FINALLY. It's done. I mean the estate inventory hassle.
OK, not all of it - I need to close her bank account because according to the bank lady, I need to go to a different building to do that LOL. And I didn't feel like it yesterday.
But that's not a big thing. Just sign some papers, get myself that 400 euro for funeral costs, and if there are still a penny or two tell them to buy themselves a cup of coffee LOL.
I am pretty certain though that there won't be that penny or two. I counted the assets carefully and shared the debtors everything but my 400 and the balance needed for banking fees. (I am legally still not responsible of those fees, a heir basically needs to pay stuff only if they screwed up the paperwork, so I just notified the debtors I shared the banking costs between them. Love Finnish inheritance system, it's not like this everywhere.)