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Getting ready to meet a friend I haven't seen in about 4 years...before that last meeting it had been about 15 years.

Why am I nervous??
You're nervous to meet his "expectation." Thing is, you can't. Just play it cool, have fun, or the meeting is just going to go sour. Don't have any expectation, just as with any meeting or event.
Aw thanks! Live with them lol!

Was great to meet your tribe too - legit in awe of your child-juggling abilities. In the car on the way home Josh suddenly went, "so when am I meeting Seth?"

He's such a moron sometimes...
LOL bless him! There was way too much going on for the kids to really pay attention to each other, I think.
I thought you didn't like multiplayer.

I'm mixed lately. Some games with multiplayer are fun, some make me rage, but most I just don't know enough people to play with when I get the game and end up not really enjoying because the game is meant for co-op. If they do it like ESO (which apparently is pve, so maybe in the right circumstances it'll be okay?) where I can play alone or with friends and it won't really affect my gameplay, then I don't think I'll mind the game. But if it's like Rust (which I keep hearing rumours about it being like) and players are encouraged to raid or sabotage each other in a group, then I probably won't touch it. Same goes for if it's in first person only, cuz I like my brain non-hurty. LOL

…I really want single player RPGs to make a comeback, though; please game devs, I'm begging you....

Look how big Domino's getting! =D
Currently trying to figure out if the beetles I've been finding in my house on and off for the past few years (and more of late; carcasses now, collateral for the Raid I did on the ants, I wager) are sap beetles. And if they are, trying to figure out why they're in my house. (My money's on the house's foundation being shot.) Luckily, if they are what I think they are, they seem harmless enough. :unsure:

CT: I hope it stays cool for the rest of the week. I'm not going to be able to mow if I can't breathe for the heat, but nor can I do it while it's raining, so...
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Completed the story mode of Zelda OoT 3DS and I gotta say, the game was just as magical now as it was for me in 98. The Biggoran Sword is over powered and breaks the game, the Golden Gauntlets dimish the "story line" of the Silver Gauntlets and Spirit Temple's theme is perfect. But I felt more invested in Majora's Masks characters than I did Ocarina of Time's but the build up to Ganondorf works and is impactful. The fact that this Link ends up dying alone and unfulfilled is sad considering his amazing track record. :(
So I started my "Power Rangers Marathon" a event where I watch every season of Power Rangers and so far I am at the point where Jason, Zack, and From I leave the show. This is a weird era for PR because we lose three regulars for newbies, (although Aisha has far more personalty than Trunk ever did) it becomes the MM White Ranger Tommy show, the Dairanger Giant Robot footage pales in comparison to the Zyuranger Giant Robot footage, and the US fight scenes leave much to be desired. But after this second season is the MMPR Movie (90's version) and Third Season, that is stuff starts getting good.
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