Taking another break from here because of upcoming Python Level 3 programming class on Friday.
Thinking about saving up the funds to invest in to a Warhammer 40k army. I'm interested in these demon like creatures called Chaos Daemons.
I'm gonna call my army The Matt Daemons and have a general named Ben Affleck.
Way to freak out all your NaNo friends on a yearly basis:
- Only put in a fraction of what you're writing (helps if you're lazy like me and don't feel like putting multiple docs in)
- Emphasize how much you're struggling to keep your word count up (helps if you really are struggling)
- On the last day of NaNo slowly put in your entire word count and validate your novel.
- Wait for them to ask you how you do it.
- Tell them nothing.
+ Okay, I think I did enough. Probably only a gap of 200-300...I can work with that.
++ YES! I WROTE ENOUGH! I am done! I can do whatever I want with the rest of my day! Wheeeeeeeee! -dances- Congrats to all the other NaNo winners. ^^
****ing ridiculously crazy Steam sales. Couldn't help myself and bought Crysis + Warhead, Quake IV and Blazblue: Calamity Trigger.
4.99, 4.99 and 2.24 euros repectively. Amazing discounts and can't wait to play Crysis's awesome multiplayer again, thanks to Germancrysis's patch. A shame GameSpy died.
You sly fox, you! I wondered how you pulled it off. :laugh: Congrats, Shadow!