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I'm alternating between playing DMC2 on hard and continuing to play DMC3 on hard. Furiatarus got me worked up so much with that suctioning air current, that even though the moth was quite easy later on, I just couldn't bring myself to start the mission with first Bolverk fight. That crazy skeleton will turn me into a shish kebab, I can just see it.

At least Bolverk looks stylish as all get out while doing it. He's probably one of the coolest bosses in the game, honestly.
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At least Bolverk looks stylish as all get out while doing it. He's probably one of the coolest bosses in the game, honestly.
He sure is, I wish there was way of including him in future titles.
Bolverk is actually based on Odin, together with his wolves. I gather he was the Angelo of this game, he appears kinda knightly and can use his sword as a spear.
He sure is, I wish there was way of including him in future titles.
Bolverk is actually based on Odin, together with his wolves. I gather he was the Angelo of this game, he appears kinda knightly and can use his sword as a spear.

Yep, I know. Bolverk is the name Odin used to masquerade as a human, plus Bolverk also only has one functioning eye. And his weapon is an old type of weapon known as a swordspear, which was the predecessor to winged spears and pikes.
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I feel like I am slowly becoming more comfortable with sharing my characters around despite their... Exaggerated features. I want to sincerely thank my friends here for helping me become more confident in being an open book. And I'm sure my characters appreciate it too.
So I was thinking how bizarre people are to have multiple copies of something (e.g Buying both Pokémon Sun & Moon) when I realised that I can't complain as I have three copies of the same volume of comic book.

On the left, is the original Japanese volume. In the middle is the English release and on the right is a limited edition of the English volume 1 with a noticeably different front and back cover.

If I had to pick which one is my favourite, it'd half to be the one on the right...mainly because of what's on the back cover. :whistle:
Sewing went well. Got the entirety of my hood's lining cut and sewn together (even if I had to redo seams a couple times) and it looks really cute! Also got the patterns for the outer fabric pinned down and basically cut. Can't do anything more because the entire hood has bias tape at the edge. And there's a huge panel that goes around the front edge of the hood that has to be hand embroidered. D: I also don't have the buttons I need. For someone who's got all her cosplays planned out, I totally am under supplied here. x_x Planning's not my strong suit. Screaming into the Void is.

...maybe I can get some writing done before I attempt to go to work.
Not feeling very motivated lately. So many things I should be doing, and all I want to do is either sleep or curl up with a book. :sleep: (Well, and outlining, but I've been pretty casual with it; not stressing about how much gets done).

Dunno if this is a minor case of burn-out, or if it's because the holidays are fast approaching, and they make it hard to focus on much else. :unsure:
Which bath bomb to use?

Twilight (not Meyer related, I hasten to add), Santa or a penguin bubble bar instead?

Decisions, decisions...

I'd imagine the Meyer Twilight bath bomb would be very sparkly.

The last one me and the fiancée used was a pink flower one. Because romance and all that crap.
Which bath bomb to use?

Twilight (not Meyer related, I hasten to add), Santa or a penguin bubble bar instead?

Decisions, decisions...

The answer is all of them. At the same time. -nodnod--likes to mix her bubble bars and bath bombs-

All the sewing stuff! =D ...this means I have to do more sewing, though. x_x No break for Rae.
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So...plans to sew tonight were kinda messed up when I realized the method I was going to use to help the embroidery go easier...looked ugly as f. :/ I even had the panel ready and everything, but...oh well. Will have to do it the old fashioned way...not right now. Been working on Page's holster instead. I'm a little wary. Two full patterns I've made myself and no problems...I don't trust it. Usually my patterns end up screwy. :S Anyway. Gonna finish stitching this up and then grab breakfast and do some crocheting.

+ Nyeh. If they're gonna be a child about it, might as well just wait til they grow out of it...if they grow out of it.
++ The sun's rising so slowly it almost looks like we're under water with how the colours are. *-*
The house is clean, most of our Christmas decorations (however paltry) are up...now to maybe get in some outlining. Or maybe I'll read first, and ease myself into outlining this evening? We'll see.

+I need a hot beverage...but what to choose? Tea, cider, or hot chocolate? Hmm...

++I think she's comin' around a bit. :unsure:
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So I was discussing with a friend about the upcoming Sherlock, and we got into who we think portrayed the iconic detective and doctor best over the years. And obviously I had to go with the duo from my childhood, the amazing Jeremy Brett and David Burke.

The chemistry between them was magical. <3
Got the very basic outlining done for Arcane Guardian (Forneus' story). Such a hand-cramping experience, but so satisfying at the same time.

+Oh, bother. Guess I'd better get some sleep. Early mornings, and all that. x_x
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It's just occurred to me that my "if you don't review, then I don't post" policy is the exact opposite of "IF YOU DON'T STOP SCREAMING I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND!" -amused- Seriously, though, scream louder. I don't know why people are so afraid of reviewing nowadays.

+ I hope I have some buckles somewhere or I have no idea what I'll be sewing tonight. :| I really don't feel like embroidery.