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I bet. You're so lucky man. That sounded like a fantastic show.

Besides Breaking Benjamin's setlist, did Disturbed play their cover of "The Sound of Silence"? I was surprised with how good they did on that song. Totally owned it.
Yeah, they did. I was pleasantly surprised with how well that cover turned out too. I like how different it is from the original version. Disturbed is always pretty on the money with their covers. Their takes on "Shout" and "Land Of Confusion" are really cool too.
was gamecube a more capable hardware than ps2?

i seriously prefer supergirl's direction more than flash's, the production value just seems alot better..

brandon the builder is an interesting theory

how are you doing dear devil may cry? have you forgot about me? about us?

tom welling is taller than brandon routh..

legends of tomorrow is one weird show, fun, but weird..
I seriously need to figure out their exact birthdays...wait, I have Forneus'...I think. August...something. 20th? 25th? *Shrugs* It's somewhere in there. What the hell is Phe's, though? And Gwen? -Undecided if she turned 15 the same year WoN takes place, or if she's going on 16 with a birthday late in the year-. You'd think I'd have figured it out by now... :unsure:

And bonus scene, just because...though maybe I'll turn it into a dream, recalling certain events for Forneus. Otherwise it would be too much of the same within a couple of chapters. In sum, I don't want to leave out his experiences/feelings on a certain occurrence, but it's better off being a memory sequence.

+I shouldn't even be thinking about any of this right now. What I should be doing is making sure everything that is required for the next four days is packed, and that the housework is taken care of. ._.
- There's Asian sizes and then there's Barbie doll sizes. Hate it when an ebayer poses as British but actually they are just a front for their online Chinese shop with no concept of exactly how big an inch is. This jumper would barely fit my cat.

- Gotta love me some snark. Makes me feel alive :laugh:

- Teenage girls plus late night chats with boyfriend plus almost end of term equals looong day of arguing
Amazon reviewer: this film was terrible. Blurry, heads in the way, people talking and laughing. And everything looked far away.

Me: *checks date of review against date of film release. Review is four months before release* Yup, you just bought yourself a pirated film. Moron.
@Deathstroke The funny thing is, that's essentially what I wound up doing after all. Sort of.^^; Apparently it wasn't August I settled on, but June 21st. Granted, with a bit more delving, I've come to realize the Solstice didn't occur between the dates of June 20-23 back then, as it tends to now. Which means changing it to the actual date that it occurred in 1114 A.D.--which apparently was the 15th. Frankly, I'm surprised the information goes back that far (and beyond). O_O

@absolitude Lol! You don't know the half of it. :laugh: I do way too much thinking when I have little time to act on the things I'm thinking of. ^^;
groceries obtained. (I forgot coffee. :'()
pseudo-Mexican food obtained.
s*** I need to throw out, sitting in a nice pile waiting for me to throw it out.
water filter for fridge obtained.
bios are completed.
Can we please commence with writing now?

+ I really want to write about Scarlet's hubby. He sounds awesome.
++ -pats Aelys affectionately- I'm so proud of my vicious lil lesbian werewolf.
By the gods, I gotta level Ieyasu up. That, and get used to his skill set. Masamune makes it easy to take it for granted just how tough some of these boss battles are when you aren't using a character who is both powerful and fast. :cautious:

+Welp, I doubt I'll have time in the morning, so I guess I'd best say my "see you later"s now. ^^; I'll miss you lot--but fortunately, I won't be gone that long. See you all Sunday! :thumbsup:
I just finished watching what there is of the Ace Attorney anime so far. I like it a lot. It really owns the fact that it is a video game adaptation.
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Ok, so... real controversial post here.

Remember how people thought DmC Dante was modeled after his creator (I won't name names, but you guys know)?

I'm going to do something even worse in my newest fanfic idea: I'm going to make him... me. Literally, me.

As a sort of a "mantle" to be passed down on (inspired by Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow). Kind of how Vergil possessed Nero.

I still want to do the DMC: Rebirth story... but now I was really thinking about how I would go about these things if I were Dante himself.


If you go to 23:20 in the vid, you can see how Vergil is able to control those "summoned swords" with his mind. Earlier in the vid (22:00), there was a guy pouring fish OUT of an empty bucket.


I'll only post the latter part of the link because there's this one guy who raises another from the dead.

Do I believe any of this? Not really. But it's fun to watch, and it would be interesting to see how a demonic magician storyline could play out in the DMC universe.

"DMC: Legacy"

That's what I'm calling it.

Edit: Whoa. There's even a magician named "Dante" here -- and he's got some demonic imagery on the stage (4:43).

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Brain: Here's some fluff for Blackout! =D
Me: But...last chapter was about 60% fluff...and the chapter before it had fluff...actually, almost every chapter of this fic has had fluff....
Brain: Yeeeeeaaaah, but...we need to give them it now. To prepare them.
Me: -_- The trap doesn't need extra fluffing. It'll get to them even without it. It's a good trap. No one but you knows what's planned.
Brain: But the fluff will give it more punch.
Me: It doesn't need more punch!

...help. OTL

+ I'm still amazed no one called me out on the "son of a succubus's whore" line when I posted that all that time ago...and that no one has brought up that that technically means she's inferring he's either a) half demon or b) an incubus.
Playing some Evolve as Goliath, I've come to learn that the tactic everyone uses to ALWAYS kill the medic first isn't the best.

As long as you're at Stage 1, you wanna kill the trapper if it's Abe, cause he can slow you down immensely with his Stasis Grenades and track you with his darts, and then good luck getting rid of the hunters. Otherwise prioritize the assaulter, cause he's the guy who deals massive damage and without him the hunters will be crippled in damage dealing.
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