Capcom Halves Forcast: Blames "Excessive Outsourcing"

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If DmC isn't canned there is less than 30% chance of DMC seeing light of day.

If DmC is canned there is over 50% chance of DMC.

Just guesses based on how Capcom wanted DmC to replace DMC.
The point with the numbers are: DmC being canned gives DMC higher chance of happening.
Where the hell are you getting these numbers from?
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And if MGR isn't made anymore, and Bayo doesn't get another game, then what? Since Bayo 2 wouldn't be here if nintendo didn't get it.
It'll be a while before MGR isn't made anymore, Kojima was very happy with it's sales and wants it to become it's own franchise and even if it dies out, there will be original future HnS games.

I hope so. Bayonetta barely got a second outing until Nintendo saved it.
I'm still ****ed about it being a WiiU exclusive, but hey it's Bayonetta.
If DmC isn't canned there is less than 30% chance of DMC seeing light of day.

If DmC is canned there is over 50% chance of DMC.

Just guesses based on how Capcom wanted DmC to replace DMC.
The point with the numbers are: DmC being canned gives DMC higher chance of happening.
Hahahaha XD
OK I'm just reading like "Wait where did you get these statistics from what" and then I remembered who I was talking to.
I haven't been on this forum for a while now but I remember that one person(you) is still here. Someone who downplays everyone elses point with excuses. Someone who know nothing of the subject yet expects others to listen to them. Now I remember that back and forth we had.

Even still you know nothing of topic. You're problem with RE6
, and made RE 6 FPS like for sake of money.
It's an FPS!? When was this? What game were you playing? That's just one of the many problems. You instantly dismiss AoEdns posts as "you must be working for Capcom". You see stylised cutscene animations are just lazy EVEN THOUGH you watch Anime which uses a very similar format/style.

I understand you don't like the game, but the points you bring up with little to no explanation as well as jumping to irrational conclusions...
Similar to Megaman reboot FPS ==== money.
You mean like every other game wants to make it's money back?
I don´t believe it, the budget they had for DmC probably included Vergil´s downfall.
Vergil´s downfall story and cutscenes compared to main game is piece of ****.
I underlined the keyword. 'Probably' meaning that you have none/zero/zilch evidence to backup what you say so if there's a chance to rag on this game more, you'll take it.

and you use Metacritic as a source of fair analysis
...I wouldn't rely on Bayonetta as a successor, 2 is only being made because Nintendo was the only publisher willing to take it. Even thought made over 1 million sales, Sega saw it as a failure, and no one else would pick it up. Platnium kind'a has that problem.
I'm glad the game was saved, but I'm surprised it's being made for WiiU. The company now has the image of making consoles for casual gamers or children. I just hope Bayonetta can get enough sales on the console.
I don't know where the idea of Japan= land of originality comes from. Maybe because Westerners see Japanese culture as different, therefore original? But once you get into how they think, watch some daytime dramas, anime and films, it's not so exciting or original anymore.
What they do is they see what works, what sells and then rehash it, same as any company.
Japan dishes out there fair share of crap just like everyone else.
Metacritic user reviews are below 8. Thats a failure.

And i dont think the reviews are very valid but i cant think the "real" critics i.e IGN, Destructoid would review a game as it is.

So really mixed reviews vs user reviews?
And if you want to really know if the game was a success from a review standpoint, then best way to find that out is finding relatively unbiased Youtube reviewers who doesnt have a site or channel for gaming that is monetarized or whatever.

But going based on "critics" (IGN, Destructoid, Gamespot. etc) is no better than going based on metacritic. Id say its worse.
Don't ever mention Metacritic as if it's actually important or relevant in any way shape or form.
...I wouldn't rely on Bayonetta as a successor, 2 is only being made because Nintendo was the only publisher willing to take it. Even thought made over 1 million sales, Sega saw it as a failure, and no one else would pick it up. Platnium kind'a has that problem.
The platinum curse. Games that's are frikkin' awesome(Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Bayonetta, Vanquish, God hand) yet never get their sales and have a small group following. I don't get why Capcom are getting miffed over a few less sales when other games do less than them yet they continue to support 'em.
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Well this is Capcom. If they did it with Megaman, who knows what the future of DMC will be. And if they do a DMC, they better not bullsh!t it.

Mega Man is a entirely different beast than DMC.

For 1, it has to many different continuity of games for Capcom to choose and focus on such as Mega Man,Mega Man X,Mega Man Zero,Mega Man Legends,Mega Man ZX,Mega Man starforce,Mega Man battle network.

Secondly, DMC is a bigger money maker.

So I don't think it would be all that accurate to use the canning of a Mega Man game to DMC.

Capcom probably isn't sure which series to back at the moment and thus just said **** it when it came to Megaman Legends 3.
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Japan dishes out there fair share of crap just like everyone else.
So true, and I have seen a lot of crap, weirdness and just plain creepy from Japan. :lol: Just like other places, but sometimes Japan seems more extreme.....not sure why that is though:/ I guess it's due to the mass proliferation of Japanese media into the West, so we see more of it, and in turn more of the weird side. Same as if any other country exported its media to the world.
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Mega Man is a entirely different beast than DMC.

For 1, it has to many different continuity of games for Capcom to choose and focus on such as Mega Man,Mega Man X,Mega Man Zero,Mega Man Legends,Mega Man ZX,Mega Man starforce,Mega Man battle network.

Secondly, its a bigger money maker.

So I don't think it would be all that accurate to use the canning of a Mega Man game to DMC.

Capcom probably isn't sure which series to back at the moment and thus just said **** it when it came to Megaman Legends 3.
I think all Capcom is bothered is Street Fighter. It's the only series that's relevant, strong as heck and probably their biggest current series. Obviously correct me if I'm wrong but I think it would be safe to say that's still their best franchise (financial wise) that they can still rely on. Heck we have a new update for SSFIVAE2012 coming out so...
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I'm a massive MegaMan fan. A bigger MegaMan fan than Devil May Cry to be honest and I saw that Maverick Hunter game. Even though it was a FPS it sounded promising. It was being developed by the people who worked on Metroid Prime. THE PEOPLE WHO MADE METROID PRIME.

Yea, I adore Metroid and Prime was amazing. Damn skippy I want to see this Maverick Hunter.
I think all Capcom is bothered is Street Fighter. It's the only series that's relevant, strong as heck and probably their biggest current series. Obviously correct me if I'm wrong but I think it would be safe to say that's still their best series (financial wise).
Yea Street fighter is there only big series that isn't going through a ruff spat at the moment.
What about SFXTekken? didn't that cause a few issues?
That game doesn't exist.
Only the DLC one.

And that was more to do with Capcom's business practices rather than the game itself which was well received and sold well.
I don't mean to sound like a snob. But those reviewers don't really know what to look for in a fighting game. They praised the game for x and x. But to us into fighting games it was a trainwreck. I'm not talking about the massive scam that was the DLC either. The game sucked on so many levels it was pulled from fighting game tournaments that even to this day(after the v2013 update) people still don't like it. It wasn't a good game. It was a a success to those outside of fighting games, but for the community it was a laughing joke. The mechanics and business practice killed that game.
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