I dont think the girl has a sword on her back, it looks like a tripod/ camera device. Maybe she is a human with the ability to see demons and carries that thing around to take pictures of them
That's the thing that keeps me wondering. She looks like a medium, but how come she can communicate with Dante while he's in Limbo? Maybe she is gifted or something? Or maybe she's half angel half human hybrid?Blueprints of what tho?
I know she knows about the cameras so there is somethings she knows about the demon world. But i know she isn't as far along connected to the demon world as Dante is
The rebellion is a sword Sparda left behind for Dante. Sparda rebelled against his own kind but even that does not make Sparda or Dante a punk.
PUNK ***** PEOPLE were not the only ****en ones to rebell against someone or something.
How hard can that be for you to understand?
Tameem said that the girl was going to be pretty important in the story as well, dunno how important tho since most of the other girls in the story dont have very much importance anyway, except for KyrieWhy not? She could be the new Trish/Lady/Lucia - meaning the new DMC-girl.
Did anyone else think that she could be female Vergil or am I just going too..............far?
I mean, since it's a reboot, anything can happen. It could be like Vergil never existed. Dante originally had a sis !!![]()
I wonder why nobody has commented on this:
Isn't what i pointed out ears? And doesn't it look like the girl has a punkish hair style?
Sure the girl has a hood on early on in video, but in that picture i show it does look like she hasn't taken hood on.
Ears always look odd. And we aren't seeing her directly from behind. The angle is behind her but on right side.
In the picture we can see enough of her to distinquish her sword, jacket and arms.
So why not her ears and hair as well? Her ears look like Dante's. So again i really think she has hood off and that her hairstyle is like a punkish type.
Can't wait for a better picture.![]()
Hmm, good idea. The only reason that I wouldn't believe this, is that she seems to be on good terms with Dante. Dante&Vergil's selling point is their rivalry, after all.
Well, my stupid mind says that they might have taken their inspiration from Credo love for his sibling. Maybe that's why Dante and her are on good terms. Do I make sense ??
Man, that's a nice find. And I see that she has a shaved head on sides. Oh my gosh, she's Rihanna
Wait.. They tweaked Dante's look so that he doesn't look like TA. Oh my gosh.. She's Tameem with a wig![]()
Don't tell me to cool down.