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Person: "So, I heard you like this character."
Me: "Yeah, but I'm trying to stop liking them so much so I can get back to writing for old fandoms."
Person: "But, like, what if I told you I have a link to all this fanart for this character and I'll give you it if you want me to."
Me: "...d*mn you and your gods. -_-"
Person: "So...that's a no?"
Me: "...gimme."

And that's how my pictures file is once again overloaded with fanart. <3 So much love...so much pain....

+ Hmm...I think I'll start that short I told @Rebel Dynasty about. Maybe that'll get it out of my system. Doubtful, but whatever...I'm trying...stop judging me. D:
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I wish people wouldn't nitpick when I've got like a dozen pages up on deconstructing a fantasy language. It's like...c'mon, guys, I'm suffering for you and about two seconds away from paying someone to make sure I'll get all this grammatically correct because words are hard to string together, so cut me some slack. 'Fore I write you into a fic...you don't want that...you know what happens to all my OCs in a fic....

+ Coffee? Coffee.
It's almost one in the morning.
Coffee. -_-
@Shadow Oh gods, I can just imagine the headache involved (deconstructing language). Best of luck with that and starting the short. I hope it helps (and of course, don't be afraid to link me). ^^

CT: I love how, (more often than not) when I try to do an accent, it doesn't come out as well. But if I watch a movie, and the actors just happen to have British, Scottish, what-have-you accents...I start speaking like them without even meaning to. Damn you, Braveheart... You can stop laughing, hubby. >.>

+Brain, can we please focus on one task at a time? Yes, I want to work on everything at once, too. But we don't have the capacity--so one at a time! Got it? :facepalm:
@Shadow Oh gods, I can just imagine the headache involved (deconstructing language). Best of luck with that and starting the short. I hope it helps (and of course, don't be afraid to link me). ^^

Thank you! I'm sure the suffering will be worth it. I'll probably have to beg the person helping me to spell check since they know the language better...even if I have to save up for a "donation" to their paypal page (since this is their field of work and it would only be fair). LOL I can guarantee to pester you a million times before it's done. xD
I do the accent thing, too, btw. >_> I wonder why that happens.

Yep, rip my heart out, characters. You can do it. Let's give them all the feels. (I know we usually hold back to half-of-all-the-feels, but I'm feeling generous...give it all to them.)
I haven't actually used my facebook in months but i got an email a while ago saying i signed in from an odd location
I reset my password but i was to lazy to put a phone number until today

so now I got around to it
turns out I must have been hacked or something cus my profie pic was changed to 3 random chicks and I have no idea who the hell they are.

I don't even no how to respond to that happening
but mostly cus I don't actually care enough to put effort into being upset
Thank gods it's raining. It can do this all day for all I care. The heat was getting a bit too prickly for me.

+I don't know when, but one of these days, once I've gotten the last commission paid up, I'm getting one done of a certain fire-starter in the swankiest of 50s clothing; think gumshoe. Oh gods, I might be dying right now. :inlove:

++Alternating between these outlines is actually a lot less headache-inducing than I thought. ^^
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"Yeah, I'm willing to give you lessons . What do you need help with?" Everything. No, dude, don't give me that look; I'm serious. My mind is a black hole of missing information where very little makes sense unless you explain every little detail. This will be hard for both of us. ._.

+ -starts writing- Sweet Avo, this feeling is wonderful.
Went see Captain America: Civil War again tonight, and was able to analyze it more properly this time around as a film, and it's still freaking fantastic. There's just so much that movie did right. It really does know how to balance so many characters and give them enough time to shine for some great character moments and development. That final act still gives me some feels because it's like an emotional horror story.

It overall makes me hate Batman V Superman even more because when you compare them it amplifies the problems with that film even more. They can't help but be compared at the end of the day, and Civil War just mops the floor with that movie. The motivations and dynamics between the characters actually carry emotional and impactful weight. Their reasons for being at odds are actually more compelling and understandable, and the fallout of this conflict is evident and note worthy. It actually breaks the typical mold of previous Marvel movies and offers a plot that is definitely more of substance than Marvel's usual fair. The Captain America movies seem the have this particular strength especially.

The Russo Brothers have clearly shown once again they can deliver a thought provoking superhero movie and really put a stronger light on the biggest strengths of the MCU, the characters. The audience I notice is definitely feeling it a lot more and I have to mention that as well. When I saw Batman v Superman, I saw it with a big crowd and literally NO ONE seemed invested in it. There was just this drab feeling in the air. No one chuckled at its very small attempts at humor, and no one walked away from the film clapping or anything.

Civil War on the other hand really drew in people and their was reactions all throughout. The well placed humor got chuckles, the spectacle drew excitement, and the emotional scenes even brought about gasp. I heard people in the theater literally go "holy crap" when **** really hit the fan. I think that speaks a lot about the quality of this film as well.

These people have been following and loving these characters for years now, and seeing them being torn apart actually connects with the audience. Unlike Batman v Superman which throws SO MUCH at you all at once and just tries to force you to care.

*claps* That's good storytelling. Now overall, while the film still has flaws, like as much as I love Spider-Man in it, he doesn't add all that much to the plot. But his purpose is still served and he's actually incorporated in to the plot well. It still makes sense and opens new doors for the MCU. Unlike Wonder Woman's guest appearance in BvS that literally serves no purpose whatsoever. She has no reason to be in that film other than to quickly build up DC's universe with more characters.

Civil War was definitely one of Marvel's strongest films and raised the bar once again for superhero films. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite superhero movies ever.
Was just told my hair is "a little curly today". It's about five times it's normal volume and frizziness and nothing I do will make it go back to it's normal smooth-waviness. If I take my hair out of its bun, it tries to suffocate me. I don't think it's "a little curly", I think it might be possessed. Do we still have that stash of holy water here or do I need to find my local Temple of Avo?

+ The latest trend of myself and one of my friends is for us to make bad puns about video games and talk about how each character in game would respond. Plus side is that we both about die with laughter each time. I'm running out of puns, though...for once....
Yo man, parrying with your elbows? In a spar? Totally legit in a real self defense situation but come on, this is a simple spar.

My foot is gonna be swollen for days. Sigh... sometimes rookies can be more dangerous than experts.
Avoiding spoilers has become a full-time commitment of late. :cautious:

+Popping bubble-wrap is only therapeutic if you're the one doing it. Listening to someone else do it is tantamount to waking the dragon.

++I think I need to take a couple of days (or so) off from reading online. At least long enough to read a physical book or two. I have more than a few on my shelves, yet to be read (and others I want to read again).
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Geez seen that new Pokemon M/S starters, but that for Leaf type, that owl Rowlett, too cute
Team Litten, representing.
