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why all this pessimism about Dmc ??


Gorram Browncoat
2 words Tim Burton,

As for why I am pessimistic about this game, each DMC ( even 4 and 2)
Brought something new and innovative not only to the series, but to the genre.
DmC not only does NOT do that. It's stance system looks inferior to DMC3's style system IMO
I think the fact that the world can shift and such in real time is pretty innovative, design-wise.


Soul Reaver
Trickster and Royal Guard aren't gimmicks, they're an extremely useful part of Playing as Dante in DMC4 :c
Yeah but, if you had to choose between Royalguard or Swordmaster .. and if you time your evadings right you don't basically need Trickster but I admit that it makes evading a lot easier otherwise it would be useless.
Now if the basic idea is killing your enemies, evading and/or guarding takes time away from killing your enemies and since you already have another button for evading and guarding is basically for those who can't evade in time, it takes away from the actual combat ...

AND I was talking more about the style system in DMC3 vs Stances in DmC, in DMC4 you can switch them on fly so obviously I have used all of them more than once in that game.
In DMC3 you have to stick with one or maybe two different styles since you have to use them to evolve them (unlike buying them with orbs=DMC4) and you can't switch them on the fly. So if I wanna use the Swordmaster in DMC3, I'm basically stuck with it until the next divine statue or mission...


Ignorant and closeminded - That's me :D

I was talking about DmC Dante having no human blood and OrigiDante being half human, yet I can already tell DmC Dante will have more human qualities in him than Capcom gave origiDante in the past. I just based it on the times, since story wasn't so important back then.
That's true but have in mind DmC Dante is aimed to appeal to west. The hangover, smoking and similar stuff is all there to make youths relate to Dante which then leads to a sale.
DMC 1 on other hand did not have much story priority (it's a pity, but 2001 - what can you do lol). But even with the story there DAnte showed many human things. And Ninja theory are known to prioritize story over gameplay so of course their version of Dante will be human like.

Anyhow Dante from DMC knows well how humans are:
0:20 - 0:32

DMC4 was a scam. Not only did they fail at a story, but why make 2 Dante's? And then have less abilities than a ps2 game?

@ Everyone talking about Eventstatus:
The reason i posted that video to watch x -x duration as response to a post of a other member.
It was to point out how greedy Capcom are, and they aren't "passionate" as described by the person i was replying to.

And to add: if Capcom was passionate they wouldn't have ruined DMC storyline with their half ass stories.

I think the fact that the world can shift and such in real time is pretty innovative, design-wise.
Has been done in Alan Wake.


Yeah but, if you had to choose between Royalguard or Swordmaster .. and if you time your evadings right you don't basically need Trickster but I admit that it makes evading a lot easier otherwise it would be useless.
Now if the basic idea is killing your enemies, evading and/or guarding takes time away from killing your enemies and since you already have another button for evading and guarding is basically for those who can't evade in time, it takes away from the actual combat ...

AND I was talking more about the style system in DMC3 vs Stances in DmC, in DMC4 you can switch them on fly so obviously I have used all of them more than once in that game.
In DMC3 you have to stick with one or maybe two different styles since you have to use them to evolve them (unlike buying them with orbs=DMC4) and you can't switch them on the fly. So if I wanna use the Swordmaster in DMC3, I'm basically stuck with it until the next divine statue or mission...

When playing HD Collection DMC3 I find myself using Royal Guard more than any other style, mainly, because it came more naturally than any of the other styles to me.

I also enjoy trickster from time to time because you can do some pretty "SSStylish" things with it. Running on walls, Skystar, Evading (etc.)

You're also right about the fact that the basic idea is to kill your enemies, but also to make Dante/Nero/Vergil look cool while doing it. If the death of your enemies is all we cared about then we'd be fans of the Dynasty Warrior franchise. Not Devil May Cry. c:


The inFAAMous
As for why I am pessimistic about this game, each DMC ( even 4 and 2)
Brought something new and innovative not only to the series, but to the genre.
DmC not only does NOT do that. It's stance system looks inferior to DMC3's style system IMO

Did You literally just try and say that DmC brings nothing new to the table?


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
Did You literally just try and say that DmC brings nothing new to the table?
No I said it brings nothing INNOVATIVE to the table, even ( thought I hate to admit it) 4 brought SOME form of innovation, the stance system looks inferior to the style system.

The style system was more than just weapons, it changed player experience depending on which style you used.
And it effected both the guns and devil arms.


The inFAAMous
No I said it brings nothing INNOVATIVE to the table, even ( thought I hate to admit it) 4 brought SOME form of innovation, the stance system looks inferior to the style system.

The style system was more than just weapons, it changed player experience depending on which style you used.
And it effected both the guns and devil arms.
The stances allow for the on-the-fly weapon changes, as well as literally limitless combos. And changing player experiences is really down to the players themselves to be honest. I for one am very welcoming to the stance idea as it does seem very refined, having only 2 alter forms as opposed to 4, and without the need to adjust My thumb position on the controller to hit a certain direction on the D-pad.

I like how simply holding a certain trigger changes My abilities then and there and once I've done all I want to, I can let go and I'm back to normal Rebellion combos, or I can switch over to the other form. Plus, we haven't seen all the available arsenal and what can be done with it.

The stances also go beyond just combat, they're also required for certain platforming segments throughout the game.

But getting out of just combat alone here, the whole concept of the World being alive and aware of Your presence, and without warning dragging you into an alternate state of reality, albeit a much more dangerous and threatening one, is quite impressive.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
The stances allow for the on-the-fly weapon changes, as well as literally limitless combos. And changing player experiences is really down to the players themselves to be honest. I for one am very welcoming to the stance idea as it does seem very refined, having only 2 alter forms as opposed to 4, and without the need to adjust My thumb position on the controller to hit a certain direction on the D-pad.

I like how simply holding a certain trigger changes My abilities then and there and once I've done all I want to, I can let go and I'm back to normal Rebellion combos, or I can switch over to the other form. Plus, we haven't seen all the available arsenal and what can be done with it.

The stances also go beyond just combat, they're also required for certain platforming segments throughout the game.

But getting out of just combat alone here, the whole concept of the World being alive and aware of Your presence, and without warning dragging you into an alternate state of reality, albeit a much more dangerous and threatening one, is quite impressive.

I agree with this opinion. Plus, the style system, especially in 4, was terrible. All the moves were watered-down and (though this might just be me) I could swear that half the time, I switched to a style I didn't intend to switch to.


I agree with this opinion. Plus, the style system, especially in 4, was terrible. All the moves were watered-down and (though this might just be me) I could swear that half the time, I switched to a style I didn't intend to switch to.
You sir, are mad. The style system in DMC4 was brilliant! It allowed for on the fly changes that made the gameplay with Dante infinitely more interesting than Nero game play. I enjoyed it thoroughly and I hope to enjoy the completely new Style system just as much.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
You sir, are mad. The style system in DMC4 was brilliant! It allowed for on the fly changes that made the gameplay with Dante infinitely more interesting than Nero game play. I enjoyed it thoroughly and I hope to enjoy the completely new Style system just as much.

It's just an opinion. I enjoyed Nero far more than Dante, and not just in gameplay. I liked the kid more than Dante personality-wise too... Is that going to be considered grounds for insanity too?


It's just an opinion. I enjoyed Nero far more than Dante, and not just in gameplay. I liked the kid more than Dante personality-wise too... Is that going to be considered grounds for insanity too?
Lawl, really? I've never known anyone who prefered Nero over Dante. Hmm. That's pretty interesting actually. I personally like Dante cause he's more cocky, carefree, happier even.


The inFAAMous
^ I preferred Nero to Dante in DMC 4. I was quite disappointed when I could no longer use the Devil Bringer. Besides that, I felt Nero had the best combat music from the entire series.


^ I won't deny that the Devil Bringer was useful, but after a few play through I just found Dante more entertaining and efficient to use. Maybe it's because I'm a Dante fan, maybe its just preference. The only thing I liked about the Devil bringer was the epic boss animations, then again that's a lot to like :3


Well-known Member
DMC4's Dante style system was better than in DMC3. You could literally pick swordmaster, for example, and just keep using that without switching to another style, BAM you had DMC3 all over again. The moves were indeed watered down from DMC3 though, but I think that was a choice from the developers to make the game a little bit harder. Nero had really nice moves (especially for crowd control) which is why I think DmC Dante has taken a few aspects of Nero into consideration. But Nero still lacked variety... after a while you find yourself just repeatedly doing the same combos over and over, while with Dante you had a lot more.

Back on topic, since I haven't posted. I think the pessimism about this game is just as the pessimism about any other reboot in the history of... "reboots that left a story unfinished" sort of deal. I, for one, think that the Dante's story in DMC was done after I saw that he wasn't even the main character of DMC4. So DMC3 was his younger life, DMC1 was his highlight, and DMC2 was his death(?) or later years of his life. But some people still were hoping for another DMC3/4 game called DMC5 and when their dreams were crushed by DmC they flipped and started complaining for no good reason. It's an immature way of thinking but, hell, at least some people had legit worries back when it was announced, like the framerate, mechanics, etc... since NT isn't known for those.


Soul Reaver
When playing HD Collection DMC3 I find myself using Royal Guard more than any other style, mainly, because it came more naturally than any of the other styles to me.

I also enjoy trickster from time to time because you can do some pretty "SSStylish" things with it. Running on walls, Skystar, Evading (etc.)

You're also right about the fact that the basic idea is to kill your enemies, but also to make Dante/Nero/Vergil look cool while doing it. If the death of your enemies is all we cared about then we'd be fans of the Dynasty Warrior franchise. Not Devil May Cry. c:

Ok it's cool maybe I'm just too aggressive player to use those styles:lol: , but what do you think about this new DmC 'cause in that game there is no moves from Royalguard or Trickster except that you can evade in the air by using the evade buttons.


Ok it's cool maybe I'm just too aggressive player to use those styles:lol: , but what do you think about this new DmC 'cause in that game there is no moves from Royalguard or Trickster except that you can evade in the air by using the evade buttons.
No... more... Royal Blocks? My life is over. :/


Enma Katana no Kami
There are two basic reasons for pessimism in relation to any major change

1.Reasonable skepticism " I'm not sure if this change is a good idea"
2. Unreasonable hate " They changed it. I hate this game. I hate change, I hate them. Someone should kill them. No one is allowed to change things."

Skeptics exact reasons vary depending on the individual but haters are always motivated by a strong dislike of any form of change.


Solid Ocelot
My reasons for disliking the game:

- Characters (including bosses and other enemies) are not to my taste and were not imaginatively designed.
- The weapons look too bland.
- The gameplay looks slower than that of DMC3 and DMC4, and there's no true Devil Trigger - more like a Dante Trigger.

I don't care that Dante doesn't have white hair anymore. Seriously, if that's your gripe with the game, find a better way to troll.
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