i'm afraid that capcom is going towards being my least fav. developersCapcom logic at its finest.^_^
i'm afraid that capcom is going towards being my least fav. developersCapcom logic at its finest.^_^
I see what he's talking about. My friend and I were hanging out and we just decided to take a look around Gamestop. We just decided to put DmC on pre-order and there was a guy working there who seriously tried to tell us how much it was going to suck and said we should get Rising instead. Our reaction was just dude, put my game on preorder so I can get the hell outta here.why would they even do that?
Capcom is for some reason nervous about what to do with MegaMan just because Inafune left. My point is that MegaMan is a money maker and a big one at that. Are these thousands upon thousands of fans clamoring for more MegaMan not there? They are basically waiting to give MegaMan more money. Honestly, I don't understand this deal with cancelling these MegaMan games. From a business standpoint, it makes no freaking sense.
Don't worry i am sure Bayonetta will decent sales wise.And I'm hopinh Bayonetta won't be in the negative side. All I heard since the first announcement that it would be on WiiU only was a lot of complaining and people saying they would boycott it. Plain childish if you ask me. I'm hoping that kind of reaction has changed. Either that, or the complainers were just a very vocal minority.
dafuq? just do your damn job dude no one asked you >.> jeez...I see what he's talking about. My friend and I were hanging out and we just decided to take a look around Gamestop. We just decided to put DmC on pre-order and there was a guy working there who seriously tried to tell us how much it was going to suck and said we should get Rising instead. Our reaction was just dude, put my game on preorder so I can get the hell outta here.
And the best option is to cancel now count em 4 MegaMan games. Was Inafune the sole developer of MegaMan and the only one who possesses the knowledge to create one?agreed.
As I said and as you just pointed out, the general belief is that Capcom may be nervous or confused about where to head with the Mega man series, with so many different continuities to choose from and with Inafune gone it has become a problematic situation for Capcom.
I think they know that with the proper care and dedication they can make big money off of Mega Man once again, but they simply are to gunshy and unsure at this point on its future.
btw i just remembered didn't the megaman developer left capcom?And the best option is to cancel now count em 4 MegaMan games. Was Inafune the sole developer of MegaMan and the only one who possesses the knowledge to create one?
I wish Capcom would just sell the IP to Nintendo or something. We can then see the guy in the next Smash Bros. and I'm confident they would continue MegaMan.
And if Bayonetta doesn't sell well because of the supposed "boycott" then it's fine with me. I'm not a fan of B2, MGR, or DMC (anymore), so it doesn't affect me at all.
Oh man... I hate when people do that.I see what he's talking about. My friend and I were hanging out and we just decided to take a look around Gamestop. We just decided to put DmC on pre-order and there was a guy working there who seriously tried to tell us how much it was going to suck and said we should get Rising instead. Our reaction was just dude, put my game on preorder so I can get the hell outta here.
Bayonetta is going to the WiiU for an audience that isn't even there. How does this make any sense? Bayonetta is not even a popular character. When it comes to Nintendo everyone knows who Mario is. Everyone knows who Link is. etc. etc. How big of a minority actually care about Bayonetta? Not a very big one at all.Don't worry i am sure Bayonetta will decent sales wise.
Some fans will be angry because of their unhealthy obsession with a console, and will over do it.
But i think many fans will accept the decision to have it on Wii U, or might even buy a console for it.
However, fans can try persuade Nintendo/Platinum games to release a PC version of Bayo 2 6 months or a year after release.
My advice to you is avoid calling Bayonetta fans who can't tolerate Bayonetta on Wii U with names such as "console fanboy" or "vocal minority".
Simply ignore them.
Metal Gear Rising was called Metal Gear Solid: Rising to begin with. Later the name was changed.
But some people reacted badly at the genre of the game.
But that didn't stop the completely new Hack and Slash game to sell well.
Was Inafune the sole developer of MegaMan and the only one who possesses the knowledge to create one?
Don't mind me, just kinda weird seeing a line like that on a DMC forum thats all.^_^
Bayonetta is going to the WiiU for an audience that isn't even there.
pls no :c
Should I leave?
Seriously though, I come here now just for the friends I've made on here.
Without him Capcom sure has been cancelling games left and right.
Who said anything about leaving?
Just saying that its weird that your not a fan of a series and yet your here on a DMC forum.
So long as you don't make trouble for the ones that are still a fan of the series than I'm cool.^_^ (not saying you would).
I really don't it's just that it doesn't make any sense. It will not be any killer app for the system. The first one wasn't even a big deal. It's kind of a prime example of companies who just don't know how to market and sell their own games. Like Jim Sterling was talking about in Jimquisition recently.Relax. I thought you didn't even play Bayonetta, so why should it affect you?
Don't worry, bro. I ain't goin' nowhere. :shifty:
I really don't it's just that it doesn't make any sense.
i wonder if nintendo will allow her tittayz n ass :3 but hey i have seen a wii game with over 200 swearing so...Meh. An exclusive's an exclusive. Nintendo's not going to be picky about which exclusives they get, especially not in this economic climate. :ermm:
No one's worried. :|Don't worry i am sure Bayonetta will decent sales wise.
You should follow your own advice. Seriously.Simply ignore them.