Remember how people thought DmC Dante was modeled after his creator (I won't name names, but you guys know)?
I'm going to do something even worse in my newest fanfic idea: I'm going to make him... me. Literally, me.
As a sort of a "mantle" to be passed down on (inspired by Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow). Kind of how Vergil possessed Nero.
I still want to do the DMC: Rebirth story... but now I was really thinking about how I would go about these things if I were Dante himself.
If you go to 23:20 in the vid, you can see how Vergil is able to control those "summoned swords" with his mind. Earlier in the vid (22:00), there was a guy pouring fish OUT of an empty bucket.
I'll only post the latter part of the link because there's this one guy who raises another from the dead.
Do I believe any of this? Not really. But it's fun to watch, and it would be interesting to see how a demonic magician storyline could play out in the DMC universe.
"DMC: Legacy"
That's what I'm calling it.