Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition for Next Gen

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I'm afraid a lot of people care about bugs like these. Which is why there were so many patches. Ultimately NT or Capcom took hold of these issues and addressed them with a patch. Seems you're calling those who created the game you so love, no one.

Quite funny you're saying people are just finding reasons to complain, yet you dismiss these legitimate reasons because "no body cares".

Edit: apparently you cared enough to respond.
You act like the game bugs out more than a bug on a dune buggy. I, and many others have not experienced these tons of bugs that allegedly happen frequently.

The only major bug I came across was actually a fun one. Vergil became immortal in the final fight. I couldn't finish him off with the Devil Trigger for some reason. So, I just had fun and just wanted to see how long I'd last against this unbeatable foe.

I use to be able to glitch out inside the floor with rainstorm in DMC 3. I also ran in to a few bugs in glitches in other games. These things tend to happen with games. You're exaggerating though.

I'd say that main value in any game is gameplay. I've never yet found a game that I liked and didn't play several times over. But when you play a game several times, story, exploration... it all looses value. I don't care about going backwards through the areas I have already explored, as I know that I will do it again anyway, backtracking or no backtracking. So I wouldn't say that backtracking is a serious issue, at least not in terms of playability. What I want is a game that can be explored and experimented with. DMC 4 provided it, which I'd say is a rarity.
It's not just repeating the same levels over and over again. It's the game forcing you to repeat poorly made levels over and over again. When you're fighting, it's fine. But every other aspect is just BS. You might as well just replay Bloody Palace over and over again.

Why wouldn't you want the game to be better? I thought you liked Devil May Cry? If you sit back and accept the kind of quality DMC 4 provides with most of its bad design choices, then you're just saying you're ok with them giving you half assed games over and over again. It's not a good thing in an industry that just loves to see how far it can push its luck.

DMC 3 reinvigorated the series and 4 just took steps back after that.
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Please don't use sales as some sort of gauge. Don't be a suit that's out of touch with the industry. They wanted DmC to sell Call of Duty numbers, which no game in the genre could ever do to begin with. CoD only gets the numbers it does from people who literally only care about CoD. Similarly, keep in mind that used game sales are never taken into account on these sales figures, and many penny-pinching gamers have found games they love not buying a brand new copy. Sales also don't account well for acclaim, there's games like Bayonetta, the DMCs, Okami, even Godhand that are incredible games that didn't sell as well as they should have.

All in all I don't see any reason why this has to be any kind of DMC vs DmC interest thing anyway. Why the hell can't we have both? There's nothing that says we must choose, and gathering interest for both versions, for the entire series itself is way better than having to toss one into the fire so the other can be warm.

DMC4 sold 2.8 million in a month, DmC sold 1.1 in the same period, IIRC.
Also, they wanted DmC to sell 2 million, which is very fair, and it's not CoD numbers. It's as much as DMC1 sold, and that game wasn't even multiplatform like DmC is. It was even a new IP, so it wasn't even popular yet. It sold 2 million, DmC still only sold 1.1. It failed.

I'm just stating facts. If a game like DMC4, which a lot of fans didn't even care about much sold 2.8 million in a month in 2008, and DmC sold 1.1 in 2013, that means there is little demand for DmC. Devil May Cry is also a decently well-known franchise, so DmC should've sold pretty decently simply because of that too.

So please don't insult my intelligence by acting like sales don't matter at all. Even if not one fan of Devil May Cry liked DmC, it still should've sold better than 1.1 million. People just didn't like it much - it's time to accept that and get over it.

We can't have both because I doubt Capcom will continue both series. They don't have the time, resources or the will to do that. You really think its employees feel like spending all their time on TWO Devil May Crys? Come on.
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DMC4 sold 2.8 million in a month, DmC sold 1.1 in the same period, IIRC.

Also, they wanted DmC to sell 2 million, which is very fair. It's as much as DMC1 sold, and that game wasn't even multiplatform like DmC is. It was even a new IP, for f*ck's sake... while DmC technically isn't.

I'm just stating facts here. If a game like DMC4, which a lot of fans didn't even care about much sold 2.8 million in 2008, and DmC sold 1.1, that just means there is little demand for DmC. Devil May Cry is also a decently well-known franchise, so DmC should've sold pretty decently simply because of that too.

So please don't insult my intelligence by acting like sales don't matter at all. Even if not a single fan of Devil May Cry liked DmC, it still should've sold better than 1.1 million, I think. People just didn't like it much - it's time to accept that and get over it.
A lot of fans condemned it out the gate and never gave it a chance whatsoever. Not trying to say anyone has to like it, but you can't say that the stubborn fanboys upset at its freaking existence wasn't a factor here. I still say DmC is underrated by a majority of this fandom. A lot of people, including myself, who have been playing since the beginning still think DmC is a fun entry in the Devil May Cry franchise that can hold its own as the fresh entry in the series while standing with confidence as a Devil May Cry game.

It's you people who always think its some battle here. It's always DMC Vs. DmC with you. IT'S ALL DEVIL MAY CRY. They are part of the same freaking franchise and we all have our things we like and don't like about it.

DMC fans have proven they can be just as bad as Sonic fans. It's been a long time and people STILL just can't get over themselves. Complaining about this stuff like babies who just want everything their way.

And overall, DmC still didn't do terrible. I don't see how that number is really low. Not very exciting, but not low. You keep mentioning DMC 4, and well 2.8 million is not even very exciting either. The games been out for years and it only has that many sales and it also took nearly a month before it shipped a million.

We have games who like earn that amount 4 times over in a single night. I think it goes to show that the Devil May Cry series as a whole has trouble garnering new fans. Even if a hypothetical DMC 5 would release, do you really see it earning that much? It seems like the only people now who care about this franchise are those already familiar with it.

A shame.
I've never yet found a game that I liked and didn't play several times over... I don't care about going backwards through the areas I have already explored, as I know that I will do it again anyway, backtracking or no backtracking.

Sorry I clipped your quote a bit, but this is absolutely the case for me as well. And backtracking have been kind of a staple of DMC since the first game ( DMC 3 did it the best with the rotating room system imho ). But 4 just took it to an extreme, to the point where you simply play the same level twice in a very small time frame when the game switches to Dante. 1-2-3 at least had different paths that lead you to the backtracking routes.

But of course, the meat is gameplay. And going through all those levels in reverse as Dante shows how carefully crafted each of them are. Not to mention the utter SHOCK of having all 4 styles at your will at any times when you're playing for the first time. I don't think anyone can sensibly claim the backtracking ruins the game. It's simply a minor annoyance, and is naturally brought up when discussing potential changes in the remix.

Man I've been smiling to myself all day thinking on these news. I still can't process having a DMC 4 SE. Ohmigosh!
It's you people who always think its some battle here. It's always DMC Vs. DmC with you. IT'S ALL DEVIL MAY CRY. They are part of the same freaking franchise and we all have our things we like and don't like about it.

We have games who like earn that amount 4 times over in a single night. I think it goes to show that the Devil May Cry series as a whole has trouble garnering new fans. Even if a hypothetical DMC 5 would release, do you really see it earning that much? It seems like the only people now who care about this franchise are those already familiar with it.
The hating of DmC was a factor, but only a small one. Like I said, even if not a single DMC fan liked DmC, there's still no reason for it not to sell more than 1.1 million in a month. DmC is not a new IP like DMC1 was, it was a new installment in the fairly well-known Devil May Cry franchise. In the end it still only sold 1.7 million, which is still LESS THAN DMC1. Are you kidding me?
Yes, it's a fun game, but that isn't enough. Games need to be good, not just fun.

''It's you people who always think its some battle here.''

THEERE it is. There's the old Chancey, the one who called anime fans weeaboos and dismissed all criticism towards DmC as hating in the thread ''why the hate''. I'm not going to dignify this sh*t from you with a response. You like to act high and mighty, but you're the one who hated on fans of DMC3 and DMC4 and Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising in the past. I was hoping you'd have let go of all that anger towards DMC fans, but I see you still cling to it like a child.

It's about sales expectations. Capcom expected it to sell two million. That was for a time the lowest amount they wanted. DmC didn't reach that. Just a fact. Capcom believed DMC4 should've sold more than 3 million... obviously that's not an unrealistic figure if it's in their sales projections. If DMC4 could've sold more than 3 million, a westernized DmC should've sold about four million, I suspect.

I'm just stating facts, I didn't attack you. So stop attacking me. This DmC vs DMC nonsense has been going on for too long. I just gave you the sales figures that show people are more interested in DMC than DmC. It's up to you how to respond, but I don't appreciate a response like this. You're essentially calling me a DmC hater... why, I don't know. Even though I don't want DmC to continue, I did like DmC. I won't have this, so I'm reporting you.
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It was a factor, but only a small one. Like I said, even if not a single DMC fan liked DmC, there's still no reason for it not to sell more than 1.1 million in a month. DmC is not a new IP, it was a new installment in the fairly well-known Devil May Cry franchise. In the end it still only sold 1.7 million, which is still LESS THAN DMC1. Are you f*cking kidding me?
Yes, it's a fun game, but that isn't enough. Games need to be good, not just fun.

''It's you people who always think its some battle here.''

THEERE it is. There's the old Chancey, the one who called anime fans weeaboos and dismissed all criticism towards DmC as hating in the thread ''why the hate''. I'm not going to dignify this sh*t from you with a response. You like to act high and mighty, but you're the one who hated on fans of DMC3 and DMC4 and Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising in the past. Cut the charade.

It's about sales expectations. Capcom expected it to sell two million. That was for a time the lowest amount they wanted. DmC didn't reach that. Just a fact. Capcom believed DMC4 should've sold more than 3 million... obviously that's not an unrealistic figure if it's in their sales projections. If DMC4 could've sold more than 3 million, a westernized DmC should've sold about four million, I suspect.

I'm just stating facts, I didn't attack you. So stop attacking me. This DmC vs DMC nonsense has been going on for too long. I just gave you the sales figures, it's up to you how to respond, but I don't appreciate a response like this. You're essentially calling me a hater again, and I won't have it.
How can you prove how small a factor it was? And well, I can be the only one here who thought it was good and wouldn't change my mind. Just like I think DMC 1 is good, DMC 3 is good, Metal Gear Rising is good, Bayonetta is good, and ummm........yea, when did I ever say I hated any of these games that I am also a fan of?

I'm such a hater. I only own like all this stuff I allegedly hate.

I gave them criticism sure, just like I did with DmC. And every game ever pretty much. (Except Banjo Kazooie and MegaMan X which are like perfect to me).

And do I need to snap a picture of my massive anime and manga collection? I'm also an avid anime fan.

Why don't you chill out. I just don't like how ridiculous some people are. A lot of us actually like both versions and enjoy both versions. No one was attacking anyone, you were the one to start this whole song and dance. You were the first one to bring this stuff up.
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It's about sales expectations. Capcom expected it to sell two million. That was for a time the lowest amount they wanted. DmC didn't reach that. Just a fact. Capcom believed DMC4 should've sold more than 3 million... obviously that's not an unrealistic figure if it's in their sales projections. If DMC4 could've sold more than 3 million, a westernized DmC should've sold about four million, I suspect.

While I agree that we should stop verbally attacking each other (which you could both help us do by setting a better example), I feel a slight responsibility to clarify the sales data. The facts you present are correct, but your supposition that DmC should've sold about 4 million fails to take into account the difference in average game sales over the past 6 years.

Take a look at this graph. The software section in particular shows how, even from 2010, the sales for all games have dropped about 35%. Now, this isn't an average of all games, and I'm sure there's more compelling data elsewhere, but this is a trend game developers have been noticing for a while now- increasing production costs and lower sales figures.

So, if we're being reasonable, 2 million is the most Capcom should have expected in sales, even if we're talking about the same reception and game quality. It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that the expectation should have been even lower.
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So, if we're being reasonable, 2 million is the most Capcom should have expected in sales, even if we're talking about the same reception and game quality. It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that the expectation should have been even lower.
I'm sorry but dragon's dogma and Bayonetta that sold 1,2 mil. in same time period as DmC sold 1,1 mil proves otherwise. Drop in software sales wasn't an issue
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While I agree that we should stop verbally attacking each other (which you could both help us do by setting a better example), I feel a slight responsibility to clarify the sales data. The facts you present are correct, but your supposition that DmC should've sold about 4 million fails to take into account the difference in average game sales over the past 6 years.

Take a look at this graph. The software section in particular shows how, even from 2010, the sales for all games have dropped about 35%. Now, this isn't an average of all games, and I'm sure there's more compelling data elsewhere, but this is a trend game developers have been noticing for a while now- increasing production costs and lower sales figures.

So, if we're being reasonable, 2 million is the most Capcom should have expected in sales, even if we're talking about the same reception and game quality. It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that the expectation should have been even lower.
That still doesn't change the fact that people are more interested in DMC than DmC. DmC failed miserably in terms of sales, and yes, even though its sales were considered 'solid' by Capcom. Solid does not mean according to expectations... hell, it doesn't even mean ''good''. I don't see why 2 million would be the most they could've expected, when DmC was made to pander to the largest crowd possible... Capcom even admitted that. In any case, 1.1 sold within the sales deadline is just not good. Dragon's Dogma was a new IP and even IT sold 1.3 million. DmC wasn't even a new IP, really.
Did I insult anyone here personally? No. Yea, I talked about the fanbase with the use of hyperbole and general terms because they have proven to be quite childish. No one can really deny that.

Everyone was just talking about Devil May Cry goodness in general and Nero was the one who brought up a comparison that no one really cares about. Just look back in the previous forum messages. It sure sounds like he's trying to bring in this whole DMC Vs. DmC crap.

DmC could have sold 5 copies and I'd still have dug what I played. Just like I still dig the other games. I'm like, the only one here who's favorite is still the first game.

And these are just freaking video games man. Not the most important things ever.
Did I insult anyone here personally? No. Yea, I talked about the fanbase with the use of hyperbole and general terms because they have proven to be quite childish. No one can really deny that.

Everyone was just talking about Devil May Cry goodness in general and Nero was the one who brought up a comparison that no one really cares about. Just look back in the previous forum messages. It sure sounds like he's trying to bring in this whole DMC Vs. DmC crap.

DmC could have sold 5 copies and I'd still have dug what I played. Just like I still dig the other games. I'm like, the only one here who's favorite is still the first game.

And these are just freaking video games man. Not the most important things ever.

Yeah, and you're so mature Mr. "Ewww Bayonetta is gross :vomit:"
That still doesn't change the fact that people are more interested in DMC than DmC. DmC failed miserably in terms of sales, and yes, even though its sales were considered 'solid' by Capcom. Solid does not mean according to expectations... hell, it doesn't even mean ''good''. I don't see why 2 million would be the most they could've expected, when DmC was made to pander to the largest crowd possible... Capcom even admitted that. In any case, 1.1 sold within the sales deadline is just not good. Dragon's Dogma was a new IP and even IT sold 1.3 million. DmC wasn't even a new IP, really.

Okay, so we're not just comparing games from the Devil May Cry series, then? Well, if you take these other games into consideration, I guess what you're saying is that the previous Devil May Cry entries may not have been very good either, if we adjust the figures for market conditions? If we're talking games in general, all of these games have sold poorly, so to say that sales are vitally important so far as judging quality is going a bit too far. Sales are important, but we need to know what we're trying to argue, here. I thought some people were trying to say there's some kind of judgement to be made directly between Devil May Cry 4 and DmC so far as sales go. Maybe I'm just misreading things, but I want to help us settle the argument somewhat rather than talk in circles and insult one another, since that's just not productive.

I suppose, aside from this sales issue, the one thing I have a hard time reconciling or believing is the supposition that people are more interested in DMC than DmC. What kind of information would lead you to a conclusion on either side of the argument? Surely you don't believe that the opinions of hardcore players stated on this forum are wholly representative of public interest. Even if you did, I'd say we're pretty well split here, and my family and friends who aren't big fans tend to like DmC more, so I can't really tell you one way or the other.
Yeah, and you're so mature Mr. "Ewww Bayonetta is gross :vomit:"
Well, she kinda is. Her freakishly long limbs and how her clothes is made from her hair that in Bayonetta 2 ISN'T apparently from her head!