I'd like to ask Stephen King if he sleeps soundly at night.
Because I know I'm not sleeping tonight.
Because I know I'm not sleeping tonight.

HMTQ - Madge;256433 said:I can't believe for a while there I thought Atruca might not be as much of an asshole as he used to be, but yep, I was wrong. :| Douuucccchhhheeeee.
+ That's really gotta suck...
Check the Drama board on Chat Underworld, wifey. >.<Incomplete Dani;256435 said:What did he do now?
Just read it. At least he didn't do what he did to me, and talked about her behind her back.HMTQ - Madge;256436 said:Check the Drama board on Chat Underworld, wifey. >.<
CT: Dry faster! D<
Mutull said that same thing when he got to "Swordmaster". XDHMTQ - Madge;256440 said:^ True. *nods* It still does really suck though. /endcaptainobviousness
CT: I should have been in bed a half hour ago. >.>;
+ I'm sword master nao. >.>;; ****ing lulz.