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I want coffee now.
I don't care that it's almost midnight. Sleep is for the weak. I must write.

Also, I've been super anti-social today. I left my room maybe....twice? And that's from 6am to now. Shame, I hope she doesn't think I'm rude or that I'm avoiding her. I really just wanted to chill, read a book, and catch up on a few things.
Okay, my plan to not move off this seat and get some source of drink or food into me until my laptop runs out of battery is not very practical. I've only had one cup of coffee at noon, and as much as I'm an advocate for surviving on nothing but words and coffee, my battery still has a 10 hour energy span to work through.
I don't think I'll make it.
Oh well.
Today is the day of great adventures. I'm actually sitting in the dining room. Seeing as the kitchen is less than a handful of steps far, I might as well stretch my legs and fill meh belly.
How the hell does Sephiroth fly with one wing? Is it cool? Yes! God yes it is but...!
How does he do it? Also the fact that he shampoos his hair is adorable. Who said evil people can't be stylish? I should have never watched Hellsing Ultimate Abridged BEFORE watching the show proper.
Nothing compares to abridged Alucard, nothing! (Looks through itunes and discovers that they "Scandal" J-pop band music) School girl squeal!!!! :)

It is going to take me forever to beat every Kingdom Hearts game. Well two contestants with the Tournament of Power are gone. Can you guess who because I won't tell! ;) Lately my inner nerd has been coming out more often. When you lack a social life you tend to indulge in your passions it seems. Or perhaps just a lack of "secular joys?"

"Lightning shows your thighs all the time." They say. Pft! I'll take Yuna's sweet Dress Sphere booty shorts any day. Fight me! :bored:

I am not a fan of alcohol but one day I would like to get drunk and produce a chapter/story. That way when I sober up I can compare my work and see if booze unleashed my inner creativity.

I'm in need of some juice, to the fridge I go! :eek:
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I am not a fan of alcohol but one day I would like to get drunk and produce a chapter/story. That way when I sober up I can compare my work and see if booze unleashed my inner creativity.

According to some psychology people, this is a learned behavior. You teach your mind "-thing (be it depression, substances, etc.)- makes me more creative so I can only put out creative work when I have -thing-". Which eventually escalates to the point where we actually can't do art without -thing- around. Which is why I go through phases where I can only write in my bathtub...probably.... That said, it would be interesting to see if it loosens you up or makes you more capable of writing things you're not usually comfortable with (I know a writer who gets drunk to write smut, so...maybe it works) or if it just looks like keyboard smashing.

Money! We might be able to actually buy groceries for the first time since...before x-mas. Holy crows. Anyway, food soon! =D
Come on. Really? Court? Those two guys are absolute amateurs, everyone knows stuff like that has to be settled with a Shadow Game.

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And with that I finished Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. What a emotional ride, that leads into Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. I liked the original version despite never finishing it but omG this new version is so different and- (brain explodes due to sensory overload)

@Shadow Tell you want, if I grow a pair and attempt to drink then write I will personally show you the results.
I like animals.
I like watching them on TV.
That's about as far as it goes, I've found. Animals actually gotta try hard to soften me up.
I'm so glad I don't work with animal customs at the airport. It is no doubt a job I would have sunk my nails into eons ago. Before I had kids and became a responsible adult who doesn't go around just picking up Tarantulas or hedgehogs or spider monkeys.
Because that's just cray-cray, mate.
All the parasites, and diseases, it's just.....nope. Not if there's a risk I can catch it and/or accidentally expose my kids to it.

DON'T GROW UP, kids.
It sucks.
Shadow, that makes me wonder how much of Stephen King's imagination was fueled by cocaine, back in the day. I heard he was a major addict in the 70s and 80s, when he was doing some of his best work IMO.

Or maybe he just used it to write at 1000 miles per hour. You'd have to, to get some of his giant tomes down on paper as fast as he does.
How the hell could I have messed up my sciatica this bad from just flinching? That seriously can't be why it hurts this much; it's gotta just be the final straw in a series of bad twists and pulls. It would be damn embarrassing, otherwise. >.>

+At least Phenex seems to know where this is going, because I don't have the foggiest. -Throws outlines in the air-