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OMG someone finally made this for me

I got lucky reqested it in a draw thread and an anon drew it for me.
I can't tell if this book is boring, or if I'm just reading it at the wrong time.

+Hmm...I'll have to make it a point to flesh these supporting characters out a bit more. I wonder if I should wait to do a lot of that during the FotS revisions later on, or if it's okay to give them a bit more attention in the third book, alone.

Then again, a fair number of these characters will wind up getting more coverage during the prequels, too. I'm sure some people will assume I glossed over them during the WoN trilogy, but to be frank, these books aren't their time to shine. Still...I should try to find an equilibrium to dispel the possibility of such knee-jerk responses. Why I'm even concerned with it at this stage is beyond me. :facepalm:
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I have the feeling jump squats are not good for people with bad knees. :S

+ Apparently I'm too harsh with family members. Not really sure how to respond to that. Or how many of them realize I'm only harsh when they keep pushing at me. ...wait, so if I'm quiet I'm "grumpy" but if I respond I'm "harsh"? How does that work? O_o
++ "I thought you were supposed to be writing last night; you were on xbox for hours." :| Why the heck were you looking at how many hours I was playing? Didn't you have stuff you were meant to be doing? B'sides, I write between missions...don't give me that look.... >_>

Now that ive thought about it (this post is a sequel to my post in the whatereyouwatching? thread) I do think Colin has a point about Naughty Dog not going back to Jak and Daxter (and also crash Bandicoot). Gaming takes a ton of time and the people who had key roles in Jak and crash left already.

I disagree about Colin's thoughts on the creative side because I never bought into the hype of the first three uncharted games storytelling wise. They are more popcorn generic action films but told really well and acted really well. So i don't think it's that big of a gulf as he says it is. His reasoning is more for Crash Bandicoot which would be a Saturday morning cartoon game where Jak and Daxter became closer to Fullmetal Alchemist or Samurai champloo the early adult swim/ current Toonami stuff.

Plus Jak 2 was considered Naughty Dog's first attempt at mature storytelling so I dont think its impossible for them to do a grounded yet fantasy based Jak and daxter story writing wise.