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One sports a red color scheme while the other sports a more cool blue-ish scheme. (Granted this could be just Japan's thing of separating heroes and villains in general with the whole "red is the heroes color" stuff)
This is actually a layered thing.

First, you're right that the hero gets to wear red. Very common, even Power Rangers has it as a carryover with the leader being the red ranger.
Second, the Red vs Blue comes from an old folk story of the Red Oni and the Blue Oni. The Red Oni was emotional yet kind to humans and eventually accepted by them. The Blue Oni was intelligent but stoic, still he sacrificed himself to protect the Red Oni's happiness. (Vergil preventing Dante from trying to save him from falling into Hell.)
It was nice, getting a bit more done on the prequels. But for now, I should put them on the backburner. If I try to do too much at once without having things more fleshed out, I'm bound to forget an important detail or two, or create some sort of inconsistency.

+I'm in denial about the scene at the very end. He didn't get shot...he didn't get shot...that was just a sigh of resignation upon seeing a child using a heavy automatic weapon, that's all. Ko is fine... After all that crap, something like that couldn't take him out...right? ._.

It's stuff like this that makes me resist becoming emotionally invested in a character. :'(

++Left-over Chili! :thumbsup:
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I should not have to freaking explain that Harley Quinn fighting back against the Joker from time to time doesn't make her the abusive party in the relationship. :banghead:
I should not have to freaking explain that Harley Quinn fighting back against the Joker from time to time doesn't make her the abusive party in the relationship. :banghead:

I'm afraid to even ask....

The fact that I can't turn into a dragon is really disappointing. I have needs, universe. Needs that can only be fulfilled by turning into a giant, scaled lizard and breathing fire on people while I fly around. Also hoarding treasure...something something muscley women kicking my butt....
Finally, some more rain. I hope it pours all night; I sleep best when it does. ^^

+ Oh, dear. Why does the story wind up steering off-course like this? O_o Now I'm going to have to improvise how they get from point A to point B.

++I've dodged reading that so many times over the past year or so, and even after paying for it on kindle--grand total of $1--I still couldn't see it through to conclusion. On the plus side, I've more or less satisfied my curiosity and assuaged my fears, considering the story shared an uncommon character name with my own. They couldn't be more different; both the character and the storyline. I feel much better now. :whistle:
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I get why they say "Haters gonna hate".

It doesn't sound as catchy if you say "Haters gonna have a serious disapproval of this".


In other news - http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2012/10/ibles-and-ables/

Hmm, pretty sure I'm good with my 'ibles' and 'ables'.

Edable: Something that can be eaten. Therefore, you're 'able' to eat it. So this should be the correct spelling.

Bable: It's a book. Therefore you can read it, you're 'able' to look at it.

Readible: When you dibble in something it's getting yourself involved with that something. There might be a book I want to dibble in, so therefore it's readible.

There's loads more. I can't believe it's so easy, yet so many people spell these things wrong on a daily basis. It's laughible, really.
Part of me wants to start the next movie or series suggested, but my mind is still set firmly in the previous anime's world. Anime hangovers are a thing (and all the more reason to add it to my shelf in the future).

*Hems and haws for a while* Okay, I'll start that next.

+I wish it had rained longer. Grass still looks prickly. And yellow. :unsure:
Oh my god, the cows have escaped! They're roaming around freely including on country lanes.

Okay, for those that don't know. I live in the boonies, surrounded by fields, some of which have animals grazing on them. But somehow a bunch of cows have gotten loose and need rounding up. Especially worrying is that there are two young calves among that bunch.
In my playthrough of Fallout Shelter, this guy


has been doing nothing but doing women to increase the Vault's dweller count. He's the only one with a Happiness level of 100%.
