flock off feather face? Slow Down Babe?i loved the anime dante and his seriousness with a little bit of jokes made it veryy cool.....but one thing i disliked about the anime is that he is very powerful and no one is match for him....i mean in the end for him to lose so easily and then come back and def. him with no sweat at all....i mean come on!...
but all and all i loved it
of topic: somebody plz tell me when did DMC1 dante make a joke or even had a sense of humour?? cuz i to me DMC1 was so serious and very emotional....:/
but it came out of him so serious...not like 3 u knowflock off feather face? Slow Down Babe?
yea i think its because of the tone of his VA , or the facial animation. i mean, a chick in a sportbike ramming his office and he was like "Slow down baaabee! nature calls? its in the backbut it came out of him so serious...not like 3 u knowat least i thought so ...
LOL that is not a bad ideayea i think its because of the tone of his VA , or the facial animation. i mean, a chick in a sportbike ramming his office and he was like "Slow down baaabee! nature calls? its in the back". if i was dante i would be like "WTF Girl? damn it, thats my building, how the hell am i supposed to pay for this!?! i cant even earn money correctly"
DMC1 outfit n Rebellion on his back. LOVED IT!!Loved the anime Dante. All honesty I think my favorite Dante. Best outfit IMO and acted more mature than 3 Dante but not old man mature lol. Likable and funny while still being serious.
yea i think its because of the tone of his VA , or the facial animation. i mean, a chick in a sportbike ramming his office and he was like "Slow down baaabee! nature calls? its in the back". if i was dante i would be like "WTF Girl? damn it, thats my building, how the hell am i supposed to pay for this!?! i cant even earn money correctly"