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Hmm, I've bought so many books this week. Now I'm totally broke. :'(

Books I've bought include...
Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe), The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain), Julius Caesar (William Shakespeare), The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson), Jojonium Volumes 1 & 2 (Hirohiko Araki) and Baccano: The Rolling Bootlegs (Ryohgo Narita).
Guns n Roses is reuniting for Coachella, and it could be the comedy hit of 2016.

I mean, just what ridiculous sh*t will Axl Rose come up with this time? Would anyone be surprised if he started a fist fight with Slash on stage?
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Sitting there, listening to family talk about how you're not living up to their plans for you and telling you "now do this, this, and this". And just nodding along like

Cuz, really, I stopped listening a while back, but it seems to make them somewhat happy, so???

-Huggles- You're not here to live up to anyone's expectations but your own. No one should be made to feel like they have to do with their life what someone else expects of them. Whether it's because that someone didn't get around to doing the things they expect of you and therefore want to live vicariously through you, or because they *think* their way is the best (and only) way for you to live, it doesn't matter--your life, your call. I'm glad you've got the whole selective hearing thing going for you, though. I'm sure it helps. ;)

CT: Still in pain, but better than yesterday, so there's a plus. :thumbsup:

+Maybe if I stick to writing sprints throughout the day, it'll be less of a strain than trying to do my quota all in one go. (Not that the writing caused the headaches, but I'm sure overdoing it now--just as I'm starting to feel better--would result in further setbacks). ._.
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I can't remember what it's like not to have a headache. x_x It seems every time I get rid of one kind, another (usually brought on by wrenching my shoulder or neck) comes along. I don't even know what I'm doing that would cause that, let alone make it as unbearable as it was yesterday.

I think I'll just be extra careful today, no sudden movements...:unsure:
Go see a doctor dude, don't take any chances.
I'm more and more convinced that Ciri is actually related to Dante and Vergil.

She's got Judgement Cut End.

She's got Stinger.

She's got white hair.

And considering she can travel across universes, it might not be that farfetched. Hehehe...
*sigh* In a perfect world, Marvel would have the rights for X-Men and give us a legit X-Men movie for once. Under Fox we're just getting Bryan Singer's Wolverine n Friends. Quite frankly I'm tired of it. I'm sick of these movies being stuck in the early 2000s under this one man's vision.

At least the Deadpool movie is looking legit.
When you discover that a friend is looking forward to their Paycheck so that they can eat something other than noodles. That somewhat explains all those times they sat in the breakroom without lunch. The gram bars I gave to said person were probably a break from their noodle diet. (Had I know, I would've bought them food here and there. It never really occurred to me) Heartbreaking, I don't understand their pain, I really don't. But I'm still heart broken over their eating arrangements. Gives meaning to the term "times are tough".

I've been keeping other thoughts to myself and I feel like I'm going to bust. That's my fault for not making friends. But I can't change who I am, and I'm a Introvert loner. So :bored: (But, didn't you just open up right now?) Shut up! :eek: Don't question me! :cautious: I'm trying to be all deep and stuff. :grumpy:

If I had a giant robot or anything at this point I'd do the following things: (Not in any order)
Smash my job. (Who needs cash when you have a giant on your side?!)

Smash some co-workers. (Look, we all dream of punching that one co-worker, so don't judge me. Or go ahead. Freedom of speech and all)

Take over a country.

Look at a mountain, than have my giant punch it!

Fight other giants and finally.

Give the giant a hug because it made my dreams come true.

(I don't think I'd smah my co-workers... I'd feel bad afterword for it. Damn morality!)
("But you'll take over a country... How is that moral?")

"Who dare questions the Rejected Son of Sparda?!" :eek:

"Who are you talking to?" :cautious:

"I don't !@#$$% know?!" :eek:
Under Fox we're just getting Bryan Singer's Wolverine n Friends.

Hm. I get what you mean, but I'm getting sick of Marvel's style of movies. I want XMen to stay with Fox. Not Marvel.

Besides, First Class didn't even have Wolverine, and nor will Apocalypse as far as I know.

And it's not like Marvel's Avengers isn't always pretty much "Iron Man n Friends" anyway.
Hm. I get what you mean, but I'm getting sick of Marvel's style of movies. I want XMen to stay with Fox. Not Marvel.

Besides, First Class didn't even have Wolverine, and nor will Apocalypse as far as I know.

And it's not like Marvel's Avengers isn't always pretty much "Iron Man n Friends" anyway.
Marvel's style of movies? Marvel actually goes out of their way to hire different talent to make movies that are even different genres. Ant-Man was a heist film, Guardians of the Galaxy was a space opera, Winter Soldier was an espionage thriller, Thor is a fantasy, etc. etc.

All I see from Fox when it comes to X-Men is the films staying under the same direction of and vision of Bryan Singer which to me, isn't X-Men. It's some man's own version of X-Men. If Marvel had the rights, I'm confident in their ability to actually make a real X-Men movie for once, not to mention mutants would be apart of the MCU and we could have potential AvX movie.

The Inhumans seem to be the angle Marvel's gonna take when it comes to mutants, but f*ck do I wish actual mutants could play a role in this cinematic universe. They deserve to come home.

Hell, I at least hope Marvel gets back Fantastic Four because, while I could care less about the Fantastic Four, it's Doctor Doom I want to see in the MCU as a major Avengers villain. Not to mention Silver Surfer and Galactus being somewhere out there.
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It's some man's own version of X-Men.

Yeah. That's the point of cinema you know. The director is SUPPOSED to bring his own interpretation to the movie.

Also, comparing XMen to Marvel's individual heroes movies makes little sense. Cause XMen is a team. So if you wanna compare it to something, do it with The Avengers.
Of course all of the different individual heroes will have films with different vibes. LOL that's pretty much a Captain Obvious reasoning right there.

That complaint makes really little sense to me, to be honest. Especially the one "Wolverine n Friends" when Marvel does the same kind of thing with their superhero team.
I had this whole spiel set up about how everyone's entitled to their opinion, as long as they don't sell their opinion as fact and try to jam it down one another's throats...but you kind of beat me to the punch, LoD. ^^;

CT: Looks like I have no choice. ._. I hope it's nothing...
Thanks, I appreciate the concern. ^^ If it persists, I'll probably go tomorrow or Friday and get a scan done. I don't fancy living off of Tylenol more than I have to (considering the long-term ramifications to the liver, and all.) ._.
Plus, pain in your shoulder of any kind should not be ignored, that's one of the first symptoms of a heart attack. I'm not saying that's what's going on with you, I'm just saying better safe than sorry. I don't know you, but anyone on the Devil May Cry forums I consider a friend. So you're in my thoughts dude, I hope you get better.
Yeah. That's the point of cinema you know. The director is SUPPOSED to bring his own interpretation to the movie.

Also, comparing XMen to Marvel's individual heroes movies makes little sense. Cause XMen is a team. So if you wanna compare it to something, do it with The Avengers.
Of course all of the different individual heroes will have films with different vibes. LOL that's pretty much a Captain Obvious reasoning right there.

That complaint makes really little sense to me, to be honest. Especially the one "Wolverine n Friends" when Marvel does the same kind of thing with their superhero team.
When I call it "Wolverine n Friends" I'm talking about how most of the X-Men films have mainly focused on Wolverine even when they didn't need to. Days of Future Past comes to mind because the main character of that story is supposed to be Kitty Pryde, not Wolverine.

The Avengers film actually have balance and gives enough screen time for multiple characters. It's not solely focused on a character like Iron Man.

And my overall point is again, I want a legit X-Men adaption which Marvel would surely bring, I mean just look at what they've done so far. They practically lift sh*t off the page. And most importantly I want mutants in the MCU.
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