Chapter nine! Finally! =D Why are these chapters so long? D:
Lemonade. <3
Why are these chapters so long?
The real question is, why can't I wake up with gulls and sunlight (and to think I live near the sea too), instead of always being almost thrown off the bed by the loud ass sound of my mom's vacuum cleaner?
then you need to get into a ship wreck via krakens and giant storms
Krakens! Always Krakens! I play Evolve, there's a Kraken! I watch Wrath of the Titans, Kraken! I go to Pornhub, there's a Kraken!
Daaaaaang, what are sea monsters doing watching porn?!
They don't watch it, Shadow... they don't watch it! They ARE the porn! Violating poor hentai girls for their animalistic needs with their disgusting tentacles!
...now I feel like I need therapy again.
"Once we've concluded our business here, it's important you know... I shall endeavor to find the most creative of endings for the digimon.Who's with me?
Speaking of things that'll kill Digimon, have you seen the upcoming Digimon anime? It's about "Appli-Monsters" and is Digimon in name only really."Once we've concluded our business here, it's important you know... I shall endeavor to find the most creative of endings for the digimon.
Those capri yoga pants... :facepalm:It looks terrible. :vomit:
Indeed, it's such a shame really. Digimon was having a revival in recent years with several good games and the successful "Adventure: Tri" movie series.Those capri yoga pants... :facepalm:
Indeed, it's such a shame really. Digimon was having a revival in recent years with several good games and the successful "Adventure: Tri" movie series.
This on the other hand is looking like it'll be the "Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric" of Digimon. :'(