Friday, get over here.
The 13th, go away.
Heh, I just realized this accidentally became a Friday the 13th reference.
The 13th, go away.
Heh, I just realized this accidentally became a Friday the 13th reference.
Love The Sands of Time. One of my favorites.just played threw Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time for the first time
and it holds up really well
the only thing that i could say bugged me about the game is the fact that every enemy in the game (save for birds bats and bugs) can only be killed by knocking them down and absorbing there sands or using a move that costs sands
(they did fix this in future games)
so i'm constantly absorbing sands over and over for 4 hours
and i would say this is a down side to the game
but this all leads to near the end of the game you get a weapon that just lets you 1 shot everything
no more absorbing you just plow threw every enemy and it's so freaking satisfying
kind of makes me glad i was forced to absorb all that those sands cus it really payed off in the end for me
the only thing that i could say bugged me about the game is the fact that every enemy in the game (save for birds bats and bugs) can only be killed by knocking them down and absorbing there sands or using moves that costs sands
So, what do people think of the new avatar and sig?
But yeah, Warrior Within improved combat A LOT.
46. Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z
Wait, wasn't this Vergil's plan too?!
While it is not literally the same to the last word, what little we know of Vergil's plan makes them seem very much similar. Arkham is the scientist, he can open the gate to Hell, Vergil wants more power and tries to get it through demonic way of fighting, and his ultimate goal is conquering demon world, most likely killing quite a number of them in the process and putting the rest under his boot, all so that the boy who tried to protect his family is never taken lightly by them.
While it is not literally the same to the last word, what little we know of Vergil's plan makes them seem very much similar. Arkham is the scientist, he can open the gate to Hell, Vergil wants more power and tries to get it through demonic way of fighting, and his ultimate goal is conquering demon world, most likely killing quite a number of them in the process and putting the rest under his boot, all so that the boy who tried to protect his family is never taken lightly by them.
Umm, if he wanted Sparda's power to emulate him, then he is going to use it to kill large number of demons and help humanity either as ultimate goal or lucky side-effect.The game doesn't say anything about him wanting to kill demons. It definitely wasn't his goal, his goal was to acquire Sparda's power in order to be like him and emulate him.
Also, freeing humanity. Yeah I wouldn't put my hand on a fire about it.
The part with the scientist, that I can see.
I dunno, doesn't look THAT much the same. Kinda twisted.