I must be the only person in the world that finds sleeping on a couch every once in a while refreshing....
+ The entire house smells like chocolate cake.
+ The entire house smells like chocolate cake.
I must be the only person in the world that finds sleeping on a couch every once in a while refreshing....
+ The entire house smells like chocolate cake.
Made my couch my bed :laugh: (Although it is technically a bedcouch, though)
Like imagine building a house for somebody and the house collapse on him due to poor construction.
Jesus.As a kid that exact thing happened to me. I built a little house for a stray dog, but it went down on him. When I freed him he bit me and ran away. LOL
Should be finished with NaNo in a couple days. Blackout's still not done. :/
Do you guys have a big feast for Christmas/Yule, at least? -Is curious as to what holidays you celebrate that we might not-
I felt the same way when I had to read Romeo and Juliet in high school.You got this, Rae! -Offers all the coffee-
CT: It's either Shakespeare is overblown, or I'm just not meant to read plays. Maybe a little of both.(Or maybe just Hamlet in general; I want so badly to enjoy this, because I enjoy the concept of the story--since it has featured largely in various forms of media, after all--but I pretty much hate every character so far).
Y'know, I remember reading an article a few years back that Shakespeare was popular everywhere but in English speaking countries. And the reason for that was that due to translation, the Old English is completely taken out and so it's much simpler for people to get into. Or something like that...@ReaperHunter Glad it isn't just me, then. A pity, really, considering Shakespearian works seem to be good conversation pieces.
Getting 'Happy Thanksgiving!' messages from someone makes me want to actually have a Thanksgiving lol
You got this, Rae! -Offers all the coffee-
CT: It's either Shakespeare is overblown, or I'm just not meant to read plays. Maybe a little of both.(Or maybe just Hamlet in general; I want so badly to enjoy this, because I enjoy the concept of the story--since it has featured largely in various forms of media, after all--but I pretty much hate every character so far).
That's a good idea.And the reason for that was that due to translation, the Old English is completely taken out and so it's much simpler for people to get into.