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What Are You Thinking?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
lol, reminds me of the love fest between Alfred and Alexia Ashford in Resident Evil: Code Veronica. :p


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
i told my mom DantexVergil was acceptable because it wasn't real.
I too wouldn't wanna see two brothers making out in real life...its just wrong!!

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
DT: STFU! That's ttly canon!

VB: Inorite? I told my dad that, he still thinks I should ship DantexNero instead. :mad:

CT: I don't THINK I'm a twincest fangirl. I mean, I only like, like, three pairings.

*points to self then Vergil* The other two are...?
Alfred/Alexia, and... >.> <.< >.< <.> Fred/George.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
I don't think it's wrong. It's helluva lot more likely than D/V, but I can't stand Nero with anyone else aside from Kyrie. So, yeah, I hate the D/N ship.

CT: Lulz. I just found a demotivational poster that says "Twincest: It's not taboo if it's between demons" with a picture of Dante and Vergil. I hacked up a lung. ._.


Styrofoam! D:
Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV is sooo hoot. If only that stupid Rosa wasn't his love interest. I would rather see him with Rydia than Rosa...but that'll be too much like lolicon...-___-

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Oh God. I'm stuck at home with my "step-siblings" 'cause Dad and BF are out of town. Oh no. That means Jacob's gonna hit on me, again. I really hate him. He's creepy. And Diana, too. They're ****ing ****ed in their ****ing heads.

HMTQ - Madge

Well-known Member
I kind of want to cosplay Lady... I haven't even played the damn games. >.> Plus, I'd have to make the costume more modest. I wouldn't want to ruin how the character looks, lulz.

Plus, I've already been contemplating Kotone with Firefly...

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Lol. I just found the pic where Candie and me cosplayed D n V where we kissed for some fangirls. Also, laptop, stop being shorthand. I dun like being on meh phone.


Sister of the Creed
I'm thinking about getting some Dante avatar's on Photobucket.com.
OMGOSH! I found some really sexy ones. <3 *blushes*


the horror was for love
I'm thinking...that DMC spoofs are kinda awesome if done correctly. ^^ Especially if it's via MSN. XD

Oh, and I'm thinking that my rabbit needs to STFU when it's the middle of the night. >_<


Oldschool DMC fan
Wishing the guy with the chainsaw outside would STFU. Today is my lie-in day goddamnit. :wacko:


Devilicious Devi
Just WTF am i missing when i draw the human torso....
nononono, i don`t miss the genitals, if you`re wondering.
Oh and deja vu BTW.
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