That face when people you like actually support that human garbage Donald Trump....

It seems instead he says " a project dear to anyone", he says " a project near/next to anyone". He mixed some letters apparently.Dude one of my brothers friends is a Donald Trump supporter and you wouldn't believe how dumb his arguments were as to why he's voting for Trump, our back and forth actually got pretty ugly. Believe me, I know how you feel.
I'm lost on what "in a project next to everyone" means, I know it's lost in translation but does he mean in a project near and dear to us or something else. I think he straight up used Google translate for this one.
FotS first draft, done! ^^
(At least I'm not crying this time). :blush:
Awful Marvel movie.
I'm confused, why are people saying it's Mother's Day today?
Huh, I didn't realise it was celebrated differently internationally.Because in the U.S. and Canada at least, that's what day it is. :laugh: You're in the UK, right? I can't remember if yours comes before or after ours. ^^; I know it's different in other countries, too.