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Wait, is DoV (what does it stand for?) a sequel to Marriage of Inconvenience? If so that's pretty hype! I've been neglecting MoI a lot lately, I gotta get back to reading it.

=D It is! Well, technically it's a side story between MoI and Blackout, which is the actual sequel, but still. Progress! =D I'm also 90% sure that, though Blackout is almost at chapter 10 and DoV (which stands for A Den of Vipers) is only on chapter 2, DoV will be done first. OTL Mainly cuz the story is really linear and there's no possible way for me to sidetrack myself...I say now, though I'll inevitably make an effort and succeed at doing just that.

Why aren't giant, sentient trees more of a thing?
Playing a game and having your friends watch is infinitely more entertaining and engaging when you name your characters after your friends. I have only just recently learned this. So, so far I've got...

Viktor the Fairy, who heals me whenever I need it
Armerus the Ironside who mows peeps down with a machine gun and fists on chains
Sendeal the Speed Mail (soon to be Corpsey) who slashes enemies to bits
And the most recent addition, Samantha the Crow, who isn't tough but can carry me across gaps.

I like it.
*Rebel used psyche up* Okay, let's do this! If I finish the edits on this chapter, I can move on to noting all of the various things that inspired and led to the characters' personalities, strengths, speech patterns, etc. so I can make a blog about it later.

All this because I'm not satisfied with the answer I gave when recently asked. ._.
That awkward moment when you need to make dinner, but don't want to get up.

But is hungry.

But.....the couch is comfy.

The struggle is real.


I have literally ZERO problems with this. I don't care if he retires 5000 times, if he is willing I will watch his movies as long as he makes them.
Hitting a word goal exactly is always weird. How did I get exactly 15k? How is that a thing? Strange.

+ WE GET IT. Now can we give the politics a rest and get on with our lives? Thank you.
++ You get a rewrite. And you get a rewrite. And you get a rewrite. Everyone gets a rewrite! ...gdi.
"In Virgil’s Aeneid Aeneas travels to the underworld with Sibyl of Cumae. It was Hekate who gave Sibyl responsibility for Avernus Wood, the passageway to the entrance of the underworld. To allow passage for Aeneas, Sibyl sacrificed four black bullocks to Hekate, who then allowed Sibyl and Aeneas passage through the entrance and across the Styx."

So Arkham should have been an attractive and powerful prophetess...
Some people have the maturity of five-year-olds. Make that regressing five-year-olds. :meh: Too smug for your own good; perhaps this will humble you some.

+Good gods, this character origin thing is lengthy... :dead:
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Jackie Chan received the honorary academy award. Yeah, ok. He's certainly earned it. If Buster Keaton earned one so did Jackie Chan.

The first Jackie Chan movie I ever saw was a remake of Frank Capra's Lady for a Day called Miracles, I saw it in Mexico years before Rumble in the Bronx and it shook my world. It was hysterical and physically impossible. That's Jackie Chan for you.
We've found the next Hayao Miyazaki, it wasn't Hosoda, Shinkai or Anno...it was Miyazaki again!
I don't subscribe to that. The idea that someone becomes the next whoever or even that someone might be the Mexican, French, German, or whatever version of said American persona has never rubbed me the right way. It's downplaying both.

There is only one Miyasaki, there will never be another, those who'd try would only be immitations and immitations are never good enough. In that same vein there is only one Hosoda, one Shinkai and Anno.
To be fair, the only reason Anno made anything noteworthy is because he went kinda nuts.

EDIT: we are talking about Hideaki Anno, the guy who made Evangelion, right? Otherwise I'll look like a right fool.
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Is it me or is Rebellion in DMC4 pretty underwhelming compared to other weapons? Let's do the rundown here:

Red Queen
- Can be charged with some weird oil to give it flaming attacks.
- Is not actually a devil arm, yet has power to match them, giving it a lot of badass points.

- Crazy powerful in lore, with how the Order of the Sword basically causes Demon Armageddon with it.
- Gives Nero his Devil Trigger.
- Dante uses it to slice the Fortuna Hell Gate apart from like 500 feet away.
- Can slice a ridiculous amount of times even when sheathed (Judgment Cut).
- Has extremely sick looking moves like Dante's Dimension Slash.

- Can be charged to have burning needles come out of the gauntlets and has sawblades on its feet.
- Has some pretty broke moves (Real Impact).

- Box that can turn into a Minigun, Rocket Launcher, gigantic Laser Cannon, and an entire vehicle.
- Has some interesting stuff behind it because of what opening it for an extended period of time could mean.

- Pierces people with exploding swords.
- Comes with a rose.

Force Edge
- Is one of Sparda's actual swords, instantly giving it massive badass points.
- Has a lot of multi-hits with high concentration.
- Has a much faster Million Stab than Rebellion.

Sparda (sword)
- Is THE Sword of Sparda.
- Looks extremely sick.
- Has transform-y features (see Trish in DMC4).

And then we have Rebellion.
- Has one slow move where it shoots a demon shockwave which is kinda cool.
- Can stab really quickly, though that seems more like Dante's skill with the weapon than something about Rebellion itself.
- Occasionally gets charged with Dante's demon energy, otherwise it just slices and stabs.

Rebellion seems really unimpressive to me compared to all other weapons. Most of the things that make it cool can be attributed to Dante's skill rather than the sword itself being special.