I know I'm a bit bias, but I feel the baste way to salvage this conversation is to quilt while we're ahead and darn the consequences. Gusset's just me, though.

I feel as if this conversation was tailored just for us though.
Happy to serveCT: Effing living bombs. What is my imagination anymore? Thanks Hunter.
What's the power armor for? Is it because your first hug recipient is a god of death? Trust me, I'm gentle. And fragile.
Can't move, weather too hot...send help.
I'm so freaking jelly of you right now. Disturbed is great, and Saint Asonia sounds good from what I've heard, but Breaking Benjamin is one of my favorite bands of all time. I freaking would love to see them.Alright, Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, and Saint Asonia was a great concert. Just Like You got added to Three Days Grace songs I've got to hear live. Breaking Benjamin has some the best crowd participation ever. The only negative is the tools who had to start a mosh pit right where I was standing.
Yeah, they did. It was cool. When I went to see them last November , they did this cool thing where they shut off all of the stage lights and had everyone in the crowd use their flashlight apps/phones to light the place up it was super cool, it was either during Ashes of Eden or Give Me A Sign, I can't remember which one it was exactly.I'm so freaking jelly of you right now. Disturbed is great, and Saint Asonia sounds good from what I've heard, but Breaking Benjamin is one of my favorite bands of all time. I freaking would love to see them.
Just wondering, Breaking Benjamin play "Ashes of Eden"? Personally, that's probably my favorite song of the amazing Dark Before Dawn album. Such a beautiful song.
I bet. You're so lucky man. That sounded like a fantastic show.Yeah, they did. It was cool. When I went to see them last November , they did this cool thing where they shut off all of the stage lights and had everyone in the crowd use their flashlight apps/phones to light the place up it was super cool, it was either during Ashes of Eden or Give Me A Sign, I can't remember which one it was exactly.