I stopped posting my original story on a fan fiction section of a particular forum and now I feel empty. I stopped posting it because if I publish my story I just can't give out the ending for free. But now I feel "lost." Posting each chapter gave me a sense of accomplishment and progression. I haven't a clue on what this feeling is, "loss of purpose" perhaps? I haven't a clue, all I know for sure is that I have lost my "writing drive." :'(
None of my outside of work "friends" wished me a happy turkey day. Allow me to reiterate, "friendships means nothing." Which is bothersome because every show I watch is "friendship equels bada@s transformation and powers." :bored:
Ultraman Geed is a good show. :thumbsup:
I am lonely right now. Kind of need attention and some lovin.'
Dude... That chick wasn't exactly hot but "strangely attractive." Those type of girls intrique me.
"Have you ever put butter on a pop tart? It is so freaking good..." No it is not!

It is disgusting. :vomit:
Funny how the Sonic franchise inspires some of my characters. But Sonic Mania is feeling dull and repetitive. Forces needs to hurry up and reveal Super Sonic(s) already.
Why didn't anyone tell me that Civil War contains a giant Ant Man scene?

Seriously that kind of genre is totally up my alley. Come on people!
I am going to sleep and tomorrow I will muster up the strength to produce the final draft of my story. Or at least continue to work out the blemishes. Baby steps. :smile: