When you discover that a friend is looking forward to their Paycheck so that they can eat something other than noodles. That somewhat explains all those times they sat in the breakroom without lunch. The gram bars I gave to said person were probably a break from their noodle diet. (Had I know, I would've bought them food here and there. It never really occurred to me) Heartbreaking, I don't understand their pain, I really don't. But I'm still heart broken over their eating arrangements. Gives meaning to the term "times are tough".
I've been keeping other thoughts to myself and I feel like I'm going to bust. That's my fault for not making friends. But I can't change who I am, and I'm a Introvert loner. So :bored: (But, didn't you just open up right now?) Shut up!

Don't question me!

I'm trying to be all deep and stuff. :grumpy:
If I had a giant robot or anything at this point I'd do the following things: (Not in any order)
Smash my job. (Who needs cash when you have a giant on your side?!)
Smash some co-workers. (Look, we all dream of punching that one co-worker, so don't judge me. Or go ahead. Freedom of speech and all)
Take over a country.
Look at a mountain, than have my giant punch it!
Fight other giants and finally.
Give the giant a hug because it made my dreams come true.
(I don't think I'd smah my co-workers... I'd feel bad afterword for it. Damn morality!)
("But you'll take over a country... How is that moral?")
"Who dare questions the Rejected Son of Sparda?!"
"Who are you talking to?"
"I don't !@#$$% know?!"