Innsmouth Jun 30, 2015 Something for you?
Foxtrot94 Jun 26, 2015 You thought DMC3 PC port was bad? Arkham Knight surpasses it. And that's saying a lot.
Foxtrot94 Jun 26, 2015 DMC4SE and The Witcher 3... my life is complete. If I were to die now, I would be at peace.
Foxtrot94 Jun 25, 2015 4 millions copies sold in two weeks for The Witcher 3. Nice, well deserved. CDPR has a bright future ahead.
4 millions copies sold in two weeks for The Witcher 3. Nice, well deserved. CDPR has a bright future ahead.
Foxtrot94 Jun 22, 2015 DMC4SE Vergil's Distortion = DmC's Demon Dodge. Broken as ****. Once again, just like DMC4 and DmC, Capcom didn't test the game.
DMC4SE Vergil's Distortion = DmC's Demon Dodge. Broken as ****. Once again, just like DMC4 and DmC, Capcom didn't test the game.
Foxtrot94 Jun 20, 2015 Wow. Just wow. The Witcher 3's soundtrack is AMAZING. One of the best I've ever heard.
Foxtrot94 Jun 19, 2015 "- No amount of coin would convince a witcher to take this contract. - Times have changed."
Foxtrot94 Jun 18, 2015 My roommate just saw DMC4SE Vergil's combat and said "Holy crap what the hell is that!"... LOL a new DMC fan is born!
My roommate just saw DMC4SE Vergil's combat and said "Holy crap what the hell is that!"... LOL a new DMC fan is born!