Didn't we already have this thread from you a while back?
This one?
Who could have guessed. So this thread is to spill poisonous baseless opinions because they objectively one of the best action games makers out there. What a surprise.
Well, there's nothing wrong in disliking a company (when there's a good reason to), but this thread just came out of the blue because another one was going off topic, and instead of dropping it altogether...
Yeah this is kinda pointless indeed. So let's try to make a point out of it.
Platinum Games all style and no substance? Well **** yeah I say. With soooo many games nowadays trying sooooo hard to elevate themselves to some sort of art (and not all managing...), I welcome with open arms games that do what they are meant for: having fun.
There's nothing wrong in trying to be a piece of art. But you know, "il troppo stroppia" (excess is bad). Games need to be diverse. If a game is "all style no substance", that doesn't make it a subclass game. As long as it is well thought out and developed, it's no less of a good game than an "all substance" one.
Not all games need to be committed. There's nothing wrong in celebrating gaming in its primordial purpose of just having a good time, hacking and slashing like no tomorrow in gameplay, and/or watching crazy over the top scenes in cinematics.
Platinum does that. A popcorn company? Maybe. But as long as it's tasty popcorn, gimme two, please.
That said, the concept of "il troppo stroppia" applies the other way too. It's good to have this kind of games in the market, but I feel for those worried about Platinum getting too many licenses in their hands as well. They could execute them well, but sometimes you just wanna see a different style for a game.