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Active social lives are where writerly intentions go to die. By the time yesterday's craziness had ended, I was too tired to do more than 400 words. ._. Here's hoping I can at least double that today. :cautious:

+ I really hope we get some rain soon...

++Happy Father's Day to all the dads on the forums! ^^
Was reading an article on conspiracies. My favorite conspiracist are the ones who think the Illuminati are out to overthrow America, and start their spiel by explaining how key Founding Fathers were members.
Had my hair cut short, pixie style again. Not really happy how it turned out. I gave the guy a picture of a style where the hair is combed over to one side and then cut to keep it off face, he left it in default mode, falling to both sides, what I call "rookie male detective" style. And told me I could just comb it over to one side. :meh:
At least the back is cut nice, I love the freedom.
I gave the guy a picture of a style where the hair is combed over to one side and then cut to keep it off face, he left it in default mode, falling to both sides, what I call "rookie male detective" style. And told me I could just comb it over to one side. :meh:

I just tell my barber "Look, just cut it so that when I wake up it still looks nice".

So I don't have to adjust my hair anymore in the bathroom. Just a hand slide and voila.
I just tell my barber "Look, just cut it so that when I wake up it still looks nice".

So I don't have to adjust my hair anymore in the bathroom. Just a hand slide and voila.
I tried that once, maybe twice, still ended up with the hairstyle I have now, kinda like it's my curse to have it.
The last two times I brought a picture. The lady boss got it right, the second time was the young dude and he got it almost right (he screwed up the bangs just a little), and this time it was the dude again and like he forgot what he needs to do few minutes after seeing the photo.
Doesn't matter, I'll just try combing it over when I wash my hair.
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I tried that once, maybe twice, still ended up with the hairstyle I have now, kinda like it's my curse to have it.
The last two times I brought a picture. The lady boss got it right, the second time was the young dude and he got it almost right (he screwed up the bangs just a little), and this time it was the dude again and like he forgot what he needs to do few minutes after seeing the photo.
Doesn't matter, I'll just try combing it over when I wash my hair.

Have you tried trimming it yourself? I usually have to do that cuz the hair dressers around here don't seem to know how to cut bangs straight. :|

Some of the rules for gothic horror don't make sense....
Wow, Amazon. That's uh...that's quite a long gap in the estimated arrival date, there. :cautious: I wonder which one of the items is holding the order up? If I remove it for now, maybe the other two items will be shipped faster? (Don't want to pay the extra fee for separate shipments. I'm cheap thrifty like that.) I hope the other thing comes today, like it says it will.

+I'm really sick of this lack of sleep thing. :thumbsdown:

++Writing, or housework? Ha! Like it's any contest...
Trying to name...things without getting too crude or too anatomical is painful. Coincidentally, if there's anyone willing to help give me some feedback on an nsfw scene, I'd be eternally grateful. It's probably terrible, but...y'know.... -only about half done with it so will send it to whomever wants to give feedback when it's done-

+ Coffee? -coffee zombie mode--lumbers around in search of coffee-
Me me me!
Me me me!

=D Shall I email it to you?

I'm thinking Donald Trump gets scarier everyday. Calling for racial and religious profiling now? Jesus Christ.

Maybe he'll get lucky and fall off a skyscraper. Oh, did I say he? I meant we.
He's ticked off a lot of people, I'd be surprised if he makes it through this election unscathed. To hell with him, though, he deserves it.

My shirt! My shirt! =D

+ I dunno how I'm going to get through this stack of books by next Camp NaNo. @_@ Time to not sleep, me thinks.
Oh, cool. I didn't have to change anything; Amazon split the item that's slated to come later from those already ready to ship. ^^ That should sate me until the last item arrives, I wager.

+I have yet to figure out how an eight-year-old can eat twice the amount of pizza that I do, yet still remain so scrawny. Kiddo, you have a killer metabolism. Consider me jealous. :'(

++That was one hell of a storm yesterday. Pity it didn't stay dark and cloudy after, but at least it cooled down. ^^ (And thankfully, no tornado; with these severe storms, you can never tell).