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I've got laundry to do but I REALLY DON'T WANT TO.
I've also got dishes to do but I REALLY DON'T WANT TO.
And ironing. NOOOOOOO.
I just want to write. D:

Basically me right now. Except I'm procrastinating by discussing smutty Regency-era AUs of video games on Skype. I...should probably be doing dishes. OTL
So, I've been talking to this girl on a dating site for a few days now, and things have went swimmingly. Like, really good. We just seem to click ya know. She seems just as nerdy as me and is rather cute. Things went so well, when I brought up Dungeons and Dragons, she was actually rather interested in joining us.

So, I just might possibly have a date lined up this Saturday, getting to know this girl more while also playing D&D.

Also, I maybe should note that it was not my idea to try and meet up already, but hers.

Is it a bad thing to wanna meet each other already after a few days of talking? What do you peeps think?

I can't think of any downside to it. We both seemed to hit it off really well. And she honestly seems like a nice, genuine girl who is actually looking for some real companionship. Not just some lay.

My first date in Godzilla knows how long, I'm rather excited. Hoping it happens Saturday.
No, Brain! It's too soon to start the next draft; we will stick to these outlines at least until sometime in June. The flaws in FotS will keep until then. Geez. >.> (Besides, we kind of need the outlines, if we have any hope in hell of actually writing book three).

+ I hope the in-laws let us know soon whether they're coming up to visit, or not. Then I'll have just cause to make housework a priority; right now, besides dishes? I just don't care.
So I just finished the main story of "Pokémon X" right? And AZ is my new favourite character. I would love to see a future anime movie dedicated to him.

Even if it was just to see this animated.

Truly an underrated character.
@Chancey289 Good luck! (≧ω≦)ゞ

CT: I've been playing some MHU4 and having a blast with dual swords. lol I'm also getting better at it too. So it's a win win. Also thinking about getting Fire Emblem Conquest. +_+ Looks to be a lot of fun. hehehe

Also, I think my writing is doing well. Even though my muse is still all over the place with ideas. lol I might be able to get this little short story done....soonish.
I think I need to tighten up on how much info I put in these scene outlines. Going a bit overboard with the details again. :cautious: Why do I never remember to do the quick, general outline first? It would probably prevent the info clutter from happening in the first place.
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Wow, weather's still drunk. Two mornings in a row, it's been sunny, blue skies--still somewhat chilly, aside from the week where it was unbearably hot--but by the afternoon, it's overcast and cold. O_o

+Please, please let the Foxglove/"Camelot Rose" come back this year. Prove that I don't fail with perennials. It was so pretty.