Finally finished the scene! =D Yay! Yay! Yay! -dances around- Thank the gods! I thought it would never end. OTL Luckily, I don't think the rest of MoI needs much more reworking. I'll post up the edited chappie on Fable Day and then post the rest up after NaNo and, hopefully, I'll have the entire series finished asap. And then I'll have to find something else to dedicate my life to. Like becoming an evil overlord...which my therapist would have to approve because it's me "discovering a reason for my life".* Yep, this is a great plan. =D I shall keep to it.
* Her words, not mine.
+ When I become an overlord, will I have to host evil parties or am I allowed to be a recluse? If I can be a recluse spider that'll be a done deal.