Capcom end development on DMC 5

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Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Mar 4, 2007
Staffordshire England
If fans were expecting more content for DMC 5 then it looks like they won’t be getting it any time soon as it seems Capcom have officially ended development & moved onto their next project.

Do Not Expect More Content For Devil May Cry 5 Anytime Soon - GameInformer

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This can’t be happening!!!!! I’m gonna kill those guys for this!!!!!

Take your anger out on yourself and yourself alone, it's you who set unreal expectations for yourself despite the fact that they repeatedly said they weren't gonna add anything after Bloody Palace. You turned your (already unrealistic from the start) hopes into actual expectations, and that's purely your fault.

Stop taking your anger out on the developers already, you've been doing it over and over for actually no reason, and for once man up and take responsibility for your disappointments, cause you truly have no one to blame but yourself. Let this be a lesson for you and next time get a little more real. Maybe take developers' statements more at face value. If they say they're not gonna release DLC, expect them not to release DLC.
Well maybe if 5 sells really well over the course of 2019 it might make capcom realise it's importance to their fans

And they might go back to the drawing board for another game
I'm disappointed because there are a couple things that really hold the game back that I would have loved to have seen patched, but I guess not. Well at least not until they release DMCV Special Edition. :rolleyes:
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Devil may cry 5 is in the end a complete game and don't need dlc, resident evil 2 on the other hand is an incomplete game, whit a second campaign whic is the exact same thing as the first, and the dlc are also poor since are what if scenario.... Dmc 5 Is instead complete, and I rarely remember game that are so complete since the Ps2 Era... If they add dlc they will probably add something like they did in the special edition of 3 and 4... It doesn't mean Capcom didn't care about dmc since they probably spend million of money in doing this game and you can tell the difference in every way between this game and re 2 who was probably made on a lower budget
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Don’t know why people can’t just appreciate the game for what it is.

I hardly ever get a chance to play it because my life is so hectic but whenever I pick up my controller, I get that genuine moment of ‘What the f*ck’ bliss I got when I first played it. It consistently shocks me with just how deep it is and I’m stillllll finding new stuff all the time! I can’t get enough of it !!

Until you’ve rinsed this game for everything it’s worth, stop crying!

And besides, there’s no way on this earth that a Special Edition won’t be in the pipelines one day, once they’ve sat down and looked at the sales figures. So chill guys
I would have loved for Vergil, Lady, and Trish to be playable (especially Vergil), but it is what it is, and frankly. I am more then satisfied with what we got.
It's actually more bittersweet then outright disappointing for me. Cause everyone asking for Vergil to be playable was getting really annoying. I remember on this fanpage I joined on Facebook, when Bloody Palace came out, the page was riddled with comments all going "So no playable Vergil? Wtf!?" and "Just add Vergil already!". It was getting annoying because playable Vergil had not been announced, and they kept trying to find rumors that it was coming. I kept trying to warn people about getting their hopes up, but no one would listen.
Hopefully this will serve as a lesson for some people.
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If I remember correctly every dmc was like this... If they want they can make a special edition but in the end it's a complete game... Thank god Capcom care about the real dmc fan not the crying baby fan
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Give it a few years and the Special Edition will come out and then we'll "all (be) satisfied." I must admit though I felt a playable Vergil ala 3 and 4 was coming because why not, but okay. Good to know.
DMC5 being a "complete game" is irrelevant.

The way the gaming industry is nowadays, it's only natural to expect more content in the months following a game's release. The main game is an entree. DLCs are dessert.

We shouldn't have to wait for a Special Edition or whatever. That's not how it's typically done these days.

But no. The DMC franchise is just too low-priority to Capcom.

I may sound like a whiner. But I hate how unfairly one of my favorite VG franchises is being treated.
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DMC5 being a "complete game" is irrelevant.

The way the gaming industry is nowadays, it's only natural to expect more content in the months following a game's release. The main game is an entree. DLCs are dessert.

We shouldn't have to wait for a Special Edition or whatever. That's not how it's typically done these days.

But no. The DMC franchise is just too low-priority to Capcom.

I may sound like a whiner. But I hate how unfairly one of my favorite VG franchises is being treated.
Because the rest of the industry make incomplete game my friend :) take God of War for ps4 for example is a complete game and they never e release a dlc even if it sold 10 million copies if I remember right, they never do a dlc because they don't need it since it s complete, and Sony care about God of War but Cory Balrog himself the director of God of war sayd that he will not make any dlc
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This does not surprise me nor am I frustrated. I got the sequel I wanted and I am satisfied. The game could have used a couple more costumes for each of the three playable characters (not behind DLC), but other than that, and awesome return to form.
Well that's too bad. I actually had hope that there'd be that "Girls Night Out" DLC where we get to play as Lady, Trish, and Lucia. Or at least a playable Vergil if only for Bloody Palace.

Yeah, DMC5 is a complete game, but that doesn't mean I don't want the obvious things to be added in. Of course we'll probably get a DMC5 Special Edition down the road that has all this I bet.