Capcom Halves Forcast: Blames "Excessive Outsourcing"

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DMC the bigger franchise? Umm nope.


erm, care to point out where i said that DMC was the bigger franchise?:|

I said that it currently is the bigger money maker.

Mega Man hasn't in recent years made Capcom as much money as DMC has, if you can provide proof to the contrary I'm all ears.

I'm a big mega man fan myself, have been since the original NES days, and I keep track of how much it has been making in recent years, but maybe you know something I do not...
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erm, care to point out where i said that DMC was the bigger franchise?:|

I said that it currently is the bigger money maker.

Mega Man hasn't in recent years made Capcom as much money as DMC has, if you can provide proof to the contrary I'm all ears.

I'm a big mega man fan myself, have been since the original NES days, and I keep track of how much it has been making in recent years, but maybe you know something I do not...
The MegaMan franchise has made more money than the Devil May Cry franchise and maybe we would see MegaMan raking in more cash, if only Capcom would RELEASE A GAME! Lots of petitions and even claims to fund a kickstarter to get these MegaMan games going are all over the place, with so many fans yearning for more you seriously think MegaMan isn't a money maker? It is, just Capcom can't see it.
aw c'mon not ALL western devs are bad
western developers are generally more talented than in the east, period, because unlike eastern developers, devs in the west communicate with each on a deep personal level and make sure everything works, hence the reason why no japanese developer has won any best developer awards for years
"The game's exec producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi said that Capcom has around 150 people working on the game within Japan, and over 600 employees in total around the world involved in the title to some degree."

I know some people will think I'm just blindly defending DmC or Ninja Theory, but I really don't believe this statement refers to that game or how it was developed. I think the outsourcing statement probably refers more to the bit of information above. The development of games with massive teams spread out all over the world will always results in a game that lacks cohesiveness and as a result overall quality. An obvious and important lesson you think most game companies would get through their heads, but it always takes significant losses for them to understand.

The next game in any of their franchises shouldn't require pieces of the game to be developed all over the world. When they hire a developer, western, eastern, or otherwise, that should be the only and main developer, if they want to have a small number of creative consultants to oversea an outside developer like DmC did (I believe it was 10 capcom overseers) that is okay, but having 450 people around the world making pieces of a game to put together is NOT.

Also, for future games developed outside, their should be a contractual requirement for the developers hired that there be no outsourcing, because look at what Gearbox did to sega, they outsourced the aliens game to timegate, when THEY themselves were hired by SEGA to make the game. If Sega wanted TIMEGATE, I'd assume they could have just paid timegate to develop the game.
It really seems to have become quite difficult for vido games in general these days...
I don't know about Capcom's other titels that were developed overseas, but looking at DmC, I, personally, think it isn't that bad of an idea to outsource, if done in a reasonable amount. They really do need to get new inspiration, and, as much as I hate to say it, westernize a little, because, well, the west is bigger than Japan alone, and to most of the "mainstream" audience Japanese games probably don't appeal as much. And, as sad as it is, they must also take that audience into consideration when making games, because otherwise, it will not be affordable anymore to make game. I geuss.

"The game's exec producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi said that Capcom has around 150 people working on the game within Japan, and over 600 employees in total around the world involved in the title to some degree."
Wow, I didn't know that. Completely agree with you, to many cooks spoil the soup, so to say. I really hope they refered to that more than to DmC.
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Wow, I didn't know that. Completely agree with you, to many cooks spoil the soup, so to say. I really hope they refered to that more than to DmC.

Also, the term "outsourcing" generally refers to the practice of finding "cheaper" studios to do secondary work on major titles, that's why I think it doesn't necessarily refer to DmC, because that wasn't given to Ninja Theory in order for Capcom to save money. If anything DmC was given a larger budget and likely cost more since it was a total reboot requiring the creation of new art and animation assets; the most expensive part of new game development.

However, even if the above is true,, the loss they booked due to restructuring is substantial (Around 70 million dollars), so it is possible that a lot of future games including DmC2, regardless of quality, may have been victim to an overall policy change,.which to fans like me would be pretty crappy.
I feel like them shifting back to Japan means just as much bad as it does good.

I don't really know why, it's just a gut feeling.

Terrutas, I'm more worried about their emphasis on the laughably named "digital contents", *cough* DLC *cough*, as a driver of future profits.

Also, I mean their line-up seems bare, the only games I'm interested in are Monster Hunter and Deep Down (next gen dragon's dogma?).

Other then that, they have Remember Me, which I will predict right now is going to bomb.hard, unless it somehow gets 90+ metacritic, which is doubtful.
Terrutas, I'm more worried about their emphasis on the laughably named "digital contents", *cough* DLC *cough*, as a driver of future profits.

Also, I mean their line-up seems bare, the only games I'm interested in are Monster Hunter and Deep Down, which I guess is a next gen Dragon's Dogma.
Yeah you're probably right.
I just want good games.
Where the hell are you getting these numbers from?

Detective Dunte, on the case! :lol:


I'm still ****ed about it being a WiiU exclusive, but hey it's Bayonetta.

Oh Christ. Are the elitists butthurt about that too??


naughty post

Hey now, 8bit/MTaz, leave poor Incarnated alo --

Nah, I don't give a crap anymore. Do what you want.

I've already spoken to her about being aggressive and negative on the posts. It's a lost cause.
Oh Christ. Are the elitists butthurt about that too??

I would be upset too if I had a sequel of a game ported to a completely different system (a new one at that).
I'm not sure why P* decided to port it to the WiiU, but a good amount of people who were following Bayonetta 2 were upset about it.

Say if Borderlands 1 came out for the PS3/Xbox 360/PC normally and Borderlands 2 was released only on the Wii U. I'm sure a lot of fans of the series would be highly upset about it. So calling people "elitists" just because they dislike seeing their series being ported to another console (a console they probably don't have) is unnecessary.