Foxtrot94 Jun 2, 2015 You know, "What do you think of your father's image?" "It's like staring at a backed up toilet!" is how you make fun of an ugly boss, DmC.
You know, "What do you think of your father's image?" "It's like staring at a backed up toilet!" is how you make fun of an ugly boss, DmC.
Foxtrot94 Jun 2, 2015 I don't care what Prototype 2's story says, Alex Mercer is both stronger and cooler than Heller.
Foxtrot94 Jun 1, 2015 You know master, when I said "I feel like I could take on 3 guys at once", I didn't mean literally. Ouch, it hurts...
You know master, when I said "I feel like I could take on 3 guys at once", I didn't mean literally. Ouch, it hurts...
DoomSlayer87_Sss May 30, 2015 Classic Dante Classic Vergil Nero sparda bayonetta and Gabriel belmont as dracula vs the avengers and the xmen , how epic would that be
Classic Dante Classic Vergil Nero sparda bayonetta and Gabriel belmont as dracula vs the avengers and the xmen , how epic would that be
Foxtrot94 May 30, 2015 LOL looks like every time a new member joins, he needs to be told not to revive old threads.
K K KRSkull May 26, 2015 Hi there How are you? I think you might like this
Foxtrot94 May 23, 2015 Wait, EVGA Precision is on Steam? An overclocking program, on Steam? I mean, yeah it's cool but... weird. And it has ACHIEVEMENTS?! LOL!
Wait, EVGA Precision is on Steam? An overclocking program, on Steam? I mean, yeah it's cool but... weird. And it has ACHIEVEMENTS?! LOL!
Foxtrot94 May 21, 2015 Ooooh so Deadpool was a Deathstroke ripoff/parody. This explains a lot of things.
Foxtrot94 May 20, 2015 Well sh8. It seems Rocksteady took some lessons from WB Montreal on how to make Batman REALLY imposing.
Well sh8. It seems Rocksteady took some lessons from WB Montreal on how to make Batman REALLY imposing.
Foxtrot94 May 19, 2015 Hahaha the guys at CD Projekt RED inserted the nicks of the moderators of their forum in the credits! Gotta love CDPR.
Hahaha the guys at CD Projekt RED inserted the nicks of the moderators of their forum in the credits! Gotta love CDPR.
Shadow May 19, 2015 Hey Fox, I dunno if you saw this yet, but I thought you might like it:
Hey Fox, I dunno if you saw this yet, but I thought you might like it: