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What Are You Thinking?

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I'm not coming back on the forum anymore. I'm sorry Adam, I really am, but this is just one of life's little ****ed up jokes. For what it's worth, I really love you too.

And I really hate your brother.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Sims 3. Twelve hours. Two generations. e_o MPREG, incest, and everything that could ever be ****ed up ever. Poor Connor, got prego by his bro. ;_;

Yes, I have ****ed mods downloaded.


Devilicious Devi
That was fast...
Anyways, i`m thinking i`ve had one of the most weird dreams EVER.
I was there with two of my friends and we`re being chased by a talking T-rex(dinasaur), he`s like mocking us as we`re running, he even knows how to open doors and press switches as we run away from him... so weird, wonder what that means...
I guess the cause of it was the Cinemassacre`s Movie Top 30... where he reviewed Jurassic Park... x.X


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Some ppl are some small minded. The idea of a Cornish person with a pitch fork chasing them outta town did out 5 years ago. And we don't all go OOO-RRR

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Madge: I lol'd. Really hard. ._.

CT: Lulz. Julie is dating someone who's and offsrping of two males and incest. I <3 Sims 3.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
meg127;210938 said:
spring break spring break spring break spring break spring break

:lol: Don't need to say anything more for me. :D

Although I wish my brother would go outside with me more often. :dry: But it's so bloody cold that I guess he can't be bothered... :\
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