smell?!'

'Just my cologne spread over the pavement.'

'I love this smell.'

Sparda watches surprised Eva, and then resumes collecting the glass remains of the bottle. The phone rings..

'Tony Redgrave, Devil Hunter!'

'It's me Tony! Listen, I might need some help after all. Sorry, 'cause I promised you the day off.'

'Day off?! Since I met you, I haven't known the meaning of day offs! Where's the place?!'

'66 Slum Avenue!'

'Just near 13th Street! Strange!'

'Yeah, that's what I thought too!'

'What about Eva?!'

'Take her too! I know It's risky, but It would be more risky If she'd be left alone in the office. The demons that tried to kill her, will try again soon. Also, she has some sort of connection with all this, and needs to be present.'

'I got ya!'

Eva seems worried.

'Well, Eva, things just keep getting better and better!'

Sparda and Eva are on the way to the address Marie pointed them out on the phone. All of a sudden, demonic shadows surround them and block their path.

'Well, some warm up before the heat, huh?! Sounds cool to me!'

But as Sparda is ready for showtime, Eva shows her palm to the demons, with her eyes glowing white, and destroying them. Sparda just watches surprised how a human, single-handed blows away the demons with one hand. Eva faints, and Sparda grabs her in his arms.

'Those lips, that face.....'

An abandoned motorbike is near the street. Sparda gets on It, putting Eva in front of him.


Meanwhile, Marie is hidden watching some demons patrol the area just before entering the residence of Eva, now burned down to ashes. As she's trying to make a surprise attack, Sparda enters with the motorbike, having left Eva to a corner near there. As he's on air, he shoots with Luce&Ombra to the demons. The motorbike gets to the line of fire, and explodes, annihilating the guardian demons.

'I did expect something like that from you Tony!'

'You know me!'

'Where's Eva?!'

'Ah, she's at the......'

While pointing out the corner Sparda left her, he sees she's not there anymore.


To be continued....


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Oh man that was good :) plus rep from me man :) wonder what has happened to Eva now? can't wait to find out :)


Well-known Member
^Such cliffhangers!

Nice one Aseroth, sorry I havent replied sooner! =p

Fantastic Logo! I'm very jealous of your Photoshop skills :)


Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
<3 My god...I love this story, so many cliff hangers, plot twists, excitement, it has it all, absolutely LOVE this, keep up the good work. ^_^

+rep From me. :D


New Member
Ah, It's beginning to expand over here!!!! :D



As Marie and Sparda were left with a curtain of numbness from Eva's disappearance, she was wandering around her burned residence. Within her, a burning wrath of vengeance had begun.
Meanwhile, Sparda and Marie were debating about how incompetent the Dark Knight had shown himself....

'Tony! What the hell are we going to do now?!'

'I don't know! I feel hungry! Let's grab some pizza!'

'Yeah, right! And some beer after....'

'Not beer! I'd like a red wine or something...'

'Move It! We don't have time to lose!'

'Alright, alright! Damn, why everything has to be so hard?!'

From the top of a building near there, a mysterious person with silver hair, and with two swords in his hands, sighs...

'So be It!!!'


Eva has reached the basement of her residence, which has remained intact from the fire.

'I hope It is still here!'

A crawling is heard, and as Eva turns around, a giant sword is directed to her face. She puts her hand on front of her, creating an invisible shield that annihilates the demon on his sword's contact with It.

'I've attracted too much attention. Got to leave!'


To be continued.....


New Member
Not been focused too much with the concept and its continuation, but here I am...^_^



Eva had left the basement, carrying a strange ornamented box with her. A couple of demons spotted Eva and rallied to kill her. All of a sudden, a mysterious man slashed through the demons, annihilating them at sight. She is astonished at the speed and agility of this warrior.

'Thought I'd never meet you.'

'Who are you?!'

'Ah, yes! My fault! I hate when I skip politeness. My name, is Uriel.'

'A demon?! I hate demons!'

'I'm very different. Although my intention is to search for a man known as the Legendary Dark Knight, during the way, saved you.'

'How polite of you! I really have to go and take care of my own business.'

'What's the hurry?!'

Eva watches the demon with an angry face.

'Trust me! You'd never want yourself getting on my bad side.'

'As you wish! But, I have the feeling that we'll meet again soon, very soon.'

Eva leaves to Sparda's office. Uriel closely and silently follows her. After knocking on the door, Marie opens It.

'Where's Tony?!'

'He's been looking for you all around. And what's that box you're carrying with?!'

'It regards Spa....Tony!'

'He's not here.'

The phone rings. Marie grabs It.


'It's me Marie, Tony! Talking from an abandoned house between Eva's burned residence.'

'It's him?!'

'Yeah, Tony, speak. What is it?!'

'I think Eva hides more than we know!'

'She's here, at the office.'

'Bingo, then! I'm headed that way.'


To be continued.....


New Member
Thanks for the comments guys.....:D
Really boosting......;)



Sparda opened the door and came in his office. Marie and Eva were right there. The Dark Knight noticed the ornamented box on his table.

'Marie, I think Eva has a lot of her hiding from us.'

'I thought that too, Tony.'

Eva saw Sparda in his eyes.

'You're hiding quite some of yourself too, aren't you Tony?!'

Sparda realized Eva had recognized his true identity. Marie stood surprised and astonished at Eva's words, and mostly, at Sparda's reaction towards her words.

'Marie! The person you've thought as Tony Redgrave is in fact someone else, the Legendary Dark Knight himself, the great Sparda!'

Marie bursts on laughs. But, as she watches Sparda serious and being silent, she stops.


'Why didn't you tell me?!'

Sparda stays silent, as Marie runs out of the door, and jumps on her bike, leaving hurt. Meanwhile, Eva feels guilty of what happened, and leaves. Sparda remains lonely. He notices the box that Eva forgot and tries to give It back to her. But, Uriel, which was monitoring the door all the time, jumps on Eva and locks her throat, putting her on a sleepy state. Sparda unsheathes his Yamato at the demon.

'Who are you?!'

'Forgot the Forgotten?!'

The Dark Knight stood shocked at the words of the demon.

'My brother, Nathaniel, is waiting for you, Sparda! To get his revenge on you! I'm always rude presenting myself. My name, is Uriel Berith! Shall we dance, Legendary Dark Knight?!'


Sparda is outclassed by Uriel's skills and is easily brought down by the twin demon brother of Nathaniel. Sparda then, is attacked by thousands of dark-armored knights, as he desperately tries to reach Eva, grabbed on Uriel's arms, as he flies backwards and away.

'EVAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Let her go!'

She whispers his name....


On his flight, the Dark Knight is grabbed by some dark-armored knights and brought down furiously. Sparda's eyes glow in red, and he unleashed a Devil Trigger Blast, annihilating every demon in the range, for reverting back to his human form. He kneels and pounds the ground with hate. Then, whispers run through his head....


He follows the whispers, leading him to the box. As he opens It, a blinding light throws him out of the office. His right arm glowing, morphing into something demonic, and the Yamato glowing blueish. The whispers become more clear, and echo as a voice in his head....

'POWER! Give me more, POWER!'


To be continued........
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