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@Foxtrot94 pass to Aliens' Side.... it's better, and we have blackjack and hookers.

Would rather blast your phallic heads. And female Predators are better than any hooker. Have you seen our mouths' shape? A bj from our females feels like that and... full on action (if you know what I mean) at the same time. Good luck topping that, Bender.
Would rather blast your phallic heads. And female Predators are better than any hooker. Have you seen our mouths' shape? A bj from our females feels like that and... full on action (if you know what I mean) at the same time. Good luck topping that, Bender.
Well, I want to know how male Predators, with that they have under the pants (coff ..small.. coff), can satisfy their female partners.
Well, I want to know how male Predators, with that they have under the pants (coff ..small.. coff), can satisfy their female partners.

I can understand that curiosity coming from a species that doesn't even have sex at all in the first place. #BOOM #ShotsFiredBiatch
I can understand that curiosity coming from a species that doesn't even have sex at all in the first place. #BOOM #ShotsFiredBiatch
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Why is it, every single NaNo, someone asks me to beta for them? Like...I don't mind, especially if they're willing to wait, but you don't just go up to a strange writer 4 days before NaNo and say "uh, hi, I have two novel-length fics I need edited and you're free right?" Good god, I most certainly am not. You wanna wait a month, sure. But there's very few people I will edit for during NaNo and it's certainly not someone I don't know.
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Two out of three exams down, now for the apex exam tomorrow. And after that, 4 days of playing Mass Effect Andromeda are waiting for me :D

--Thinking of doing a DmC stream on Saturday, gonna try and complete a couple Gods Must Die levels with level 1 upgrades (and maybe Must Style on if I'm feeling suicidal).
Their is always that one song that makes you want to get up and kick much A@s. :bored:

Resident Evil with giant robots...Fighting giant zombies... :cautious: Somebody make this happen now! :eek:

Its heartbreaking to have ideas but zero talent to fulfill them. :'( (Or perhaps my lazy-ness is also affecting me. :blush: Perhaps I need a cheeseburger to figure this out! :bored:)

You know the funny thing about eating healthy? You have to eat twice as much just to "feel" full. That is flippin' counterproductive! :grumpy:

I tried a dating App for shifts and giggles, (Yes, I wrote "shifts.") and dear God! They are worthless! :eek: Its easier to go to a bar and stick your finger into someone's butt than try and catch a mate on one of those Apps. :poop:

Well the Power Rangers Marathon on Twitch is over. I'm sad. :'( Back to real life again.... What the F@ck do I do now?! :eek:

The job worked me like a Hebrew slave today.:blush:

Well that opened my mind. :jawdrop:

I want pizza... :frown:

"Poop!" :poop:
Hah, apparently there's something about the way that I say my puns (and occasionally other jokes) that makes it seem like I've been waiting all day to say the joke. Even though I usually say them soon after they pop into my head.
Man, for all the crap people give DMC2, they really need to bring Majin Form back.


Look at that. Seriously, look at that badass mofo. Energy wristblades, four wings of badassitude, the dragon-y claws and talons, the horns, the vaguely draconic snout, the natural armor, this is Dante at his peak and he is SCARY. I know the form made a brief show in the DMC3 manga but we need mooooooore.
I am regretting the fact i wanted to play survival horror games. Classic RE does not give a f*ck if the player dies a zillion times but it won't let you save a game automatically. That is jus BS. Why capcom? You wouldn't want your players to sleep peacefully or have a sense of accomplishment after you complete a tough stage.Why o Why did i want to try out classic RE?
Y’know, the most frustrating thing about the depraved bisexual trope is that the standards are way too high. How am I supposed to afford all these nice clothes? Where the f am I supposed to find a pile of gorgeous nudes to sprawl across? Particularly ones who will make sure I’m fed and my drink stays full and will discuss the pros and cons of capitalism with me and will rant along with me about the evils of the world? Where is my sexy support group?!
My brother says cheese on a burger is not a good idea.


Your brother is exactly like mine. :/

CT: Well, everything's gone a completely different direction than I anticipated. I thought for sure we'd end up executing the cannibal dragon but it turns out he's got a spark of good left in him after all. I wonder how long he can hold onto it before Epitaph drains away his sanity again.
I am regretting the fact i wanted to play survival horror games. Classic RE does not give a f*ck if the player dies a zillion times but it won't let you save a game automatically. That is jus BS. Why capcom? You wouldn't want your players to sleep peacefully or have a sense of accomplishment after you complete a tough stage.Why o Why did i want to try out classic RE?
Are you playing REmake, 0 or one of the old games (or maybe 7)? 'Cause of course the classic games and 7 have the save rooms, I think they wanted to give you some place safe after completing the tasks/stages you do so you can save and relax, I know sometimes is annoying to die when you beat a boss/stage, but if it auto-saved I wouldn't be comfortable with it either, especially for speedruns and stuff. I prefer to save and leave the game when I want, but actually I would be satisfied with checkpoints on the old games.
My brother says cheese on a burger is not a good idea.

... I am disgusted? Burger without cheese is not a burger. Cheeseburgers are the best.

Also, I'm really nervous since from Friday to June 16th I'll do work experience (I think that's how you say it in English?) and it's my first time. I wish I didn't have to do it but school makes me do it so I hope that at least is useful. I don't even know what my position will be since I'm gonna talk with my work adviser tomorrow, I hope I'm not gonna be a shop assistant since I get really nervous around people...
Alright, so my avatar and sig don't match...sue me...

Wait, I have a lot of money. On second thought, just forget about it.

Also, whomous is homous that you're not sure who it belongs to i.e To whom does this homous belong to?
Universe had quite a laugh at my expense yesterday. I've learned that my monitor has a vga cable, that my new computer doesn't like vga and only wants dvi, that computer stores in my country are poorly stocked, that there are two types of dvi and the only adapter available in whole town does not match mine, that the dvi/hdmi cable bought in desperation will not solve the problem anyway since tv for whatever reason doesn't recognize computer... and now I got an unplanned expense in form of a new monitor. With a dvi cable.
And then I go to the pharmacy and apparently the young lady working there thought I just started therapy and gave me some (useless of course) diet plan for diabetics. Maybe she wanted to subtly say I'm fat, which I know I am, but that diet ain't gonna help.
Cherry on top was... I needed small containers for samples of polymers and I know last time I saw numerous small containers in this one store. Except they no longer have them, only two types of almost medium sized among all the large ones. Eh, at least the ones I took look pretty.