Background info for my CT: In our faculty there is a sort of yearbook where you can send your papers and theses if you have got good enough grade for them – generally, only the highest grade and one grade below that count. They are not automatically published though, they are carefully selected with an official referee process by some well-known scientists of the field. If your paper passes the referee process, it
may be published both in the yearbook AND the widest-known national publishing platform of the legal expert articles. So... if you pass, it's a big thing. Both in terms of being selected among the "best of the very best", and in terms of getting your very first scientific article published, which is especially great if you want to be an acknowledged pro in your field of specialization some day.
Sooooo... I started thinking if my Bachelor's Thesis would have any chances for this. I wasn't sure about it's research potential and overall quality, so I asked the professor who graded it if she wants to guide me with the decision.
She did amazing work, even more than I asked, and read it all again assessing it from the viewpoint of this question. She told me it's a very expectional work to be a Bachelor level thesis (which she had stated in the original grading as well, so I suppose it's true) and told me to send it. Only thing she was worried about was that there has been some discussion about my topic after I had written it, so of course I haven't said a word about it in the thesis and it might affect the referee's approach. But it is necessarily not a bad thing because it shows the topic is discussed and of interest as we speak.
As a time-related issue, I guess it has nothing to do with the overall quality of my research writing style. So it was already a big thing for me personally to get a formal approval from the professor, regardless of the possibility of getting really published.
And now, to the "currently thinking" topic: I can't help it, I keep thinking my professor is joking and secretly laughing in her office for giving me false hope. It's a ridiculous thought, I know. My spouse gave this ridiculousness a fair wording: "So you really think your professor is gambling with her own scientific reputation and professional career, by rooting for a proposed article with her full name and title, even though she knows it's crap?" Also we discussed about how the professor knows I'm aiming for doctoral studies after Master's degree, so she definitely
cannot joke about this kind of things for pedagogical and credibility reasons alone. She might even be my thesis supervisor later if I end up in her research team for the Doctor's degree.
But I can't help it

I'm damn nervous to send it anywhere. It's like when I participated that writing competition last year. For WEEKS I had nightmares for being called to the awarding event just to give the judges some great laughs. (You can pretty much expect those nightmares got even more boost when I was actually invited to the said event...
and yes, some days I still find myself thinking if they really awarded me just because they felt sorry for me lmao)
I don't know if I can get the courage to send it, but at the same time I know this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and because of the timely discussion, the decision has to be quick...
Honestly, I feel like Johnny Fontane in The Godfather. And I need a slap as well.