Tameem: “Personally, I don’t . I love the game. I think it’ s awesome.
It’s taken everything — it’s just gone to a total extreme. But
in terms of, ‘Do I think it’s cool?’ No, not at all. I think it’s
caricatured and over-the- top and very ‘Japanesey ,’ and for
that absurd style it does that really well, but that’s not what
I want.”
Supporter: Oh.. this is just his opinion.
Skeptic: This Dante looks like a total rip-off version of original Dante with a cigarette in hands to look more "cool", but actually, he doesn't look "cool" at all.
Supporter: Gosh.. you are so immature. Does it hurt you to be open-minded? Your whinings aren't gonna stop this game from getting released. You don't like it, don't buy it.
WTF? So Tameem can have his opinion and not be immature and skeptics with their opinion automatically turn into immature angry haters? Really? What is this, a new kinda stereotype?
Not a rant, but just a long thought.