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I need to study laws and regulations again for 8th of December, though different ones this time. The amount of candidates is more than a little disheartening, and somehow I don't see myself passing the fast-typing test after this one, but hey, at least I can't say I didn't try.
I hate though that my politeness turned into a different employer being interested in me, cause a job in a call center, and one where I'd have to converse solely in German, I'd rather drop like a hot potato. Phone surveys, worse than scrubbing toilets.

We used to have such great industry, many factories... now they just close one after another.
Thinking about saving up the funds to invest in to a Warhammer 40k army. I'm interested in these demon like creatures called Chaos Daemons.

I'm gonna call my army The Matt Daemons and have a general named Ben Affleck.

Aren't Chaos Daemons only split off from Chaos in Fantasy Battles?
Way to freak out all your NaNo friends on a yearly basis:
- Only put in a fraction of what you're writing (helps if you're lazy like me and don't feel like putting multiple docs in)
- Emphasize how much you're struggling to keep your word count up (helps if you really are struggling)
- On the last day of NaNo slowly put in your entire word count and validate your novel.
- Wait for them to ask you how you do it.
- Tell them nothing. :cool:

+ Okay, I think I did enough. Probably only a gap of 200-300...I can work with that.

++ YES! I WROTE ENOUGH! I am done! I can do whatever I want with the rest of my day! Wheeeeeeeee! -dances- Congrats to all the other NaNo winners. ^^
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Way to freak out all your NaNo friends on a yearly basis:
- Only put in a fraction of what you're writing (helps if you're lazy like me and don't feel like putting multiple docs in)
- Emphasize how much you're struggling to keep your word count up (helps if you really are struggling)
- On the last day of NaNo slowly put in your entire word count and validate your novel.
- Wait for them to ask you how you do it.
- Tell them nothing. :cool:

+ Okay, I think I did enough. Probably only a gap of 200-300...I can work with that.

++ YES! I WROTE ENOUGH! I am done! I can do whatever I want with the rest of my day! Wheeeeeeeee! -dances- Congrats to all the other NaNo winners. ^^

You sly fox, you! I wondered how you pulled it off. :laugh: Congrats, Shadow!

CT: Please let there be sleep tonight...
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i keep getting a 1:30 long unskipable youtube ad for rockband 4 over and over

i don't us adblock cus i'm fine if an ad here or there can support the people i watch but this is ridiculous
i'm never going to buy rockband 4 just to spite this ad

congratulations Harmonix this ad did the exact opposite of what you wanted it to do
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****ing ridiculously crazy Steam sales. Couldn't help myself and bought Crysis + Warhead, Quake IV and Blazblue: Calamity Trigger.

4.99, 4.99 and 2.24 euros repectively. Amazing discounts and can't wait to play Crysis's awesome multiplayer again, thanks to Germancrysis's patch. A shame GameSpy died.
****ing ridiculously crazy Steam sales. Couldn't help myself and bought Crysis + Warhead, Quake IV and Blazblue: Calamity Trigger.

4.99, 4.99 and 2.24 euros repectively. Amazing discounts and can't wait to play Crysis's awesome multiplayer again, thanks to Germancrysis's patch. A shame GameSpy died.

Blazblue is actually good, i have that for PSP and ended spending some good time with this fighting game.
Are the buses cancelled? Are they not? Seriously, what the hell is going on? It figures the bus site has an error right now, and I can't reach anyone in the main office to confirm. All I have is a forecast of potential periods of freezing rain today, and a text from the hubby saying there are bus cancellations--presumably from hearing it on the radio, but not enough to know which buses they might be.

I guess we'll just have to get ready, in case they aren't cancelled.... >.>

Edit: Found the site for the local radio station. Looks like buses across the county are cancelled. Yay, more time to actually enjoy my coffee! ^^
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You sly fox, you! I wondered how you pulled it off. :laugh: Congrats, Shadow!

-ebil laughs- Seriously, though, I didn't think I'd make it this year. @_@
Thankies! ^^ Congrats to you, as well. =3

The fact that Eddie drinks hot cocoa and has his henchmen make it for him slays me. I wonder if he wears question mark jammies and fuzzy green socks while he drinks it. Do his henchmen act as therapists as well?

+ I forgot how good eggy in a basket is. Especially when you don't have much to make breakfast with.